What is a chicken? Description, classification, content and nutrition

What is a chicken? Description, classification, content and nutrition
What is a chicken? Description, classification, content and nutrition

Everyone knows what a chicken is, the photo of which is below. But not everyone is familiar with the details of its existence. A chicken is a bird that lives in man's subsidiary farms. Thanks to her vital activity, a person receives meat and eggs. These are useful products. Also, thanks to these birds, feathers and down are obtained. So what is a chicken? Description follows.

chicken photo
chicken photo

What are the types of chickens?

By type, chickens are divided into breeds, which are mainly grown for meat or to obtain a large number of eggs, so the following groups are distinguished:

  1. Breeds that are designed for the production of eggs.
  2. They bring the same amount of meat and eggs.
  3. Chickens that are designed to produce meat.
  4. Small breeds - for decoration.
  5. A bird used in cockfights.

Accordingly, simple hens that lay eggs are small in size, start laying early. If this is a breed of birds that is intended for the production of meat, then chickens are large and quickly gain weight in the process of growth. Afterdetermined what a chicken is, you need to learn more about the types.

chicken conditions
chicken conditions

Andalusian Blue

Andalusian blue, appeared in Andolusia, belongs to the type of laying hens, in 12 months such a bird can carry 170 eggs. The plumage has a blue color, some individuals may have a black or white feather color. The comb of roosters stands straight, that of hens hangs down, the legs and beak are light blue in color.

Hamburg breed

Hamburger breed is a small-sized individual with an elongated body. The rooster has a comb in the form of a rose, large earrings. The females have practically no scallop. Color white, black, black combined with gold and silver with white additives.

simple chickens
simple chickens

Italian chicken (leghorn)

The size of the bird is medium, in females the comb is small in roosters - large. White lobes, yellow beak, high legs. This breed originated in Italy, mostly brown and grey. Males have a beautiful black tail, with a hint of green. The bird of this breed belongs to laying hens.


Minorca is a breed of hens that belongs to laying hens. The body is small, the color of the pen is black. The beak and legs are light black, but the earlobes are white. The comb is large in males, females are medium in size.

In order for laying hens to give a large number of eggs, they need a special diet, warmth and special nests, which must always be clean.

Chicken breeds for meat production

Currently, more than 200 breeds are knownthis bird. In addition, chickens are used to produce eggs. Many breeds were specially bred thanks to the fruitful work of breeders. These chickens are meat, and for short periods of time individuals gain weight, as they lead a sedentary lifestyle.

what is chicken description
what is chicken description

The most popular breeds for meat production are firerolle, brahma. The bird of the Brahma breed is large, feathers grow on the legs. Chickens can reach a weight of up to 5 kg, and males - 6.5 kg. Birds of this breed gain weight very quickly.

Breeds that produce both meat and eggs

These chickens are mainly raised by amateurs, since with the right poultry keeping, eggs can not only be eaten, but also sold. After the number of eggs per day is reduced in chickens, they can be used as a source of dietary meat. These are breeds such as Poltava and silver Adler.

Due to the fact that these birds were specially bred by crossing the best representatives of laying hens and chickens of meat breeds, they live a long time and do not require special conditions in keeping.


These birds are specially bred to produce large amounts of meat in short periods of time. Therefore, individuals of this breed are mainly intended for poultry farms and farms. A large number of these birds are raised here.

Thanks to the individuals of this breed, all outlets receive the right amount of chicken meat.

what is chicken
what is chicken

Individuals designed for cockfighting

These breeds are specially bred - the body of the bird is small,lean, and the legs are strong and long. Thanks to these signs, birds are selected for participation in battles. Such fights are popular in Asia.

Special breeds of chickens that are not afraid of frost

For countries with very severe frosts, breeds of birds were bred that have additional plumage - faverol, landrass and hercules. Chickens of these breeds can be grown in different regions of Russia.

Conditions for chickens

Chicken coops are built to keep poultry. This is a room in which the bird can hide from the weather, and an aviary for walking, which is fenced. For chickens of meat breeds, you can build cages from a grid with doors.

In the chicken coop, the floor should be covered with sawdust and straw, the main condition is to often remove chicken droppings. Since parasites multiply rapidly, it is necessary to carry out cleaning and treatment with insecticidal preparations.

The air temperature should be 11-22 degrees, the humidity is moderate. If the chicken coop is cold, then more feed will be required. If it is very hot, the chickens will lay less. Therefore, compliance with the temperature range is important for the productive life of birds. Ventilation in the form of a hood or window is also required.

In the chicken coop, the light should be dim, a 60 V lamp is suitable, while it must be hung over drinkers and feeders. The area where the nests and perch should be in twilight. If the light is too bright, the bird will be nervous and irritable.

It should be remembered that maintaining a certain temperature and lighting in the chicken coop are very important components when breeding these birds. In the very room wherechickens live, there must be feeders, drinkers, perches and nests.


Perches are slats along the perimeter of the chicken coop at a height convenient for the bird to easily climb onto it. Do not forget that, sitting on a perch, chickens empty their intestines. To reduce cleaning, you can place perches in one part of the chicken coop, and put excrement boxes under them. This makes cleaning easier.


In order for chickens to lay eggs, you need a warm and dark place. Chickens build nests, mostly wooden boxes, they are placed in a warm corner without drafts.

chickens of different breeds
chickens of different breeds

Drinkers and feeders

They can be bought or made, mainly on poultry farms they use devices sold in the distribution network. In subsidiary and household households, people make these feeders and drinkers themselves. The main condition is that it is convenient for the bird to eat from the feeders. And also - so that they do not turn over and are easy to wash.

Feeding the birds

Laying hens need to be fed with special feeds that are sold in stores. They eat feed well, but do not forget about special additives that increase the number of eggs per day.

These feeds contain all the vitamins necessary for poultry, it is imperative to ensure that there is fresh clean water in the drinkers.

For chickens of meat breeds, there are other compound feeds that contribute to the rapid growth of the bird. By providing proper nutrition and observing all the conditions for keeping birds, you can get the necessary amount of meat and eggs, whichenough to sell.

After you have learned more about what a chicken is, you should choose the breeds of these birds more carefully, depending on the purpose.
