2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | calhoun@techconfronts.com. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Budget accounting in accounting is a system that allows you to timely and reliably provide information on the state of assets and liabilities of municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also, the definition of budget accounting includes all operations leading to a change in the assets and liabilities of municipalities. The chart of accounts of budgetary entities is a list of them, budgetary institutions perform operations on them. It was approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in terms of the Instruction on Budget Accounting (dated February 10, 2006 No. 25n).
Accounting in publicly funded institutions
The organization of accounting in institutions whose activities are financed from the budget, has a number of features. The chart of accounts of budgetary organizations is the main working tool that allows accountants to record liabilities, financial and non-financialassets, etc. The activities of accountants in this area are controlled by several basic documents. This is:
- instructions for the chart of accounts of budget organizations;
- Articles of the legislation on the budget device;
- normative documents on reporting in budgetary institutions;
- documents revealing the essence of industry specifics.
Features of accounting in institutions financed from the budget:
- control over the implementation of estimates of income and expense items;
- treasury budget implementation system;
- in accounting there are both cash and actual expenses;
- each industry also has additional accounting nuances (educational institutions, he althcare, science, and others).

Budget accounting tasks
These include the following activities:
- formation of reliable information about the financial performance of the institution, about the current state of assets;
- providing up-to-date data on the implementation of funds that were issued by the budget system of the Russian Federation;
- ensuring proper control over the execution of operations that are carried out in the course of implementing the plans of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
- control and timely accounting of the state of assets, as well as the fulfillment of financial obligations of the institution;
- Regular and accurate reporting of the institution's assets.

Regulatory documents and instructions for budget accounting
The reflection of income and expenses on funds received from the budget is subject to mandatory accounting. He is also subject to the execution of estimates for funds from extrabudgetary sources. All transactions must be executed according to the samples of regulatory documents. Forms and entries must comply with the Budget Accounting Instructions and the Federal Accounting Law.
Regulatory documents require the provision of information on the following:
- a way to apply the chart of accounts for budgetary organizations in order to reflect operations on the use of funds received from both budgetary and non-budgetary sources;
- forms of accounting;
- Methods for assessing liabilities;
- methods of valuation of financial assets;
- correspondence accounts for the most common transactions.

Responsibilities of accounting in a budget organization
As a rule, in any large budgetary institution, the accounting department consists of several departments. Usually there are at least three of them - financial, settlement, material. In departments, in turn, groups can be distinguished, employees in which are engaged in the implementation of narrowly focused activities. For example, the operational-financial group, for the implementation of settlement operations, for accounting for fixed assets and others.
You can highlight the main responsibilities of accounting in an organization whose activities are financed from the budget:
- control over the correct execution of accountingdocuments, for the legality and the need for the implementation of certain operations;
- execution of accounting in accordance with the Instruction on budget accounting;
- monitoring the safety of tangible assets;
- calculation and timely payment of salaries, bonuses, allowances, allowances to employees;
- conducting, if necessary, an inventory of financial assets, followed by a true display and provision of information in the right time frame;
- drawing up reliable reports within the stipulated time and in the prescribed manner on the basis of the Instruction on budget accounting;
- drawing up estimates of income and expenses based on the results of calculations, providing estimates for approval by the head;
- Modern record keeping.

Budget accounting and reporting
In institutions whose activities are funded from the budget, there are several types of reports. They must be compiled in a timely manner and submitted to higher authorities.
Each of the reports should be prepared taking into account the peculiarities of the chart of accounts in budgetary organizations. Supervisory authorities, in turn, have the right to conduct a detailed analysis of how reliably the information was displayed and draw conclusions from the reporting about the presence of current problems of the institution, build strategies for the direction of development, etc. As a rule, an explanatory note is attached to the reports, in which can express those orother facts about problems with financing or clarify some unclear points on accounting.
Also, the accounting department must provide timely balance sheets and other documents that may be required by higher authorities. Often there is a need to explain some numbers, features of activities, etc.
Chart of accounts of budget organizations
It consists of five sections. It is a list of accounts, off-balance sheet and their correspondence:
- Non-financial assets - accounts for accounting for fixed assets, inventories, etc.
- The second section consists of a list of accounts for accounting for monetary resources and documents. Also, this account implies the accounting of accounts receivable.
- Commitments. This section is represented by accounts for accounting for accounts payable of the organization.
- Financial result - accounts to reflect the real performance of the current and past periods.
- Approval of budget expenditures. This section focuses on the accounts and the features associated with their use, which serve to reflect reliable information about the limits of budgetary funds transferred to the organization.
Each of the sections of the chart of accounts of a budgetary organization unites a group of homogeneous accounts. They, in turn, are divided into analytical and synthetic. Thus, the possibility of maximum detailing of accounting objects in a budgetary institution is achieved.
Classification of accounts in budget accounting
The chart of accounts of a budgetary organization is established by the Instructionon budget accounting (dated February 10, 2006 No. 25n). Accountants who work in this area know this information almost by heart, regularly monitoring new editions and changes in the relevant articles of legislation. The peculiarity of the chart of accounts of budgetary organizations is that the latter can only be active or only passive:
- Active accounts are those that keep records of the institution's funds, their tangible and intangible assets.
- The accounts that reflect the sources of funds are recognized as passive.
Synthetic accounting data allow you to evaluate and analyze the current state of affairs of the institution today. Analytical accounting is information about balances and turnovers according to these accounts of synthetic accounting. The structure of the account number in the Chart of Accounts of budgetary organizations is built on the principle of nested modules (the so-called catalog accounting), consists of 26 digits.

Accounting for non-financial assets
Accounts are BCC (20 characters) and account codes (6 characters). The account number in the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary organizations consists of 26 characters.
The first section of the Plan is devoted to non-financial assets. These include:
- fixed assets;
- materials and finished products;
- investments in non-financial assets;
- intangible assets;
- depreciation;
- margin;
- non-financial assets on the way;
- non-produced assets;
- expenses.
It is worth noting separately such non-produced assets as land and subsoil resources. They should be accounted for at the original price from the date of their participation in the economic turnover.

Accounting for financial assets
Financial assets of the institution:
- cash in various storage locations;
- securities or other method of participation of the institution in the activities of other organizations;
- receivables from employees, tax authorities.
The second section of the working Chart of Accounts of a budgetary organization is devoted to the reflection of financial assets in the accounts:
- "Institutional funds".
- "Calculations on issued advances".
- "Settlements with income debtors".
- "Calculations for shortages".
- "Settlements with other debtors".

Third Section of the Plan: Commitments of the organization
It contains types of accounts payable familiar to an experienced accountant. In simple terms, these are debts that the institution must pay. Accounts payable can also arise if an advance has been received from the buyer and the services have not yet been provided, or if goods have been received from the supplier and the payment for them has not yet been transferred. Accounts payable also have advantages, because it is a kind of funds raised for the benefit of the institution, and without paying interest or pen alties.
Also thirdthe section of the Plan includes tax payments and settlements with other organizations whose activities are financed from the budget.
Accounting for financial results in a budget organization
The fourth section of the Plan lists the accounts for recording the financial results, income and expenses of the institution.
This section on the principles of accounting is almost no different from that in commercial organizations. The composition of assets and liabilities almost completely duplicates similar items in commerce. There are slight differences in the composition of the accounts.
Authorization of budget expenditures
The fifth section of the Plan is a set of accounts to reflect the movement:
- budget appropriations;
- commitment limits provided by budget managers;
- planned income and expenses of the institution.
For example, upon receipt of a notification from higher authorities about the limits on the purchase of materials, the accounting department must reflect the size of these limits on the accounting accounts. Of course, the subsequent development of these limits should also be displayed in the same section.
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