We draw up a business plan for a private clinic

We draw up a business plan for a private clinic
We draw up a business plan for a private clinic

The business plan for a private clinic is the most important document at the stage of preparing a business and a step-by-step guide for an entrepreneur. How to develop an effective business plan, what items must be included in the document, and how to open your own clinic (maybe a whole multidisciplinary medical center) from scratch - we will consider further.

Stages of opening a private clinic

The business plan of a private clinic should cover all stages of preparation for opening. Only in this way will a businessman be able not to lose sight of a single important detail and clearly control the launch of the project. First you need to write a summary of the business and carefully analyze the market for competitors, the needs of the target audience and the opportunity to reach a good profit. Then it is worthwhile to deal with the choice of premises, the purchase process or drawing up a long-term lease agreement, repair and purchase of the necessary equipment. But this is only in general terms. An example of a business plan for a private clinic with calculations will be presentednext.

private clinic business plan
private clinic business plan

The most important thing for successful business development is to determine the specialization of the center. Take as an example a business plan for a private clinic, you can open a dentistry project or an institution of a different direction - medical centers differ only in the range of services, and all other registration procedures will be similar. It is desirable to have a medical education, but this alone will not be enough to launch a successful project. A businessman must have organizational and entrepreneurial skills.

Drawing up a business plan

A dental clinic business plan with calculations is a ready-made guide to action. Therefore, the preparation of the document must be approached with all responsibility. A business plan for opening a private clinic should include the following sections:

  1. Title page. You need to indicate the name of the project and state the essence in one phrase, indicate the actual and legal addresses, contacts of leaders.
  2. Privacy Statement. If the dental clinic business plan falls into third parties, then the second page should set out the restrictions on disclosure, copying and dissemination of information.
  3. Business plan summary. The section summarizes the main provisions, the resources required and the expected results. A ready-made business plan for a dentistry or clinic providing services should arouse interest among investors and show the prospects for investment. This is the main goal of this part of the project.
  4. Information about the enterprise. Need to provide information aboutenterprise in more detail. Provide the legal form of the organization, an analysis of the company's work for the previous period (if any) or current market research, information about partners, suppliers, and so on.
  5. Characteristic of services or products. Describe in detail the services offered, the necessary permits (licenses and certificates). Diagrams, drawings and photographs are very welcome.
  6. Marketing. Analyze the sales market for services, provide information about competitors, give their comparative characteristics, make a SWOT analysis and identify factors that may affect demand.
  7. Organizational plan. Expand the organizational structure in detail and describe the management system, specify the requirements for the qualifications of hired personnel.
  8. Financial section. This is one of the most important sections. It is necessary to reflect all the costs of preparing and implementing the project, as well as calculate the payback and expected profit, describe cash flows (costs, revenue, taxes, profits, and so on).
  9. Guarantees and risks. It is necessary to analyze the possible risks associated with the implementation of the project, and the strategy for minimizing them.
  10. Add-ons and applications. Attached are the documents that were used to develop a business plan for opening a private clinic.
  11. Marketing research.
private clinic business plan
private clinic business plan

Specialization of the center

It is important to study the market for medical services in a particular locality in order to accurately determine the needs and solvency of the population. Traditionally, gynecology and reproductive he alth, urology, ophthalmology, cosmetology and dentistry remain the most popular. A business plan with calculations should clearly define the specialization.

There are separate centers that specialize in laboratory research, this is also profitable. Such laboratories are best located near large public hospitals or in the city center. With high demand in large cities, you can think about the project of a multidisciplinary medical center involving a large number of specialists from different profiles and providing patients with a full range of care.

Choice of legal form

Mandatory item in the business plan of a private clinic - the choice of organizational form. Before starting work, you need to register as a legal entity (with it in the future it is necessary to create a he alth care institution) or an individual entrepreneur. An individual entrepreneur in this area can be opened by a private entrepreneur without the appropriate education, but in this case, it is necessary to hire qualified specialists to serve patients.

Selection of premises and repair

The premises can be owned or long-term leased. It is better to choose a spacious building at the intersection of main streets, in the city center, in crowded places, near metro stations, and so on.

The medical center should be easily accessible by public transport and private car. The location can attract a certain group of clients: for example, in a medical center in residential areas, you can expectelderly patients, and if you buy a building near new buildings, then the clients are likely to be middle-aged people and with children.

business plan for dentistry
business plan for dentistry

When planning the location of the center, building codes must be taken into account, as well as all requirements for ventilation, quartz, lighting and ventilation of various types of offices.

The area depends on the list of services. For a dentistry or a small center for receiving tests, only 25-40 sq.

When developing a design project, it is worth moving away from the standard blue and white walls that resemble government clinics, because customers will feel uncomfortable and remember the district hospital (although the level of service quality differs markedly).

Clinic room design

It is worth using calm color combinations and warm tones. Adequate lighting is required, both artificial and natural. In addition to patients, specialists, an administrator and other staff will be in the clinic every day, so working conditions should be comfortable.

As for furniture, you will need an ordinary office, as well as directly medical and equipment. Cabinets, racks, tables and racks must be made of durable materials. It is necessary to buy sofas for the reception, armchairs and chairs for the offices. The color of the furnishings should be in harmony with the overall design of the premises.

Purchasing equipment

This is the most expensivepoint of expenditure when opening a private medical clinic. High-quality equipment has to be ordered from abroad at a rather high price. A clinic of any orientation will require serious investments in the purchase of equipment. Dentistry and gynecology require special chairs, ultrasound or X-rays, laboratories need equipment for examining material, and so on. It is important that when equipping classrooms, you need to use the standards for the table of equipment for special-purpose products, which is approved by the Ministry of He alth.

dental clinic business plan
dental clinic business plan

Computers and software

You will definitely need computer equipment and related software. You need to purchase enough system units, monitors, network equipment and accessories. In some workplaces, laptops or tablets will be more appropriate. This will enable communication with clients: many private clinics now send patients the results of studies and other information by e-mail or remind them of the appointment in instant messengers.

For the operation of computer equipment, you must purchase software. We need programs for accounting, personnel management, electronic document management. The customer database should be stored in a specialized program. Records should be kept of clients' he alth, procedures performed, examinations, treatment prescribed and results.

Staff training

In the business plan of a private clinic (an ultrasound room is supposed to be done with everyone elsediagnostic services or just a small laboratory, it doesn’t matter) it is necessary to reflect the expected staff of he alth workers: doctors and nurses with the appropriate qualification level. The qualifications of employees must be confirmed by certificates and diplomas, other official documents. This will be needed when obtaining a business license.

business plan for dentistry
business plan for dentistry

After opening a private clinic, it is the professionalism of doctors that will determine whether patients will visit your center. Often people do not go to a certain clinic, but simply to a doctor with good reviews. The level of satisfaction does not depend on the smile of the administrator (although politeness in dealing with customers must be present), but on whether the he alth problem has been resolved.

Licensing procedure

To obtain a license to carry out medical activities, you need to prepare a large set of documents and submit directly to the licensing authority or through the State Services website. A state fee of 7,500 rubles is provided for receipt. The list of documents differs for a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.

Advertising campaign

Before the opening of the medical center, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. In the business plan of a private clinic, this stage should also be described point by point. It is necessary to notify the target audience about the benefits of the new medical center. You can use the usual methods of advertising, such as banners, hang out on the streets and in publictransport, flyers, publications in special editions. More modern methods of advertising include search and contextual on the Internet, media. It is imperative to create a high-quality corporate website. At the initial stage, it would be nice to launch a discount program and actively use a variety of promotions.

private clinic business plan example
private clinic business plan example

Cost of opening a medical center

In general, the costs of opening a narrow-profile clinic include:

  • rent and renovation of premises, purchase of consumables;
  • legal registration, obtaining a license;
  • purchase of equipment, machinery, special software;
  • advertising campaign costs.

The final cost depends on the size of the clinic and the list of services that are planned to be provided to clients. It is important to consider the cost of rent, because if placed in a large room, then it can be very high.

Let's consider as an example the financial part of a dentistry business plan with calculations for two chairs. It is necessary to rent a room (about 80 square meters will be enough), purchase two chairs, hire 6 doctors and an administrator. Such an office can serve up to 12 patients per day, and with an average cost of 1,600 rubles per person, the gross profit will be 720 thousand rubles.

Purchase of the necessary equipment and repairs will cost 2.5 million rubles. Monthly expenses will be approximately 450 thousand rubles. This amount includes the rent of the premises, utilities and the salary of specialists. In addition, one must take into accountcost of consumables. It will turn out about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Total net profit will be about 200 thousand rubles. per month. The payback period for such a small dental clinic will be approximately one year.

private clinic business plan with calculations
private clinic business plan with calculations

Business without special education

Today, a medical business can be opened without an appropriate education - the law allows. Another thing is that it will be quite difficult to deal with a project without knowing the specifics of the work. When it comes to opening a private clinic on a franchise, companies prefer to cooperate with professional doctors and may refuse to sell a franchise to a person without medical education.
