Banking remote service - use and development

Banking remote service - use and development
Banking remote service - use and development

The main goal of each bank is to maximize profits. To achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to attract and interest as many customers as possible. In turn, the client among the whole set of banks chooses the most comfortable option. One of the important selection criteria is a modern approach. Remote servicing is included in the list of services provided by 80% of Russian banks. In this article, we will consider what the remote banking system is and what is the direction of its development.

The concept of RBS

Banking remote service - a technology designed specifically for remote work with the bank. RBS involves comprehensive customer service at the bank without personal presence.

banking remote service
banking remote service

The RBS system has long been used in Europe and the USA. In Russia, a similar systemintegrated fairly recently. However, stable development of the RBS system is observed every year. Every year more and more customers actively use virtual banking.

The essence of remote banking is that a large number of banking operations - paying bills, receiving statements, processing applications, registering payment documents, etc. - can be carried out in absentia without personal presence.

Remote banking includes:

  • Bank-client system.
  • Internet Client System.
  • Telephone-client system.
  • ATM-banking service and use of banking devices.

System "Bank-Client" or "Fat Client"

The principle of the system is to remotely access the client through a computer program. For this type of work, you need to contact the bank for technological guidance and installation of the program. The remote banking system also has a second name - "Fat Client". It integrated from abroad (remote banking, home banking). A specialized program stores the client's personal data and the history of transactions with the bank. Through an individual communication channel, the client program is connected to the banking one. For continuous operation, the client needs constant communication via a modem or fixed Internet.

remote banking system
remote banking system

Greatestthe number of users of the "Bank-client" system is observed among legal entities. The convenience of work lies in the fact that obtaining information, displaying the current state of the account and performing many operations is done remotely.

A well-established system of mutual cooperation called "Client-bank" is used by many large enterprises. The banking program provides for the creation of payment documents, as well as full tracking of all movements of funds on accounts.

System "Internet client", or "Thin client"

At the moment, more than 50% of the country's population uses Internet-based remote banking services. Most Russian banks already use this system. Almost every bank has its own website where you can get all the information you need.

remote banking services
remote banking services

The "Internet-Client" or "Thin Client" system (Internet banking, Web-banking) does not require the installation of additional software. To work in the system, it is enough to have access to the Internet. In the personal account, each client has the opportunity to view the data on his account, receive statements, pay for services, as well as fill out applications for certain banking services.

For the convenience of work, mobile versions have been created, with the help of which the user can carry out the same operations from a smartphone.

Telephone-client system

The simplest type, which involves remote banking, isproviding and processing information by phone. "Telephone client" includes phone-banking and SMS-banking.

Sberbank remote banking
Sberbank remote banking

Banking service requires a call center where you can contact a bank representative.

The scheme for processing and transmitting information has several options:

  • client communicates with operator;
  • client receives information via voice menu;
  • client receives information via SMS banking;

The list of services provided to the client is limited: by phone you can only get the information you are interested in and enter several types of applications. However, further operations for cashing out or transferring funds require identification and personal presence.

ATM-banking service and use of banking devices

One of the most developed RBS networks in Russia is "ATM-banking" and the use of banking service devices - these include a network of terminals and ATMs. The level of the most common and recognizable institution in terms of the number of branches and ATMs is occupied by Sberbank, where remote banking services are considered one of the most developed.

use of remote banking systems
use of remote banking systems

Development of RBS in Russia

In neighboring countries, RBS is several steps higher than in Russia. At the moment, the development of remote banking services is insomewhat frozen. The problem is that neither the banking system nor the population is ready for such significant changes. For a somewhat unstable financial situation, excessive cash investments will be unreasonable. A large number of localities do not have normal access to the Internet, not to mention the level of computer use of the older generation.

development of remote banking services
development of remote banking services

Such innovations as a video call with a bank employee or a complete transition to Internet banking, we will be able to see in the near future only in Moscow or large regional centers. At the moment, the use of remote banking systems in Russia is aimed at improving the security system and achieving a higher level of service.

Disadvantages of RBS

As in other countries, Russian remote banking has one major drawback: it is a security system. Account hacking and theft of funds from the personal account of any user is considered too easy money for an experienced programmer. Despite the fact that banks are constantly improving their system, there are still scammers who can crack any security system.

disadvantages of remote banking
disadvantages of remote banking

The bottom line is that the bank is investing enough to protect its data from intruders, but at the same time, customer funds are under attack. This is due to the fact that in the client's channel protection systeminvest a minimum of funds, because just these costs fall on the shoulders of the client.
