Demotivation is Demotivation: definition, causes, factors and examples

Demotivation is Demotivation: definition, causes, factors and examples
Demotivation is Demotivation: definition, causes, factors and examples

Demotivation of employees is as effective in the process of personnel management as motivation. However, its application requires a certain tact and systematic.

Demotivation is a system of methods of influencing personnel

Along with such a well-known and for many familiar concept as “motivation” (encouraging, encouraging, setting actual goals), there is demotivation - the complete opposite.

demotivating factors
demotivating factors

Demotivation is, in the broad sense of the word, any reproach, claim or dissatisfaction expressed as a reaction to words, actions or inaction. Most often, this term is used by specialists working with the personnel of companies and organizations. In their circles, it is customary to call demotivation material and disciplinary punishments, as well as individual emotional stresses combined into a system. Their goal is to push the employee to the idea that his actions do not meet the expectations of the manager, as well as pointing out the way to correctsituations. True, it is not uncommon for an employee to quit after applying these techniques.

Principles of demotivation

Given the effectiveness of such a powerful tool in personnel management as demotivation, a large number of managers are taken to quickly implement the new policy. However, it is important to adhere to certain rules here, then the techniques used will bring the greatest benefit. Demotivation is a phenomenon accompanied by pen alties, punishments, reprimands and warnings, which seriously affects the self-esteem of employees. Therefore, the use of such techniques should be dosed, competent and timely.

Demotivation of personnel is designed to push the employee to reconsider his attitude to the performance of work duties. He is expected to adequately assess his role and usefulness in the organization. Thus, the purpose of demotivation techniques is to sober up the employee and stimulate his performance.

demotivation of employees
demotivation of employees

The main condition for all applied methods must be compliance with labor laws.

What financial pen alties can be applied?

An example of demotivation can be a reduction in the amount of accrued bonuses (other incentive payments) or its complete cancellation. However, the employer is not en titled to reduce the employee's rate in any case. The exception is financially responsible employees.

motivation demotivation
motivation demotivation

As a material demotivation can beused:

  • Forfeiting bonuses or commissions that serve as a reward for a job well done.
  • Reducing commission, bonus or premium.
  • Reducing social package benefits.

Psychological aspect

Such concepts as "motivation", "demotivation", "employee engagement" and others are closely related to various psychological nuances. As you know, an employee who is interested in the work process performs his functions much better than one who considers himself forced to be at the workplace.

To reveal the potential of each member of the team or to return the zeal for work, you can apply not only material, but also moral influence (remarks, reprimands, severe reprimands). Of course, here the requirements for tact, timeliness and moderation of demotivation measures are more relevant than ever.

The concepts of lawful and unlawful demotivation

Unlawful is the reduction or refusal to pay those amounts of money that the employer is obliged to give the employee in full (wage indexation, entertainment expenses).

Lawful demotivation - these are the pen alties that are dictated by law (remarks, reprimands, dismissal). If we are talking about the application of the initial stages of demotivation, then the explanatory note has the best effect. It is drawn up in any form and is invested in the employee's personal file.

Demotivating factors

The manager decides on the application of demotivational measures based on the assessmentthe state and mood of their employees. It also depends on the choice of means and types of punishment. Analyzing the situation in the team, the employer pays attention to the following factors:

  • business environment situation;
  • internal situation in the company;
  • list of goals set for the sales department;
  • demotivation is
    demotivation is
  • specific skills of workers within their occupations;
  • individual characteristics of workers.

Mistakes made by leaders

By going too far, using too strict and inappropriate demotivational measures, the employer often achieves the exact opposite effect: it sets employees against themselves, deprives them of their loy alty and trust.

staff demotivation
staff demotivation

The main distortions occur when the leader resorts to non-standard methods of moral punishment:

  • Restricting employee access to incentives.
  • Hints or open talk about employees getting more than they deserve.
  • Criticism, both constructive and excessive.
  • Using the tactic of ignoring employees, in which the manager does not communicate directly with subordinates, but sets tasks and resolves issues with the help of an intermediary.
  • Detracting from the merit, initiatives and contributions of employees.
  • Setting inconsistent and fuzzy goals.

It should be noted that such behavior can hardly be called professional.

Why you may needdemotivation?

Employees may show reduced interest in work for a number of very different reasons. These can be both personal problems and dissatisfaction with the internal organizational situation.

Most common reasons for demotivation:

  • Accidental or intentional failure by the employer to comply with tacit agreements.
  • The lack of opportunities for employees to take the initiative and use their full potential.
  • A situation in which employees do not feel involved in the organization.
  • Lack of career advancement opportunities.
  • Insufficient reward system, leaving employees feeling undervalued.

The emergence of family problems is the most common personal motive for reducing the enthusiasm of workers. The task of colleagues and the manager is tactful psychological support for such employees. It is also worth considering the possibility of emotional exhaustion of a person. You can restore his zeal for work by providing a short rest or vacation.

A significant reason for the decrease in team loy alty is the behavior and management methodology used by the leader. Employees lose interest in work due to incorrect motivation or ignoring their internal motives.

reasons for demotivation
reasons for demotivation

A good leader or manager must clearly understand what drives his subordinates, what criteria they use to make decisions and what is dominant for theman incentive to work.
