Home production: the best business ideas

Home production: the best business ideas
Home production: the best business ideas

Earn income without leaving home - today almost every one of us has such a dream. For some, this is the only way to earn money. Mothers on maternity leave, people with disabilities, students and retirees are often looking for options where they can receive money and stay in their usual comfortable conditions.

There are a huge number of different offers for earning in this way. Some of them are real, some are not, but they all involve working with the help of the Internet and social networks. But for some reason, not many talk about how you can organize your own small business by creating a home mini production.

The options are actually countless - from making decorative flowers to decorate weddings, to pickling vegetables. It all depends on the desire, skills and features of production.

Types of production

If you properly understand the issues of home production, there are several main directions. It all depends on the product being produced, the required equipment and the required skills. Usually,organizing a home business, a person builds on what he already has. It can be a sewing machine, a meat grinder, knitting needles and a hook, a seamer, etc. Accordingly, the production can be:

  • sewing;
  • culinary;
  • manual.

Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Sewing production

Almost every home has a sewing machine. From a grandmother, mother or aunt, no matter where, the main thing is that she works and you can sew on her.

Probably, every second mother sewed costumes for her child for children's parties, shortened trousers or created dresses for dolls to please her daughter. But did she think that it was possible to sew not only for herself and her family, but also for others for a certain monetary reward? Unlikely. But in vain!

Handmade clothes on the market are not cheap, and if it is also stylish, high quality, then you can earn good money.

Culinary production

One of the options for housewives who not only know how to cook, but make it delicious and, moreover, enjoy the process.

There is a set of necessary equipment in every kitchen, and if something is missing, you don’t need to take a loan at all, just buy everything you need in the nearest store.

Raw materials for home production are also relatively inexpensive. And if you correctly approach its use, you can reduce costs to a minimum. Which over time will generate income.


The thinnest and at the same timethe highest paid job. Handicrafts are highly valued in the market. Of course, this type of production is not suitable for everyone, you need to love what you do, but the reward for the product is more than worthy. Manual production involves the work of hands, without the use of complex equipment. These are decorations, decorative elements and works of visual art.

What is the best way to make money?

When choosing what to do to make money, you should not be guided only by income. First of all, you should focus on what you are good at, what gives you pleasure, and only then think about money. Exactly what you like can unexpectedly bring good profits. Well, to understand, you need to familiarize yourself with the different options for home production.

Idea 1. Production of jam, pickles and marinades

homemade marinade
homemade marinade

Open your own production and sale of jams, marmalades, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or sauerkraut can anyone familiar with cooking. If there is a dacha, then investments in production at the initial stage will be minimal.

You can make products in the kitchen from raw materials grown by yourself: berries, vegetables and fruits. After a couple of years, expanding your home business, your culinary skills will bring a good profit.

The profitability of homemade jam in the cold season is about 30%, and in summer the figure decreases. You can sell home-made products at first to your acquaintances and friends, andWith the help of social networks, you can attract a lot of third-party customers if you manage your marketing policy correctly.

Idea 2. Making unusual paintings

It is not necessary to study at the university as an artist to draw pictures. If you have dreamed of learning this all your life, then act! To make modular paintings to order, you will need: a computer, a printer and other supplies, a canvas and, of course, a good imagination. Such paintings look great in the interior and sell well. No home production equipment required.

Idea 3. Production of cottage cheese and cheese

homemade cheese
homemade cheese

Sour-milk products are good for immunity and should be eaten regularly. Cottage cheese is a special product that is easily digestible, it contains all the useful substances necessary for the body.

To produce cottage cheese, at the initial stage, ordinary cuisine and a large amount of milk are enough. Of course, the production of homemade cheese and cottage cheese is much more profitable if the entrepreneur keeps his own livestock. If not, you will have to look for bona fide suppliers. The advantage of such production is that it is waste-free production. Whatever is left over from the curd making process can also be sold or eaten by yourself.

Idea 4. Production of handmade underwear


Every girl is ready to give a lot for beautiful lingerie. Handicrafts cost, at times, a lot of money.

Manufacture of underwearrequires special sewing skills, a home-made machine and, of course, good taste. When creating sketches, you need to take into account many details: style, color, material. If an entrepreneur does not have the proper sewing skills, you can always invite a professional seamstress to cooperate, who will easily bring all your ideas to life.

A huge plus for a product like underwear is the ease of promotion. Anything that can be beautifully photographed is easily sold. Today, there are several services that allow you to promote your brand and increase sales without huge advertising costs.

Idea 5. Making custom confectionery

home cake
home cake

Today, one of the most popular areas of home production is the production of cakes and cupcakes.

To treat yourself or your loved ones with something sweet is a great happiness. In addition, the master's imagination plays a big role here. So, a cake can be made in the form of a soccer ball, and a cupcake can be made in the form of a minion. Almost every kitchen has the equipment necessary for the manufacture of confectionery, but a lot of raw materials should be purchased. For a high-quality expensive cake, you need to buy quality products, which, unfortunately, are not available in every store. Yes, and they are not cheap.

At home, a medium sized cake takes approximately 3-4 hours to bake and decorate. But the income from such a cake pays for the costs. For a product weighing 1 kg, an average of 3 thousand rubles is taken, while for raw materialsleaves somewhere 1 thousand.

As with underwear, the same principle works here: everything that can be beautifully photographed is easy to sell. Instagram has hundreds of accounts that offer to order cakes and cupcakes from them. And many of them are very popular. So go for it!

Idea 6. Sausage production

homemade sausage
homemade sausage

One of the most difficult types of home business is the production of homemade sausage. In order to produce sausage for sale, it is necessary to purchase special equipment: a meat grinder, a food warmer (a device for boiling sausage), special nozzles, a smokehouse. From raw materials you need meat, lard, sausage casing, spices.

Making homemade sausage is quite a profitable business if you do it from high-quality raw materials, however, it is quite laborious. The long production process and the specifics of production repel many start-up businessmen, which makes such an activity not the most popular.

Idea 7. Decorative floristry

decorative flowers
decorative flowers

Today, many people dream of an unforgettable wedding. A lot of money is spent on outfits, a banquet and, of course, the decoration of the banquet hall. Here they come to the aid of experts in decorative floristry. This is the manufacture of handmade artificial flowers that are used for decoration.

Frankly speaking, home production of decorative flowers is a very painstaking work, it takes a lot of time and requires a lot of concentration. It takes about 6 hours of continuous work for one bouquet, butThe result that is obtained pleases both the customer and the contractor himself. To engage in the manufacture of products of this kind, you need to love your job very much.

The cost of one bouquet is 3 - 5 thousand depending on the region.

Such a product today is in demand only in large cities, where they celebrate on a grand scale and are ready to spend money on details. Most of all, of course, decorative bouquets are ordered in Moscow. Even in St. Petersburg, this business does not bring a stable income.

Idea 8. Making scarves and hats

scarf and hat
scarf and hat

Scarves and hats keep you warm in the cold season, and many people are very sensitive to this element of the wardrobe. There are a huge number of hats and scarves in the stores, but they are not very original, so those who want to stand out order it all from people who offer bespoke items.

To make a scarf or a hat, you only need knitting needles, wool and your skillful hands. No complicated equipment or expensive materials are needed. Of course, it is important that the design is original and stylish, otherwise the demand for such products will be minimal.

The only drawback of such a business is the length of the production process. It may take several days to produce one product, but the price on the market is more than worthy. In the store, a hat costs about 1000 rubles, which means that a handmade product can be sold for 2500 - 3000 rubles.

You can promote your brand and increase the flow of customers with the help of social networks.

Homemademanufacturing is a business for additional income, and in some cases for the main income. Ease of production, low cost of consumables make it highly cost-effective. And social networks allow you to attract new customers without huge investments in advertising.

There are dozens of examples of people who, starting from home production, have promoted their brand to such a level that the franchise is bought throughout the country, the product is ordered from different regions, and even famous people use products that were once sewn on an ordinary sewing machine in an ordinary apartment.

As mentioned earlier and will be proven in practice more than once, you need to do what you love. And it does not matter what it will be - sewing trousers, paintings or making cakes to order. Only by doing what you love, you can get a really good income and at the same time please yourself every day with your own achievements. And by the way, you should always try new things, otherwise you will never know what you really like.
