Apple Sale Online Store Reviews

Apple Sale Online Store Reviews
Apple Sale Online Store Reviews

The popularity of Apple technology has skyrocketed over the past few years. iPhone smartphones, iPads, iPods, as well as laptops, smart TVs, watches and other devices - the company sells all this in millions of copies. Despite the relatively high cost, the technique continues to be in unprecedented demand, including in our country. Thanks to this, there are various electronics stores from this manufacturer, called, for example, Apple Sale. Reviews indicate that the quality of products and service at such points of sale are different. What to be afraid of and what to look for when buying an expensive gadget, we will consider in this article on the example of one of these shops.

Apple Sale Reviews
Apple Sale Reviews

Apple Stores

Let's start with why we are so attracted to stores where Apple technology is presented. Firstly, there, unlike electronics supermarkets specializing in other devices, a wider selection of “apple” gadgets can be presented. This is oftenbribe various Apple Sale. Customer reviews are proof of this - in addition to the device itself, people are also interested in a case for it or some special accessory.

Secondly, such shops bribe the price. Yes, most stores with the name Apple Sale (reviews of those who buy something there confirm this) constantly hold interesting discount promotions and sales, allowing you to get more for the same money. Thirdly, in specialized "apple" stores you can be consulted in more detail on issues of interest to you. That is why people buy products in such stores. Reviews Reviews


As a rule, networks of points of sale of equipment work directly with service centers. Also, sometimes some stores have their own masters who are ready to inspect the device and fix the problem on it if necessary. Due to this, when buying in stores with the name Apple Sale (reviews will not lie), you can count on a guarantee.

In addition, when selling a device to you, the company that owns the store is obliged to provide all the documentation - this will also serve as a kind of confirmation of the legal origin of the phone, its legality in our country.

Apples-Sale reviews
Apples-Sale reviews


Another important point is certification. There is a "black" and "white" Apple technology, which differs on the basis of the legality of getting into the Russian Federation. If, say, the smartphone was officiallyimported by a partner company of the manufacturer, then it has the appropriate certificate confirming that the phone can work in Russia. Otherwise, devices can be imported from other countries illegally. Due to this, of course, the device will cost less.

This is an important point that shows whether you are dealing with an office that resells illegal products, or is actually an official Apple reseller.

As part of today's article, we will introduce you to one store that was engaged in the trade of "apples". It is called Reviews left by customers will help us understand how this store operated, what it was like. store reviews store reviews


The name of the shop, as you can see for yourself, is quite typical. It was that attracted our attention (customer reviews indicate that not only ours) due to very low prices for the entire range. Indeed, in the store it was possible to buy iPhone phones at an order of magnitude lower than from competitors who hold promotions and give bonuses. Due to this, of course, the shop got a lot of customers, and its popularity increased quite quickly.

Customer Reviews

At first, the reviews about the Apples-Sale store could be found exclusively positive. No wonder: people thanked the management of the resource for such cheap products, for saving, and literally could not get enough of the opportunity to shop here. Reviews Reviews

However, other information soon began to appear, frightening customers. Here it was about the fact that people bought phones that soon failed. There were also reviews from customers about the store, in which it was said that the device sold as new was actually sold in another country a couple of years ago. Or, for example, using information encrypted using the IMEI number, people found out that their gadget was completely stolen somewhere in Japan several years ago, after which it was never found.

If we analyze several (up to 10-15) characteristics that buyers left about the above store, it becomes clear that they really sold used equipment that was illegally brought into the territory of our country. Also, judging by the quality of service, the founders of the store probably had a batch of such equipment that just needed to be sold in order to close later - the managers did not make any returns to dissatisfied customers, and often simply rudely refused to communicate with the buyer, referring to the fact that he should have read the status of the device earlier.

Scheme of work

The principle by which the store functioned becomes obvious. Testimonials help uncover deceit. In fact, the founders of the store simply sold used phone models at a price slightly lower than new ones, due to which they received such an influx of customers. And in order not to be discovered initially, the scammers carried out cosmetic repairs of the devices, restoring themfor a factory look.

Due to this, the phones were often faulty at the hardware level, but the buyer could notice this only a few hours after he gave the money. Of course, in the future, store managers tried to cut off all contact with him - they did not answer calls, were rude, referred to non-existent legal norms. store reviews store reviews

Naturally, the company did not manage to work for a long time. It may even have closed before it could sell its stock to avoid liability for fraudulent activities. Be that as it may, but soon the site stopped working, and the store's office simply closed. Of course, people lost a lot of nerves and money because they contacted such sellers.

How not to get into trouble?

Of course, this situation can happen to any of us. Fraudsters must have carefully prepared their store for the exit, restoring devices and forging their documents. Therefore, at first glance, it would certainly be difficult to determine their honesty.

Here the buyer could be guided by the principle of "free cheese only in a mousetrap", because it turned out to be the site Reviews of the store indicate that the prices there were too low - this should have alerted customers, not forced them to buy two cheap iPhones at a time.

Be careful not to fall for such scams. In Russia, there is an official Apple Store - a "white" shop, presented by the developer company. You can buy therewithout any worries, and everything is fine with accessories.
