OOS - what is it? Abbreviation decoding

OOS - what is it? Abbreviation decoding
OOS - what is it? Abbreviation decoding

Many abbreviations are ambiguous - their interpretation depends on the context of use. An example of this is the abbreviation OOS. Let's take a look at its meanings, as well as the definitions of transcripts - both widespread and little known.

Deciphering the abbreviation OOS

Today, there are four values for the reduction of FOS:

  • Official all-Russian website "Government Procurement".
  • Reverse negative network in electronics.
  • Feature-oriented scanning (in scanning probe microscopy, this is the name given to the method of measuring the relief of a surface).
  • Environmental protection.
oos it
oos it

Now let's move on to parsing the values.

Environment Protection

In this area, environmental protection is measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of people on the environment. These include:

  • Limiting the amount of garbage thrown out.
  • Creation of national parks, sanctuaries and nature reserves to preserve natural complexes.
  • Prohibition on hunting, fishing.
  • Limitation of emissions into the hydrosphere and atmosphere in order toimprove the overall environmental situation.

OOS - this is the protection of land, soil protection. This includes the whole complex of agronomic, organizational, economic, reclamation, technical, economic, legal measures aimed at eliminating and preventing processes that worsen the condition of lands. It is also the fight against cases of violation of the proper operation of land.

OOS: deciphering the abbreviation
OOS: deciphering the abbreviation

Forest protection is also an integral part of the EP. Activists are fighting against fires, concentrated logging, plant diseases, windblows, pollution of forest areas, the use of individual selection, which impoverishes the species diversity of trees.

EP activities

When developing such a set of measures, responsible specialists should:

  • Review current standards and regulations.
  • Determine the parameters of the sanitary protection zone.
  • Estimate the risk of harm.
  • Make a forecast for the development of emergencies, as well as its consequences.
  • Measure radiation, noise, emissions of harmful chemicals.
  • Calculate the amount of gaseous, liquid and solid waste generated.
  • Identify adverse factors that, as a result of the activities of a person, an enterprise, can harm nature.
  • To conclude, draw up a large package of measures to protect the environment, which will also include alternative solutions.

OOS is also actions to eliminate the threat. For example:

  • Switching to a new type of fuel that features fewer emissions.
  • Using new equipment or upgrading old equipment.
  • Installation of waste disposal systems.
  • Introduction of powerful systems of disinfection, cleaning, neutralization.
  • Organization of a recycling complex.
  • Installation of blocking and controlling systems, special sensors, etc.
  • How does the abbreviation oos stand for
    How does the abbreviation oos stand for

Environment Protection Project

Organization of environmental protection at the enterprise is the following measures:

  • Protection of the atmosphere (air environment).
  • Proper use of land resources, minerals, soil cover.
  • Rational exploitation of water resources. Protection of aquatic resources.
  • Measures for the disposal of especially hazardous waste, as well as for their neutralization.
  • Protection of flora and fauna.
  • Measures to protect the population from negative factors of production - physical impact, noise, etc.
  • Other activities that protect the environment and humans.
  • Minimizing the risk of accidents.

The environmental protection project at the enterprise, in addition, also contains a detailed graphic part, which includes:

  • Situational plan of a certain territory with the boundaries of the sanitary, protective zone.
  • Map with environmental risk area limits.
  • Schematic map indicating the locations of the growth of rare plants and placesresidence of animals in the Red Book.
  • Scheme indicating the boundaries of possible environmental pollution due to an accident, improper economic activity.
  • Calculation tables.

This part of the project is compiled on the basis of topographic and general plans, explanatory notes, engineering network project, environmental impact assessment of the facility, etc.

Official all-Russian website

OOS is the official resource of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. In other words, a public procurement site. Tenders (public procurement) is a competitive form of publishing orders for the performance of work, the provision of services, the supply of goods for municipal or state institutions within certain terms and volumes. Competitive struggle here should be based on three principles: efficiency, fairness and competitiveness.

Environmental protection at the enterprise
Environmental protection at the enterprise

As a result, a contract is concluded with the supplier who offered the best conditions for the municipal (state) institution. Thus, public procurement satisfies the needs of the state in a wide range of works, services and goods. The practice of tenders has a beneficial effect on both the country's economy and business development.

Today, both a legal entity and an individual (IP) person can become a participant in public procurement. The procedure itself is regulated by Federal Law No. 44 "On the contract system in the field of rendering services, purchasing goods, performing work for municipal and state needs."

Types of public procurement for CFO

According to the mentioned Federal Law No. 44, all public procurement can be found on the CFO resource. Also, it is he who is the primary source for all other informant sites in this area.

Let's look at the types of public procurement:

1. Non-competitive - from one supplier, no bidding.

2. Competitive:

  • Open: E-Auction, Request for Proposals, Request for Quotations, Open Tender, Limited Tender, Two Stage Tender.
  • Closed: Closed Competition, Closed Auction, 2-Step Closed Competition, Limited Closed Competition.
CFO organization
CFO organization

Main criteria for public procurement placement

All bidding through the CBO must meet the following criteria:

  • Equally fair treatment of participants - all suppliers have equal rights, equal access to information, equal chances to participate in the competition.
  • Transparency, openness of the process - the customer is obliged to report on the bidding both at the CAB and in other media.
  • Spending taxpayer money economically.
  • Responsibility - only strict accountability. In particular, a detailed justification of the fact why this particular person was chosen as the winner. The FAS controls this process. Both the performer and the customer are responsible for collusion.
Environmental Protection Activities
Environmental Protection Activities

So we figured out what the abbreviation OOC means. In Russian, it has 4 meanings. The most common today are environmental protection and the all-Russian official website(otherwise - the site of public procurement).
