What kind of business can be done in the village: business ideas, investments, profitability and payback

What kind of business can be done in the village: business ideas, investments, profitability and payback
What kind of business can be done in the village: business ideas, investments, profitability and payback

Many people today are interested in what kind of business can be done in the village. Lots of options. Classical areas are animal husbandry, dairy products, cultivation of useful crops. Which of these is the most promising? What is easier to do, what is more difficult? Let's try to understand the details.

Relevance of the issue

At least once thinks about what kind of business can be done in the village, almost any inhabitant of such an area. The most attractive options with a quick payback and a good level of profitability. True, everyone has dreams of a decent profit, but not everyone, as can be seen from practice, manages to translate them into reality. Entrepreneurship involves the initial investment of a large amount of money into the business, and most of the rural residents do not have such money due to the low profitability of work. In addition, banks are not too willing to sponsor such people to start a new business. A huge number of cases are known when already for the firsta month of conducting a new business, a person was completely ruined. How to avoid such an outcome?

First of all, you need to responsibly treat the basic issues. The conditions for doing business in the village are not easy. The population density here is relatively low, the purchasing power leaves much to be desired; large cities are often located at a distance of tens and hundreds of kilometers, which means a problem with the delivery of raw materials, sales of goods. All these obstacles complicate the implementation of most projects. However, the difficulties are surmountable. To understand the prospects, you need to analyze already operating enterprises, evaluate which of them are the most successful, what were the organizational costs at first, then to maintain the business. It is necessary to take into account the relevance of different ideas in the conditions of the region, assess the possibilities, and sensibly analyze the expenditure component.

do business village business
do business village business

Money and success

Choosing what kind of business you can do in the village, you need to immediately assess what the financial starting conditions are. Some are firmly convinced that it makes sense to open a business only when the bank is ready to issue a loan. This is somewhat logical, because own funds are unlikely to be enough. Experts, on the other hand, believe that the variant with credit programs is catastrophically unsuitable for business in the village. Whatever the idea, it must be implemented at your own expense, and in the absence of such and the impossibility of attracting them without a bank, it is better not to even start. If a potential businessman has a very modest amount of money, which is barely enoughfor life, starting a business is also not worth it. Any agricultural business involves very big risks, so you need to invest not only your own money, but those that, in case of loss, will not cause a family collapse.

The best option is an entrepreneurship that requires minimal financial investments in the starting period. What kind of business can be done in the village so that at first the costs are meager? Experienced people say that the most promising are: growing oyster mushrooms, selling walnuts, breeding Californian worms. The latter option has another advantage - a minimum of competition. On the other hand, demand is also limited and the sales market is relatively small. Before you start your own business, you need to assess how many enterprises in a similar field operate nearby, how successful they are, whether they fully cover the market demand or it is not satisfied.

Available option

When figuring out what kind of business you can open in the village, you should take a closer look at growing potatoes. This option is extremely interesting because the workflow is quite simple. There is no need for specialized knowledge and skills. You won’t have to make any impressive investments at first, especially if a person has enough space to grow plants. Almost any villager has at his disposal a plot, or even several. It is not more difficult to get seed fruits. If there are not enough, you can ask friends and family for surpluses, purchase from neighbors for a reasonable price. The workflow is extremely simple. earthplow, plant seed specimens, then begin to care for the plantation. From time to time potatoes need weeding, watering and processing from parasites. It is necessary to process it with a rake, spud. In autumn, the plants are dug up and harvested. On average, it exceeds the volumes used for landing by eight or even ten times. This crop can be sold for more than a nice price.

If a person has a good cellar, you can store the harvest. In spring, potatoes are much more expensive - prices are five times higher than in autumn, sometimes even more.

what kind of business in the village
what kind of business in the village

Simple and affordable

Don't know what business to open in the village? Perhaps you should look at the possibility of collecting a variety of fruits. This option requires an investment of labor, but at the same time it attracts with an obvious advantage - practically no special financial investments are required, you just need to spend time and your own strength. Gather mushrooms, berries. Connoisseurs of useful herbs harvest such plants. Collected can be immediately sold on the market. Herbs are the most difficult to work with, but berries and mushrooms are the easiest option. If a person is well versed in the plant world, he can conclude an agreement with a pharmacological enterprise or some nearby center dealing with public he alth problems. Such institutions willingly acquire useful plants for their activities.

If there is something to invest

Options for what kind of business can be done in the village with basic capital,a lot. It is desirable to have certain skills - incompetent entrepreneurs, especially in the field of agriculture, have a very difficult time. Only people who adequately assess their own abilities and strengths can count on success. In addition, it is necessary to analyze which options and directions have been the most profitable and promising in recent years. Based on the characteristics of the region. In some areas, farming is the best option. You can grow plants in greenhouses, make milk and products from it. The breeding of bees, sawing forests, plant growing, and fishing are promising. You can start trading in agricultural goods.

When choosing what kind of business to do in the village, having insignificant capital and useful skills, it is worth taking a closer look at the possibilities for providing repair services. Sooner or later, a variety of objects and things break: from equipment to buildings. All this requires repair, and not every owner has the means, time, and skills for timely repairs. Many find it easier to invite a third party. Accordingly, this line of business looks promising. You can deliver water and donate milk. Some raise poultry, animals, then slaughter for meat. The main idea is simplicity. The simpler the chosen direction, the higher the chances of success.

what kind of business to develop in the village
what kind of business to develop in the village

Tourism and entrepreneurship

In recent years, new opportunities for doing business in the village have appeared. The fact is that tourist trips are becoming more popular. People tend to visit unusual villages,remote from cities. Most of all, settlements with ancient history, shrouded in mysticism and legends, attract. The more beautiful the surrounding nature, the more likely it is that there will be many who want to come here. If there is a large and clean body of water nearby, there are mountains or large forests, the destination will surely become popular. Local residents can create a small point for the rest of the townspeople. Tourists get excellent food - real home cooking with local motives. Seasonally, tourists can participate in rural entertainment. They are driven on horses, in sledges, and in carts. Many people enjoy rafting down the rivers and swimming in the ponds. Locals can take guests on boats. Some, for a fee, show visitors places with mushrooms and berries and teach them how to pick them.

rural tourism
rural tourism

What to do?

If, after analyzing what kind of business to develop in the village, it was decided to focus on tourism, you will have to prepare in advance to receive guests. Creating a recreation center is not a very difficult task, but it requires financial injections. First you have to create a small rest house. You can put a hotel, you can build several buildings. An entrepreneur must clearly understand exactly what attractive aspects of being here will be a reason for a potential traveler to go so far from the usual city. It is necessary to purchase equipment necessary for recreation. The next step is to register as a business. After that, you can start advertising the settlement. To organize thisbusiness, it is necessary to have, according to experts, approximately 500-800 thousand rubles. If by the time the project starts, there is already a suitable accommodation option for tourists, the implementation price will be significantly reduced.


Having a small start-up capital, analyzing which business in the village is the most profitable, it is worth taking a closer look at the possibilities of opening your own sawmill. A villager can open a workshop specializing in woodworking. If a person has a good starting amount, he usually has almost no problems with the choice. Most often, such cases are started by enterprising young people. Even urban residents sometimes consider sawmills as a good and promising option for investing money, what can we say about a rural resident who is well versed in all the ins and outs of the process? A sawmill, a workshop are usually arranged outside the boundaries of the settlement. This allows you to significantly reduce maintenance costs. If you don’t have your own money to create a sawmill, you can contact an investor in the city. Partnership involves the provision of the financial side by the city dweller, and the practical activity by the villager.

Not without cons. Everyone knows how promising sawmills are, so many are interested in trying themselves in this area. Accordingly, the competition is palpable. Before starting a business, you need to study the market in a particular area. If a workshop is already operating nearby, or even several, the enterprise will most likely be unprofitable - you should not even start. On average, starting investments are estimated at one million rubles.

what village business is profitable
what village business is profitable


When analyzing which business in the village is better and which is not very promising, it is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of beekeeping. This is a great option that is known for its benefits. Honey is one of the most expensive products. It is useful, considered a natural medicine, has a pleasant taste. On average, to open your own business, you need to have a quarter of a million. True, starting from scratch is problematic - working with bees requires considerable experience and knowledge. You need to be able to interact with insects so that they do not get sick, bring a lot of honey. In addition, it is important to properly pack, store, and sell it. Products must have official approvals and approvals.

If a potential entrepreneur has enough knowledge, if he is experienced, in just one season, the investment will fully pay off. As is known from statistical information, with proper care, one hive gives the owner about 40 kg of honey, the price of which per kilogram is 400 rubles. and more. Specific prices vary by location. Entrepreneurship will be successful if you think over and debug the system for the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished honey in advance. First you need to buy at least three dozen hives and the same number of bee colonies. One family will cost an average of 4 thousand rubles. In May, it turns into two, so it is better to buy more hives in advance. The price for one is about one and a half thousand. Accordingly, bees for a beginner will cost 122 thousand, hives - 90 thousand, and for other expenses you need to lay about40 thousand. After the first split of families, the season will give the owner 2.4 tons of honey, which will cost (at a price of 400 rubles / kg) 960 thousand rubles. About 150 thousand of this proceeds are spent on the creation of a winter camp. Next year we need to buy raw materials (about 80 thousand). Accordingly, the annual net profit reaches 40 thousand monthly. In the second year, the amount doubles as no capital investment is needed.

beekeeping as a business
beekeeping as a business

Dairy products

Choosing what kind of business can be done in the village, you need to look at this option. Entrepreneurship can be quite modest in size, which means it will require a minimum of investment. The task of a businessman is to produce and sell milk. On average, one family in a village owns a cow or two. Such a number of livestock for a good income is definitely not enough. But having from eight to ten animals, you can count on decent volumes of milk yield, as a result, good earning opportunities. On average, one animal will cost the buyer 10 thousand rubles. Livestock expenses in the summer are minimal - you just need to contribute your share of the shepherd's salary. Milk can be sold to the factory. Many large enterprises have machines that regularly visit villages and buy up all the milk in a day. Small enterprises specializing in the manufacture of dairy products from natural whole milk are also engaged in this.

If a person has his own car and can afford to buy up to a dozen cows, it is quite easy for him to choose which business to start in the village. Milk yield fromanimals, such an entrepreneur can independently transport them to the nearest large settlement, where it will be possible to sell products at a much higher price. In addition to milk, you can transport various products made from it: fermented baked milk, sour cream. In any of the options, income is stable. True, the basic condition is the ability to keep animals, take care of them so that they do not get sick, feel good. Otherwise, the milk yield will be small and the taste of the liquid will be poor.

what business to open in the village
what business to open in the village

Examples and money

When choosing what kind of business to do in the village, it is worth referring to directories that give a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe costs in different areas of entrepreneurship. If it is possible to create your own dairy farm, you need to prepare for the possibility of receiving up to 4.5 thousand dollars (about 300,000 rubles) per month with an average investment of 42 times more. Payback period - 38 months. If you want to grow garlic, you can get up to $850 (56,000 rubles) per month. Starting investments - ten times more. Payback period - 10 months. If the climate allows you to make money on walnuts, then you should prepare for a good profit per month (up to 9.5 thousand dollars or 630,000 rubles) with an initial investment of 20 times more. Payback period is about 96 months.

A good option for a promising business is growing green onions. The feathers of this plant are happy to buy both shops and large enterprises, which means that by choosing a similar direction, you won’t have tolook for what kind of business in the village is promising. The initial investment is no more than two thousand dollars, and the profit per month is about $500 (33,000 rubles). In just a quarter of a year, you can recoup your investment. If you want to get into champignons, at first you will have to invest about 25 thousand dollars in the business, but every month the profit will reach 2.5 thousand dollars, and in just a year it will be possible to recoup the investment. Not the last option in terms of what kind of business it is profitable to do in the village is the cultivation of quails. In just five months, the initial investment (about 1.5 thousand dollars) will pay off, since you can receive about 500 dollars every month. You can breed pheasants. Here, at first, you will need a little more money - about 10 thousand dollars, but with a monthly profit of more than one and a half thousand, you can pay back the business in six months.

I want to grow

When analyzing which business in the village is profitable, it is worth paying attention to the possibilities of growing various vegetation. Crop production is rightfully considered one of the most promising areas. The products that the farmer makes are useful to the public. Therefore, after analyzing the business ideas dedicated to what kind of business to do in the village and focusing on crop production, a person makes a decision in favor of the demanded option. Herbs are essential for herbal medicine, which is why many grow them. No less promising vegetables. You can grow all kinds of greens. Onion, dill, parsley are in demand.

Analyzing business ideas that tell about what kind of business to do in the village, it is worth paying attention toattention to options dedicated to cereals. They justify themselves if the entrepreneur can invest a good starting amount. Most often, buckwheat is grown. But if you need to figure out what kind of business to do in the village from scratch, then breeding indoor plants will be a good option.

Everything from the beginning

Crop production generally requires certain investments. The most promising option is the case when the farmer has 40-60 hectares. To work with the earth, you need equipment. If an analysis of what kind of business is beneficial to the village has shown the prospect of growing buckwheat and other cereals, potatoes or vegetables and other plants grown on large areas, you need to buy machines for work in advance. You will need a tractor and nozzles for it, fuel, seeds. You have to buy fertilizer. At least 10 thousand rubles are laid for unforeseen cases. Experts believe that two years is more than enough time to fully recoup the initial investment and secure a stable profit.

Don't expect money to flow into your wallet effortlessly. Plant growing is traditionally one of the rather difficult types of labor. Among the main advantages are excellent profitability, good bottom line, reliability and profit stability.

rural business profitability
rural business profitability

Well, as an alternative, you can consider breeding ostriches or creating a youth entertainment center. You can produce flour, breed crayfish. Good and promising options - turkey, goose, chicken farm, plantationscucumbers.
