Production of plastic windows: business plan with calculations

Production of plastic windows: business plan with calculations
Production of plastic windows: business plan with calculations

Demand for PVC structures has been strong for almost two decades. These products are used for installation both in private houses and in city apartments. Therefore, the production of plastic windows continues to be a fairly profitable enterprise. To start a small workshop, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for the production of plastic windows. We will talk about how to do this in this review.

If you decide to engage in the production of plastic windows, the business plan should include a description of the concept of the idea, the relevance of this type of activity, a brief description of the business object and the services provided, an analysis of the market for window structures, an organization plan, legal support, a production plan, features of personnel management, marketing strategy, financial plan, risks and insurance.

Characteristic of this speciesactivities

production of plastic windows
production of plastic windows

Many today are interested in how to draw up a business plan? Plastic windows are a fairly profitable business. The advantage of a small enterprise lies in small production volumes and the ability to find an individual approach to any customer. Large companies can pose a serious threat to small firms, as they are able to sell products at lower prices, as well as provide their customers with significant discounts. Therefore, in this type of business, it is extremely important to work out all stages of production. As additional services, you should definitely add installation, delivery and installation.


What are they? The main feature of the window business is seasonality. This is especially true for regions with cold winters. To minimize losses at this time of the year, it is necessary to master the technology of installing plastic windows in winter. It would also not be superfluous to work out a special system of discounts for installation during the cool season.


Modern windows are quite complex structures. Materials for the manufacture of plastic windows may be different, but the basic principles of operation remain unchanged. Double-glazed windows are installed in profiles equipped with tilt-and-turn fittings. During installation, they are also additionally reinforced with metal. The space between the panes is filled with rarefied air. It is less humid, so no condensation drops form. To keep the air dryglass is placed a special moisture-absorbing powder. Also in modern high-tech designs, the space between them is filled with argon.

According to the method of opening, plastic windows are divided into:

  • turning: the most common type of construction among all PVC windows;
  • flip at the top;
  • deaf, without axes of rotation;
  • swing.

As for the shape of the windows, everything here depends on the wishes of the customer. They can be round, rectangular, trapezoidal, arched, triangular.


Equipment for the production of
Equipment for the production of

How is the production of plastic windows? The business plan, as a rule, provides a description of the materials and components used for the production of PVC profiles. Most often, the products of German companies are found on the Russian market.

Here is an approximate assortment:

  • profiles: casement, frame, for glazing bead, for impost;
  • double-glazed windows: one-, two-, three-chamber;
  • special fittings: hinges, handles, locks. Products made in Germany are considered to be of the highest quality.
  • seals for frames, sashes, staples.

A beginner entrepreneur is unlikely to be able to independently organize the production of PVC windows. A full-fledged line for the production of double-glazed windows costs from 50 to 90 thousand dollars. To this it is also worth adding the cost of consumables, the cost of purchasing additional equipment, the salary of specialists serving the line. As a result, the costoutput is quite high.

Therefore, when it is mentioned the production of plastic windows in small volumes, we are talking about the use of ready-made double-glazed windows. When the business begins to generate a stable income, it will be possible to think about expanding capacity. In this case, it is necessary to purchase a production line, as well as equipment for the production of plastic windows.


How to start a business? Plastic windows today are in almost every second apartment. In order for the company to bring a stable profit, you need to think about what additional services to offer consumers. The development of exclusive projects for window structures, the installation of mosquito nets, and cleaning the premises after dismantling and installation work are in great demand today.

Market Analysis

window assembly
window assembly

Where to start? For more than 20 years, plastic windows have been widely popular. They do not require additional insulation and are characterized by excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. High-quality plastic windows can serve for 25 years. They are cheaper than wooden structures and are highly resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

In the late 90s, the demand for plastic windows was constantly increasing. By 2015, the market began to stagnate. This is due to rising inflation, an unfavorable economic situation, and a decrease in the population's income.

What to expect from the plastic window business in the coming years? In general, it is planneda positive trend, since the replacement of plastic windows installed in the 90s has come up. At the same time, customer demands have increased significantly. Many customers today are focused on the production of high-quality wooden windows made using modern technologies. At the same time, the demand for plastic structures remains the same, since such a solution is considered the cheapest. Analysis of consumers of plastic windows shows that these are, as a rule, people with a low level of income. However, do not think that low cost means poor quality.

Today, consumers have rather stringent requirements for products. There is constant competition in the domestic market, which only the most competent and conscientious businessmen can withstand. Attracting customers with some profitable offers is very difficult. Consumers are attracted to the latest technologies that improve window performance, as well as companies that know how to work with the latest window design trends. The latest fashionable feature on the Russian market is large floor-to-ceiling windows. This solution is usually used in the northern regions of the country, where there is a lack of natural light.

Organizational Plan

What is it? How to open the production of plastic windows? Documents that must be completed before starting a business include:

  • manufacturing license;
  • certificates for manufactured products;
  • permission to conduct production from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.

Production plan

production process
production process

How to set up a release? What is needed for plastic windows? It is best to place the production workshop somewhere outside the city. The rent there is much lower. The main thing is to provide good access roads. But the office where the company will take orders should be located somewhere in the city center, so that it would be more convenient for customers to get there.

Production areas for creating a small workshop, in which 15-20 windows are produced per shift, should occupy at least 200 square meters. meters. The height of the ceiling according to the standards is at least 4 meters. Also nearby should be premises in which components, materials for the manufacture of plastic windows and finished products will be stored. The temperature in the workshop cannot fall below 18 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, you risk violating technological standards. The room must also be equipped with a good ventilation system. According to the regulations, lighting in the workshop should be both general and local for each site. The technological equipment used for the production of PVC windows is designed for a voltage of 380 V.

What do you need for plastic windows? In addition to production lines, in addition, a novice entrepreneur will need to purchase an air dryer, a compressor, a set of hand tools.

Production steps

Let's take a closer look at them. The production process is divided into the following technological steps:

  1. Profile preparation: it is necessarycut according to size. They are calculated depending on the type of structure.
  2. Milling of drainage grooves: carried out on a copy-milling machine.
  3. Welding frame.
  4. Mounting mullions for sashes.
  5. Cleaning the profile after welding.
  6. Fittings installation.
  7. Installation of double-glazed windows.
  8. Fixing glazing beads.

After installation, the technologist must test the finished product.


What should I pay attention to first of all? The plastic window repair business involves the purchase of a large number of components. All products must be of high quality. As a rule, the problem arises when searching for suppliers. Beginning entrepreneurs need to consider three areas at once: suppliers of profiles, double-glazed windows and fittings.


man making windows
man making windows

How to make the right choice? If you decide to engage in the production of plastic windows, the business plan must include such an important item as recruitment. The normal operation of the production line requires an average of 6 people. The storekeeper is engaged in the issuance of materials and the placement of finished products in the warehouse. Adjuster and technologist carry out the work of the production line. You will also need a loader and a driver. To install windows in the customer's home, two installers should be hired. Thus, together with the office staff (head, accountant, two managers), the company's staff will consist of 12 people.


production room
production room

What else should a business plan include? The sale of plastic windows will not be successful without a well-designed marketing plan. In the window business, bright advertising is of great importance. Information about the company should be placed in all possible ways: on banners, in printed publications, on the Internet. Finding customers is essential to successful product sales.

Keep an eye on the quality of service: careful attention to each client and meeting deadlines will help you attract customers. You can increase the number of customers by placing samples of your products in various hardware stores. In the future, in case of expansion of production, it is worth considering the possibility of cooperation with various construction companies, as well as organizations and institutions planning to carry out large-scale window replacement in the future.

It is recommended to pay great attention to the system of discounts. Also, do not be afraid to apply new technologies in production. Customers who follow the latest trends in home improvement will definitely pay attention to you in this case.


What should be the business plan? Plastic windows are a rather complex product, the production of which may require significant costs. At the same time, financial injections will be required even before the opening of the enterprise.

What equipment for the production of plastic windows should be purchased? The following is only an indicative list of devices and theirapproximate cost:

  • welding machine – 415 thousand rubles;
  • two-head saw - 375 thousand rubles;
  • angle cleaning machine – 225 thousand rubles;
  • milling machine - 110 thousand rubles;
  • device for harvesting glazing beads - 95 thousand rubles;
  • milling machine for drainage holes - 95 thousand rubles;
  • face milling machine - 45 thousand rubles;
  • compressor – 45 thousand rubles;
  • reinforcement tool - 45 thousand rubles.

In total, at the initial stage, the purchase of equipment will require 1 million 450 thousand rubles. You should also add the costs of transportation and installation of equipment, as well as the costs of obtaining the necessary certificates and licenses (about 95 thousand rubles). The total amount will be more than 1.5 million rubles.

As for the monthly costs, they will consist of the following items:

  • purchase of raw materials (double-glazed windows - 500 thousand rubles, PVC profiles - 350 thousand rubles, fittings - 200 thousand rubles, seals - 100 thousand rubles);
  • rent of premises (about 100 thousand rubles);
  • payments for utilities (30 thousand rubles);
  • wages of employees (480 thousand rubles).

Thus, the monthly costs will amount to more than 1.6 million rubles. You can also calculate the approximate income from the production of PVC windows: 20 windows x 20 shifts x 5 thousand rubles. It turns out about 2 million rubles. After paying the tax, 1,960 thousand rubles will remain. Thus, the profit will be 300 thousand rubles. Fully loadedproduction, the enterprise will fully pay for itself in 6-9 months.

prefabricated plastic windows
prefabricated plastic windows

Don't be afraid to start your own business. After all, if you don’t try anything, then there will never be a result!
