How to make a project description: step by step instructions

How to make a project description: step by step instructions
How to make a project description: step by step instructions

Any work begins with a project, that is, with the creation of a plan and preparation for its implementation. Even in small events, you need a clear idea of where and how to start working. Even more so in large companies. Therefore, projects are being developed that regulate the goals and objectives set and influence their fruitful solution. This is done by special departments of management and marketing. In essence, a project is a plan of activities that must be done within a certain time frame and agreed upon by two parties - the customer and the contractor. Qualified managers give a characteristic description of the project with all stages, activities, goals, objectives and an indication of the calculated budget. Those who execute scripts for clients must be specialists in the fields that implement to order.

project description
project description

How is the project being developed?

To develop and implement a project, it is assembled by milestone cubes in the design department or bureau. This is done by professionals, and each step is measured tomillimeter:

  1. The first step. The contractor accepts the terms of reference from the correspondent. They agree on the conditions - terms, budget, size and execution scheme (text, graphic, presentation). This requires a clear description of the project and its understanding as a whole. And then comes the turn of skillful implementation and inscription of all aspects to the smallest details.
  2. Second step. After approving the brief, the acceptor passes the task to shop managers or office workers for project development.
  3. Third step. A complete technological scheme is drawn up indicating the periods, in each of which successively certain activities are performed.
  4. The fourth step. Having worked out the main part of the plan for reconciling the scheme, all further actions will be agreed with the customer. Additions are discussed in more detail and clearly, tasks are added, real goals are predicted and the final payment is summed up.
  5. The fifth step. Having completed the entire project and completed work on it, the contractor hands over the finished solution to the client. He, in turn, makes the final calculation.
full description of the project
full description of the project

Initial Project Description Plan

From the very beginning, after the project is accepted for development, its initial description is made so that the essence is clear and in the future it is possible to break the program into periods, blanks, branches and stages. This is the easiest way to keep track of deadlines, and not a single detail will escape your attention. Here is a brief description of the project, that is, in fact, the processes that make up its development:

  • Accepting order.
  • Coordination with the customer of the cost of work.
  • Debate prepayment or settlement upon completion.
  • Compilation of the questionnaire-brief.
  • Coordination with the consumer (customer) of project items.
  • Destination is the theme of the program.
  • Start - Specifies the date/time.
  • End - specify date/time.
  • Project executors - for example, managers Ivanova, Petrova, Sidorov.
  • Customer - for example, the Children's Fund.
  • Stages of the program - preparation, gathering, work, coordination, completion.
  • What needs to be done and in what time frame - the content of the program, a description of the stages, tasks and goals.
  • What information is present - text, graphics, presentations, video, audio.
  • Coordination with the consumer (customer).
  • Refining mistakes, bringing to the desired result.
  • Re-approval with the correspondent.
  • Approval, on-site acceptance and handover of the project to the end user.
  • Final settlement (receipt of salary) in monetary terms.

In this form, an initial short project plan is created, after which the developer breaks it into many small branches, the so-called stages.

project description example
project description example

Step-by-step formation of the project

After drafting the plan, let's start creating and describing the stages of the project. This is an important part, without which it is impossible to produce large and multi-pass solutions. Each stage describes a particular technology and contains up to a hundred, or eventhousands of lists, tasks and subtasks. Only by dividing the project into stages, you can keep track of any small nuance and not lose the thread of the next steps, and most importantly, the goals to be achieved. This division of scenarios makes it easier to manage all running business processes. A step-by-step description of the project by technology helps to focus on the right decisions and move forward faster.

The goal is something without which there is no project

Any project is done only to achieve certain goals. Life is also a kind of long-term project, where each person at each stage achieves concrete success and comes to the desired result - study, work, marriage, family, childbirth and even death. But this is throughout the existence of man. And in a short-term program, such as building a house or traveling, it is better to plan and describe the goals of the project in advance in order to have time to get everything done in a short period of time. We are all moving towards the great and beautiful. This is precisely the goal that some people sometimes do not guess without drawing up a clear scheme and without clear actions.

brief description of the project
brief description of the project

Creating a brief for creating websites and landing pages

Let's give as an example a complete description of a project for webmasters and design studios to create one-page and multi-page sites. Here, the primary task is filling out the brief by the customer and sending it to the web studio specialists. In the questionnaire, the client must indicate (the more detailed the better) allinformation about himself and the functions of the site he needs. The questionnaire looks like this:

  1. Surname, first name, patronymic of the manager of the portal, landing page, resource.
  2. Company, community or firm name.
  3. Customer contact details.
  4. Field of work - type of activity.
  5. Name of the planned project.
  6. Brand and corporate identity of the project.
  7. Logo (if available).
  8. Preferred color tones.
  9. Design for individual parts and pages.
  10. Number of external and internal pages of the site.
  11. Services of hosting a project with a hosting provider.
  12. Creating and purchasing a domain name.
  13. Filling articles - copywriting.
  14. Promotion, promotion and advertising.
  15. Support and care of the resource in the future.
  16. The functional component of the project:
  • administrative panel of the portal;
  • embedding php, css, javascript codes;
  • Mysql databases;
  • news section;
  • section of articles and blogs;
  • section "photo gallery";
  • embedded newsletters;
  • contact forms and communications;
  • registration and hiding individual content;
  • search and sitemap;
  • seo-optimization of pages and the project as a whole;
  • mobile version of the site;
  • additional ads and benefits;
  • modules for video, audio and other features;
  • production of banners, flash, animations;
  • switching multilingual versions of the site;
  • shop and shopping cart;
  • product catalogsand resources;
  • connecting payment processors;
  • help and knowledge base section.
project description plan
project description plan

Development of a project to create websites and landing pages

After receiving the completed brief form, you can begin to write a description of the project. An example of an initial plan is shown above. This is a sketch or memo, based on which they form the framework of planned cases in the form of schemes and stages, tasks and goals, lists and notes. Such a plan is transferred to the universal workshop, where professionals are engaged in the search for simple and complex solutions. As a result, the entire project is made up of particles of specific missions, which, like in a mosaic, come together to organize a magnificent picture.

description of the project objectives
description of the project objectives

How to describe a project in development

Taking into work the topic of creating websites and landing pages, you need to make records of all events. Here is an example of a project description:

Stage No. 1 - making a layout, programming the CMS system platform with dividing the site into departments: the admin panel and the public part, connecting modules. Assigned to the manager (full name).


  • build layout - date/time;
  • prepare cms-platform - date/time;
  • link modules and blocks - date/time;
  • test performance and functionality - date/time;
  • progress report - date/time;
  • all the time spent on the implementation of the stage;
  • budget allocated for action development.


  • what has been done, what are the shortcomings, mistakes;
  • what to do when, urgent or not;
  • an interesting idea to propose;
  • something else innovative.


To perform such complex work, another 100,000 rubles must be allocated from the budget for the purchase and binding of additional components.

Goal: To produce and hand over a ready-made working frame of the project by a certain date.

Step 2 - design, logo, banners. Assigned to the manager (full name).


  • develop color scheme - date/time;
  • prepare logo - date/time;
  • make animated banners - date/time;
  • think over and install elements of graphics, buttons;
  • progress report - date/time;
  • all the time spent on the implementation of the stage;
  • budget allocated for action development.


  • what has not been done, what are the shortcomings, mistakes;
  • what to do when, urgent or not;
  • an interesting idea to propose;
  • something else innovative.


Suggest to make 2 more static banners in the right column.

Goal: To produce and hand over the finished design and graphic elements by a certain date.

Stage 3 - filling the landing page with text content, inserting video and audio. Assigned to the manager (full name).


  • write 5 pages of text - date/time;
  • prepare and post 5 videos and 10 audio recordings - date/time;
  • progress report - date/time;
  • all the time spent on the implementation of the stage;
  • budget allocated for action development.


  • what has been done, what imperfections, mistakes;
  • what to do, urgent or not, sometime later;
  • superthought - suggest;
  • something else new.


Update video recording software.

Goal: Fill the resource with text and multimedia information.

Stage No. 4 - delivery of the project to the customer. Responsible Strogov P. G.


  • to agree on the completed steps - date/time;
  • allocate resources for revision – date/time;
  • progress report - date/time;
  • all the time spent on the implementation of the stage;
  • budget allocated for action development.


  • what has been done, what imperfections, mistakes;
  • what to do, urgent or not, write down improvements;
  • idea X – propose;
  • something else new.


Add the event to the client database and archive the event. Think about what else to do.

Goal: Hand over the finished project.

We manage projects and tasks in professional systems

To make a unique and accurate description of the project, as well as to conduct it properly - without violating the rules and tracking statistics, there are professional CRM services. In them, you can break any project into small stages with a description and attachment of tasks and subtasks, lists and goals, notes andblock diagrams. Today they have a fairly rich functionality, many systems are connected to such bundles as telephony and brainstorming cards, blogs and diaries, automatic filling of contacts, counterparties and convenient mailing to databases.

description of the project by technology
description of the project by technology

Project completed: what's next?

Having done all the work, that is, having carried out the description of the project and ensured its implementation, you can take a break and focus on another technical task. Accumulating experience in previous works, it is elementary to create project templates, according to which the stages of new cases are repeated in the future. Such an occupation on an ongoing basis becomes not only highly profitable, but also exciting.
