Service assignment on a business trip

Service assignment on a business trip
Service assignment on a business trip

The organization sends its employees on business trips, giving each of them a specific job assignment. It can be individual as well as group. Everything is determined by the specific tasks facing the seconded employees.

service assignment
service assignment

In an organization that sends employees on a business trip, an order or instruction is issued that indicates the purpose of the business trip, the locality where the employee is sent, the timing and the list of persons sent. Traveling employees must be issued travel certificates with a job assignment. These are mandatory documents confirming the validity of the departure to the place of work outside the organization. A departure note is put on the travel certificate. Upon arrival at the place, employees in the travel certificate must receive a mark of arrival, and upon completion - of departure. When you return to your organization, be sure to mark your return from a business trip.

Specialists who are serving in another area to solve certain issues receive an individual job assignment. For example, supply chain workersare sent to facilities with which their enterprise has commercial relations for the supply of specific materials, component parts and assemblies. Sometimes telephone communication is not enough to discuss the terms of delivery or any features of the products supplied: the coordination of technical specifications, the definition of parameters, the choice of optimal characteristics.

Service Assignment Example
Service Assignment Example

Employees of marketing departments, as well as engineering and technical services, also receive a job assignment. For example, participation in exhibitions requires the presence of not only sales managers who can present their products and determine the price. Designers, technologists and production workers can also be useful, who clarify special requirements and wishes from potential consumers. On such business trips, specialists exchange experience, outline the prospects for the development of their production facilities.

Some organizations send entire groups of people to certain objects, giving them a service task, an example of which is given in the form of instructions or route sheets. In order for the seconded group to clearly fulfill the official task, the head of the group responsible for its implementation must be appointed by order. Especially often the need for such business trips arises in the case of the introduction of equipment or entire complexes at the customer's enterprise. In order for the team in the new place to work more efficiently, issues of temporary residence are being worked out: booking hotels or apartments. The places where employees will befood, as well as the conditions for the delivery of employees to the place of work. Tickets for transport back and forth are paid by the enterprise that sent its employees. In such cases, the terms are strictly limited. Per diems are also paid. Wages are kept for the entire period of absence of employees.

Travel documents
Travel documents

When sending specialists, travel documents are drawn up, which include travel certificates, as well as a list of tasks. Depending on the features and type of tasks, the seconded specialists complete the necessary tools and devices. The service task is in this case the main criterion for the selection of the necessary supplies.

Following the results of work on a business trip, employees who have returned to their enterprise draw up a report on the work done. These reports are approved by the head or his deputies. For the report on the expenditure of money, advance reports are prepared, to which the available documents confirming the expenses are attached.

A business trip is considered to be successfully completed on condition that the service task is completed in full. In case of non-fulfillment (situations may arise when the task is partially completed or it is impossible to complete it), the reasons must be indicated. Often the reasons are quite justified, but sometimes there is negligence of employees. The management of the organization makes a decision based on the results of consideration of all the reasons that prevent obtaining a positive decision from the seconded workers.
