How do I get back the money you borrowed?

How do I get back the money you borrowed?
How do I get back the money you borrowed?

They don't look for good from good. The saying is as old as the world, but to this day it is relevant. Kind people often pay for their sincerity and gullibility. They can easily lend large sums to friends and family, and then puzzle over how to return the money. If you often find yourself in a similar situation, then the tips from the article may be useful to you.


how to return money to the card
how to return money to the card

What is the easiest way to get my money back? How to ask friends about debt and at the same time not destroy a good relationship? Try to remind your friends that they borrowed money from you. A person with a good income may forget about a small amount that you lent him, for example, to buy street food or some kind of trinket. If your financial situation and moral principles do not allow you to give small amounts to all your friends, then do not hesitate to remind them. How to do it? You can not demand money back, but offer a friend to repay the debt in another way. For example, say, "I paid for dinner last night.once, let's pay this time." The sentence must be in the affirmative, not the interrogative form. Don't let people cash in on you. If you need money, and not payment for some service, then directly tell the person about it: “I lent you 500 rubles last weekend, please return them to me.” If acquaintances simply forgot about their debt, they will repay you quickly and without question.


is it possible to return the money
is it possible to return the money

If your acquaintances do not understand subtle hints and harmless reminders, you need to act more decisively. How to return money that they do not want to give you? Be persistent. Tell the person who borrowed from you that it's time to repay debts. Now you need money and you won't wait another month. But what if a person "forgot" about the debt? Refresh his memory. Recall all the circumstances under which you lent money. You need to remember everything, it is advisable not only to indicate the date and day of the week, but also the time. What for? It is human nature not to trust one's memory. So if you tell a person in the affirmative that on Thursday at 11 am you gave him 200 rubles, he will be sure that this was indeed the case. People are used to ignoring soft-spoken and soft-hearted people. Therefore, if you want to get your way, you will need to rethink your approach.

Appeal to conscience

A person who does not know how to return the money is most likely too decent. This is both good and bad at the same time. How can kindness be bad? The fact thatothers will enjoy the kindness of such people. And the only way for such people to get their money back is to appeal to the conscience of the person who borrowed. He does not need to be shamed or scolded, as they do in kindergarten. You need to approach the person and say that your financial situation is not as good as it may seem to some. Therefore, you do not have the opportunity to give money to all the nice people for no reason. Say that you hope for the person’s conscience and wish to receive the money back in the near future. You can even reproach a friend a little. It is not necessary to say that he is a selfish boor and thinks only of himself. Rather, say that every day your confidence in the individual is falling, and the next time he needs money, you will not give it. It is necessary to awaken the conscience gently so as not to spoil the relationship with the person.


return money through
return money through

If you are an open person, you can confess your poor financial situation. But not all people can do it. Some people think that it is ugly to collect money from friends. But you will become bankrupt if you distribute even small amounts to everyone and everyone. It is not at all selfish to take back what is rightfully yours. Can you get back money you lent to a friend? Can. Feel free to tell him that you want to collect the debt. You can justify your actions by saying that you are going to buy an expensive thing. Or you can say that you are starting to save money for a vacation and want to replenish your current budget. Your main argument should be thatyou need money not sometime in the future, but right now. This attitude may shock your friend, but he will pay you back nonetheless.


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how to get a refund for a game

If you do not trust the person you are lending money to, take a receipt from him. And it is better not to give anything to those persons who seem suspicious to you. On an intuitive level, people feel those personalities with whom they will subsequently have problems. But if, nevertheless, circumstances force you to make a rash act, play it safe. There is nothing wrong with forcing a person to sign a paper stating that he takes money from you and undertakes to return it up to a certain date. Ideally, in addition to a paper agreement, you record a short video where the person lending money confirms that he borrows from you and promises to return the money after a certain period. But what if he chuckles at your desire to play it safe? Don't trust people who don't want to trust you. If a person does not agree to give a receipt, then he understands that he will not be able to return the money on time.

Get a lawyer

refund steam money
refund steam money

Often, friends swear because one person takes a large amount from another, and then does not agree to give it back. He may not deny the very fact that he took the money. But he will argue that there is no way to repay the debt now. Does it make sense to keep in touch with such people? No. Surround yourself with those you can trust. per person,to whom you lent, no arguments and arguments work? Intimidate him that you will sue, you can even hire a lawyer. Before filing papers and initiating a criminal case, take your friend to a lawyer. A conversation with an experienced and savvy person can bring your friend to reason. Such an operation makes sense if you borrowed a large amount. Otherwise, you will not have a chance to fight off litigation. And it makes no sense to start an investigative case just to teach a person a lesson. Don't be vindictive and don't play the role of conduct.

Take money in installments

return the money
return the money

Do you want to collect your debt, but the person is not able to pay you the full amount? Offer him an option in which you take your money in installments. Your friend may say that he does not really like this way of repaying a debt, since he does not have the opportunity to meet with you every few weeks. In this case, you can offer to return the money to the card. How to do it? You can put money on a bank card in any shopping center and even in a large supermarket. Therefore, problems with translations should not arise. If a person agrees to this option, you must agree with him how much you will be returned each month or week. Do not stretch the "pleasure". If you understand that the financial situation of a person is not bad, be persistent and agree on transfers every week.

How to return money for goods

return for goods
return for goods

It's one thing when you lendfriends and they don't want to refund you, and it's quite different when you can't get cash from a store. It often happens that you purchase a product that you need, but it turns out to be defective or simply of poor quality. In the store, it is not always possible to view a thing from all sides. How to return the purchase if you are not satisfied with its quality? Take the goods, check and passport. If you paid for the purchase with a bank card, then you should also take it with you. Let's take an example. How to get a refund for a game purchased in a specialized store? There is nothing easier. Contact the manager or a free cashier with a request to return the money. Next, you will need to fill out an application and indicate the reason for the return. If the payment was made in cash, you can immediately withdraw the money. If you paid with a card, then you will have to wait a few days for the funds to be credited.


  • Let's borrow small amounts. If you are unwilling or afraid to ask to be given back what you have taken, don't lend money at all. Are you afraid that the person will be offended? If someone needs money quickly and urgently, even for one day, he can apply for a bank loan in 5 minutes.
  • Remember that the customer is always right. Even if you have purchased something inexpensive or virtual on the Internet, such as a game, you have the right to return the money. Steam, for example, provides such an opportunity to all its users. As a reason, you can indicate that the product did not meet your expectations.
  • Don't trust the ads. If onthe product says that the company that produces it will return the money for the order - this may not be true. So if you are not sure about the quality of the product, it is better not to take it. Remember: the miser pays twice.