Mineral glass and products from it

Mineral glass and products from it
Mineral glass and products from it

Mineral glass is quartz sand of natural origin in molten form, which includes various additives. It has inherent properties such as radiation resistance and strength, abrasion resistance, as well as excellent optical qualities. In addition, it is a kind of barrier to ultraviolet radiation. Due to these characteristics, mineral glass is often used in watches, glasses, phones, etc.

Of all the materials used in the production of the products described, it is much lighter

mineral glass
mineral glass

machinable due to its strength. However, it should be borne in mind that mineral glass is sensitive to various kinds of scratches, which can appear even from frequent contact with clothes made of hard fabric. This material is easy to polish, but in some situations it is easier to replace it completely than to try to restore its original appearance. When it comes to the optical industry, it is worth saying that due to its properties, not only the frame, but also the lens itself helps to ensure the strength of the glasses.

Mineral glass in watches
Mineral glass in watches

Almost 90 percent of watch dials are protected from this material. It is believed that it is more convenient to distinguish readings on designer watches through it, when the color of the hands merges with the shade of the case itself. Apparently, it is because of the widespread use among the people that mineral glass is usually called "ordinary". Its popularity is due to the fact that it can withstand sufficient loads, remaining intact or, in extreme cases, a crack appears in the product. The modern technologies used make it more resistant even to mechanical damage. Another of the materials that is used in the manufacture of watches is sapphire crystal. It is much more expensive than described and more resistant to scratches. However, it is almost impossible to visually distinguish between these two species,

Mineral glass
Mineral glass

so be extra careful when choosing your watch.

Large stocks of raw materials, ease of processing have led to the fact that the cost of this product is very low, so it is produced in large quantities, and a product of any size can be made to order.

However, it should be borne in mind that mineral glass is not used in the manufacture of glasses for drivers and children. This is due to the fact that with a strong blow, it can break into small fragments and damage, for example, the lens of the eye. Cases were noted when, when the airbag was turned on, glasses were shattered into smithereens, damaging the face. For the same reason, mineral glass products should not be bought by people who preferleisure. In addition, mineral glass is quite heavy, which can lead to discomfort when using lenses from it. With the introduction of metal s alts in the process of their manufacture, it is possible to achieve the desired shade. So, nickel s alts color glass in purple, cob alt - in blue, selenium and copper - in red. Combinations of various additives make it possible to obtain lenses not only of different colors, but also with different degrees of light transmission, due to which the UV component of radiation is cut off.
