Tool shop: description and purpose

Tool shop: description and purpose
Tool shop: description and purpose

The tool shop of the machine-building plant is an auxiliary department, which is intended for the manufacture and repair of various devices. These can be various cutting, measuring, auxiliary, machine tools, assembly and other devices and units.


In the tool shop, which is located on the territory of the machine-building plant, most often they are engaged in serial and individual production of tools. As for the implementation of most operations, they are carried out manually by a toolmaker. In order to improve the work of these shops, it is necessary to increase their productivity. This goal can be achieved if the machines and equipment are used in full, and all possible downtime in work is eliminated. However, it is important to remember that work in the tool shop is constantly becoming more complicated, as a number of additional tasks have to be solved. For example, the full provision of current production with all the necessary tools, the production of new devices for the development of new products. Most often, the problem isnamely, that the capacity of the tool shop was not initially designed to solve this problem.

tool shop
tool shop

Production shop

Most of the production that is produced at this site of the plant goes to the development of new products. As the main productivity factor of this workshop, the volume of production is considered, which is calculated in planned standard hours, as well as in value terms based on in-plant prices. It is important to note here that these internal prices are set not only for the manufacture of new tools for work and industrial equipment, but also for repairs, restoration and any other types of services that this site can provide.

For example, the work of a tool shop is to manufacture sheet staples that go to the internal use of a machine-building enterprise.

specialized tool shop
specialized tool shop

Use of equipment

If we look at the statistics, we can see that such areas use from 15 to 20 percent of all machines available at the plant. This figure is about five times higher than the total number of machines in specialized tool factories, which are a separate unit, and not part of a machine-building enterprise. However, it should be understood that most of the machines used in the shops are 20 years old or more. It is also worth considering that most of the tool, which belongs to a special category, is slightlydiffers from the usual ones only in some dimensional and geometric parameters. Based on all this, it can be said with confidence that it is possible to obtain significant economic benefits from the fact that the tool shop will be automated, as well as from the complete renewal of the machine tool fleet in the enterprise. In addition, cost efficiency will also increase if specialized equipment is used, rather than universal equipment.

work equipment
work equipment

Shop equipment

For example, in these workshops you can use such a thing as a GAZ-50 grinder. Another device is shaped cutters. This thing belongs to the special tool category. The quality of this device, which is supplied to the tool departments of machine-building plants, is regulated by state standards. All special tools are usually made in such workshops. It should be noted that their creation is usually purely individual. If the use of any standard parts and assemblies is widespread, then the production of these elements can be set to flow. The difference between workshops at a machine-building enterprise and specialized ones also lies in the fact that the former use liquid and solid cyanidation, while the latter use liquid and gas.

The main purpose of the existence of a tool shop is that it must fully provide the enterprise with technological equipment, as well as fully manufacture tools for its operation. In addition to manufacturing, the workshop is also required to carry out timely and complete repairs of equipment.

tools for work
tools for work

Power supply for tool shop

Power supply of this section is carried out directly from the intrashop transformer substation. When voltage is applied, it has an indicator of ten kV. Passing through the transformer, the voltage drops to an acceptable 380 V. The load in such workshops is always evenly distributed, which means that a main circuit for switching on devices can be used there. Due to the fact that CNC machines and automatic lathes are used in the room, it belongs to the third category of electrical consumers.
