2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Management styles determine the effectiveness of a single company, corporation or an entire state. A well-chosen methodology of action helps to react less painfully to fleeting changes in the world and sometimes set the pace of development. This explains the importance of understanding all the methods and styles of management. You can learn more about this in this article.
Management methods
Management methods are specially selected and systematized ways and methods of influencing employees in order to complete the tasks and achieve the mission of the enterprise.

There are a huge number of them. For example:
- interviews, questionnaires, sample surveys and expertise are used to identify opinions;
- to evaluate decisions and the situation, trees of significance (PATTERN) are chosen, an assessment of the effectiveness of innovations, risks and the threshold of profitability;
- to generate ideas, they use brainstorming, "6-3-5", synectics andbusiness game.
But it is worth considering a broader classification of management methods.
Economic methods of management
Economic methods involve the measurement and comparison of expenses and income. They are divided into:
- government regulation: taxes, antitrust laws and subsidies;
- market regulation: competition, demand, lower or higher prices, sales;
- internal regulation.

The last type of economic methods is mainly aimed at the interest of employees in the success of the company. In turn, they are:
- focused on employees: bonuses, rewards, punishments and refresher courses;
- focused on workflow: workspace improvements, flexible hours or remote collaboration;
- aimed at the enterprise itself.
Organizational-Administrative Methods
Different direct impact, are directive. The main principles are: strict discipline, responsibility, power and coercion. Classified as follows:
- organizational: design, regulation, regulation and standardization;
- administrative: orders, commands, recommendations and instructions.

The methods themselves can affect the situation in different ways. Thus, certain categories perform stabilizing functions, others reflect the current useorganizational ties and their adjustment in connection with changes in working conditions (for example, an order or instruction).
Social and psychological methods
Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of non-material incentives, special communication tools, images and other ways of influencing the emotional state of people. They are subdivided into:
- Social, which streamline the relations of teams and individual workers by introducing certain norms and restrictions. Individual organizations involve employees of all levels in social management. An example of this group is the internal labor regulations, internal company etiquette and disciplinary action.
- Socio-psychological, which affect the team from different sides: the formation, development and processes that take place inside it. The main objects of management are formal and informal groups, the cult of personality and the social needs of workers. The main tools include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation or coercion.
- Psychological, which are based on the optimal selection and placement of personnel. They include: recruitment of small groups, humanization of labor (exposure to color, music, expansion of the creative side of activity), professional selection and training.

Depending on the chosen management styles, a set of management methods is formed, which combines different tools. The right type of leadership determinesteam climate, boss status, horizontal and vertical connections of subordinates.
Liberal management style
"Employees have complete freedom." It is one of the main management styles and implies an almost complete lack of control and monitoring of employees' actions. So, the leader explains to the performers the essence of the problem and sets tasks. The team, in turn, thinks about the decision itself and shows the leader the finished result.
Among the shortcomings worth noting:
- the possibility of anarchy and the nomination of an informal leader, on which the situation within the team depends;
- lack of moral incentives (support, praise, etc.);
- passiveness of top management bodies and inability of the leader to cope with conflict situations;
- reducing the speed of achieving goals.

The benefits are:
- work causes interest and he althy competition;
- freedom of activity for all employees and individuals, maximum disclosure of potential;
- independent determination of a clear chain of hierarchy and systematic action;
- high chance of generating new ideas.
This characteristic of the management style helps to clearly see the flaws in the system and correct them in time. This model will function effectively in IT firms, event agencies and other enterprises where creativity is welcomed and encouraged. For example, in all Silicon Valley companies.
Democratic leadership style
Managerial styles in management should help the manager rationally coordinate the work of staff. The democratic model is the golden mean: in this case, employees are given freedom of action only within the framework of their powers and qualifications. It is based on justice, an objective system of punishments and rewards.
- "Consultative democracy" - the manager trusts decision-making to subordinates and consults with them. Tasks are defined at the top management level.
- Participatory Democracy assumes that almost all employees are involved in goal setting and goal setting.

Among the cons should be highlighted:
- difficulty in providing the necessary conditions;
- deceleration of the decision-making process.
How pluses appear:
- validity and qualification of the decisions made;
- high degree of team motivation;
- unloading executives.
This is the best option for companies that have been on the market for a long time and want to maintain their positions.
Authoritarian management style
The style of managerial activity, which is based on the formal authority of the boss. A noticeable desire of managers to rely on rigid instructions and orders. Objections from subordinates are not allowed, there are restrictions in the expression of ideas and one's own preferences. Its fundamental goal is unquestioning obedience. The long-ineffective “carrot and stick” model is being chosen as incentives, with an emphasis on punishment and threats.

Negative aspects of the described style:
- lack of employee initiative;
- heavy workloads for managers;
- high cost of ongoing monitoring.
Despite such a rigid framework, of all management styles, authoritarian is more quickly able to coordinate work to achieve results. It was the backbone of enterprise management in the Soviet Union. In the modern world, it is used only in especially critical situations to quickly get out of an unfavorable situation and eliminate undesirable consequences.
Coaching as a new style
The standard classification of management styles is limited to the first three models. In the 21st century, the concept of "coaching" is gaining more and more popularity - a method of consulting and training, during which the coach helps his clients achieve their professional and life goals without direct intervention.

Business coaching is used in companies. It is aimed at finding the most effective ways and all sorts of alternatives for solving problems. This is achieved by:
- help in moving up the career ladder;
- improving communication skills;
- strengthening leadership and work organization;
- building a productive team.
A wise manager knows how to vary all stylesmanagement. To be a good friend for employees, a strict boss, the same worker and personal psychologist. This determines the effectiveness of the activities of superiors and subordinates, and hence the successful development of the entire company.
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