What is aluminum made of? Applications of this metal

What is aluminum made of? Applications of this metal
What is aluminum made of? Applications of this metal

Aluminum production in Russia is in full swing. In total, over 4,000,000 tons of this alloy are produced here annually. Contrary to popular belief, this metal is the most common on the planet, followed by iron. But what is made of aluminum, because it is known that it is used in various industries? In particular, one can single out mechanical engineering, aviation, the chemical industry and even civil engineering, not to mention the production of household items.


Aluminum alloy is the main structural material used in the modern aircraft industry. Its consumption increased sharply at the stage of development of subsonic and supersonic aircraft speeds.

what is made of aluminum
what is made of aluminum

At the moment there are alloys of various series - from 2xxx to 7xxx. Version 2xxx metal is used for very high temperatures and has a high fracture toughness. Alloys of the 7xxx series are used to createparts that will be operated under heavy load and low temperature. They are highly resistant to corrosion. It is appropriate to make lightly loaded nodes from alloys of the 3xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx series. These are used in oil, hydro and fuel systems.

In Russia, high-strength aluminum alloys are used to create components for aircraft, which are preliminarily subjected to heat treatment. Medium-strength alloys are also actively used. The lining of the liner, wings, fuselage, keel, etc. - all these elements are made from this material. Alloy 1420 is actively used to create a welded fuselage of a passenger liner. Now we understand what is made of aluminum in aviation.

Space technology

aluminum ladder
aluminum ladder

Also, this metal has an advantage in the creation of space technology. Due to its light weight and high specific strength, it is possible to make tanks, bow and inter-tank parts of a rocket from aluminum. This metal performs well at cryogenic temperatures in contact with helium, hydrogen and oxygen. It undergoes cryogenic hardening - a phenomenon in which strength indicators increase with decreasing temperature.

But that's not all aluminum is made of. It finds application in other industries as well.


Mainly in this industry, the material is used for the manufacture of ship hulls, as well as communications for equipment and deck superstructures. Thanks to the use of this metal, the designers succeeded in 50-60%reduce the mass of ships, resulting in high fuel economy and increased cargo capacity, maneuverability and speed are also increasing.

aluminum production in russia
aluminum production in russia

Rail transport

Railway rolling stock is operated in harsh conditions, it is subjected to shock loads. Therefore, the requirements for the materials for the manufacture of such compositions are high. It is advisable to use aluminum for the manufacture of railway trains due to its high specific strength, low inertia force, and increased corrosion resistance. In addition, petrochemical and chemical industry products can be transported in special aluminum containers.


In cars, it is appropriate to use metals of high strength and low mass. At the same time, they must be resistant to corrosion and have a decorative surface. A substance such as aluminum, from which car bodies are made, just meets these criteria. Thanks to it, manufacturers can reduce the weight of the vehicle, make it more economical and increase the carrying capacity, and high resistance to corrosion significantly increases the life of the car.

aluminum pipe
aluminum pipe

Beams and frames of heavy trucks can also be made from alloys.


In civil or industrial construction, aluminum alloys are also actively used. Their prospects are confirmed by world practice and technical and economic calculations. Application of aluminumallows to reduce metal consumption and increase the reliability and durability of the structure. Most modern buildings with glass facades have a "skeleton" of this material.

Petrochemical industry

In the development of parts used in equipment for the exploration, production and processing of oil, there are strict requirements for the material. Drilling equipment becomes lighter and more efficient when using aluminum alloys, which makes it easier to transport and penetrate depth.

These alloys are ideal for making oil storage tanks. Oil and gas pipelines, drilling or tubing aluminum pipes are also actively used here. In particular, alloy D16 is used for this.

Production of household items

In everyday life, there are countless things that are made from this metal. In particular, aluminum stairs are popular - they are in almost every house, garage. Kitchen utensils, TV brackets - all of these items can be made of aluminum, which is already talking about smaller items.

Aluminum stairs, by the way, confidently replaced iron ones, since the latter are very difficult to move from place to place. This once again demonstrates the advantage of this metal. It is possible to list household items made from it for a very long time.
