How to buy shares for an individual

How to buy shares for an individual
How to buy shares for an individual

Today, investing in securities, the main purpose of which is passive income, is in high demand. The difficulty lies in the ignorance of many people of the full range of actions aimed at making a profit in the area under consideration. Part of the population interested in this option of earning does not know how to buy shares.

What makes up income from securities

There are several options for the above type of earnings, namely:

1. income from the difference in prices for buying and selling shares;

2. profit from temporary borrowing of these securities from stock brokers with their subsequent sale at a more favorable rate and repurchase at a reduced quotation;

3. direct earnings in the form of dividends, that is, part of the profit that is paid to shareholders.

how to buy shares
how to buy shares

How and where to buy shares

Purchase of the securities in question is always availablethrough brokerage services. Using this service, you can freely use all existing trading platforms in the world, in particular the stock markets of such countries as the USA, Europe, China, India, Australia, Brazil. There it becomes possible to carry out the entire range of commercial activities with the available securities.

To start trading, a number of procedures are required, in particular:

1. Open an appropriate account with the desired broker.

2. Deposit a certain amount of money into it.

3. Choose the appropriate tariff plan that provides access to the desired trading platform.

4. Highlight desired stocks.

5. Check the current rate for them.

6. Leave a purchase request.

how and where to buy shares
how and where to buy shares

Is it possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this option of earning money on the securities in question

Not much has become known about how to buy stocks, so it's worth moving on to a moment that reveals the positive and negative aspects of investing in them.

The facts supporting the positive outcome of investing in these securities are:

1. Presence of significant potential for good returns.

2. Passivity of earnings, that is, there is no need for physical labor.

3. Possibility of trial investment of small amounts.

4. Evidence of ownership of a part of the enterprise whose shares were acquired.

5. Opportunity to earn on their speculation.

how can i buystock
how can i buystock

Evidence of the negative aspect of investing in stocks is:

1. A fairly high risk level if there is no theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the exchange methodology.

2. The presence of a brokerage commission, independent of the outcome of trading.

What possible negative aspects may accompany this type of income

If a decision has already been made on how to buy shares on the stock exchange, then it remains only to get acquainted with the possible risks and ways to minimize them.

The primary task that must be solved before the start of trading is to master the practical skills of predicting possible cases of their unfavorable outcome.

how to buy shares on the stock exchange
how to buy shares on the stock exchange

The factors that affect stock prices are:

1. Directly proportional dependence of the value of these securities on the generated profit of the respective company. Nevertheless, with the identity of some economic indicators, the stock quote may differ significantly. The popularity of the securities in question is increasing in terms of the presence of technical standards, corporate management and respect for the rights of shareholders, as well as the reputation of the company.

2. The news line during the auction can both harm the exchange rate and significantly contribute.

3. Statistics of the activity of the relevant enterprise, forming certain opinions among potential investors.

4. Dependence of Russian stock markets on the level of world stock indices.

What beginners should knowstock market

The main asset on well-known trading floors are various securities, this leads to a number of questions, one of which is the question of how to buy shares for a private person.

To answer it, you need to understand the fact that the largest exchanges do not have such rights that would allow them to sell securities to individuals without a special registration procedure. The reason for the introduction of such restrictions is both the security aspect and the monitoring of ongoing transactions.

how to buy shares as a private person
how to buy shares as a private person

It is possible to become a completely independent private investor, of course, purely theoretically, by first creating a legal entity in your name and registering it on the stock exchange. This procedure involves the payment of a down payment, which is equivalent to the average annual budget of a small business. Thus, this option is not always appropriate. Therefore, many citizens turn to the services of an intermediary who can explain in detail how an individual can buy shares on acceptable terms.

How can an individual buy shares?
How can an individual buy shares?

Who are brokers

Exchange intermediaries are, as a rule, firms professionally engaged in stock trading. Thus, these may be large companies that legally sell and buy shares.

Brokers act as intermediaries between three exchange participants, in particular:

1. The stock market itself, which is the guarantor of theall sorts of deals.

2. Issuer companies, that is, companies that issue shares.

3. Investors conducting operations of a speculative nature.

So, the answer to the previously asked question about how to buy shares for ordinary citizens will be to conclude a contract with a brokerage company.

This option is appropriate due to the lack of special registration and payment of the down payment. This is made possible by the broker buying and selling securities on behalf of its clients.

For the same reason, the involvement of exchange intermediaries will also help solve the problem, the essence of which is how to buy shares for a private person.

It would be useful to note that the securities of Russian enterprises, bought and sold on specialized exchanges, are issued without documentary evidence. That is, the new owner is not provided with any certificate of purchase. However, all transactions with shares are legal under Russian law. From the moment of their alienation, information about the new owner is entered into the relevant register of shareholders of the enterprise whose securities were acquired. Accordingly, there is an electronic record confirming the ownership of certain shares.

Availability to buy Gazprom shares

Quite often you can hear the question of how to buy shares of a Russian energy company. In particular, a well-known gas company. Most often they are purchased or sold through a professional participant in the stock market. Usually this kind of service is provided by investment companies and commercial banks.

Another option for acquiring the securities in question, allowing you to answer the question of how to buy shares in an oil and gas company, is to receive them at a branch of Gazprombank.

how to buy company shares
how to buy company shares

This method is associated with a number of advantages and disadvantages, namely:

  • positive aspect is manifested in the absence of commission payments to intermediaries;
  • negative side is poured out in the presence of the internal rate of the relevant bank for the buyback or sale of shares.

It is attractive to those who want to own a profitable asset, but do not want to participate in the auction.

How to buy foreign stocks

A very difficult situation is observed at the moment concerning the acquisition of securities by Russian investors. The option of buying shares of foreign companies is not at all easier, on the contrary.

Still, there are several ways to buy shares of foreign companies, more precisely:

1. Obtaining by the future investor of a license issued by the national bank, allowing to invest abroad. It is required to decide in advance in which shares investments will be made and how much money can be spent on it. It will be necessary to collect the necessary package of documents for each transaction separately and send it for consideration to the head office of the national bank. Then we have to wait for the answer, which will be ready in at least 30 days. This option is appropriate for those who want to invest a significant amount in shares and are not going to put them up for sale, at least in the near future.

2. Trading via the Internet on a foreign exchange. A foreign broker is involved here. Further, the scheme is the same as when buying shares through Russian intermediaries. It is important to know that this method is not legal under Russian law.

3. Attracting foreign companies via the Internet, which will play on a foreign exchange on behalf of a client. In this case, you will need to install their trading terminal on the customer's computer and deposit funds into the account. This option is highly risky and also not legal.

The choice of how to buy shares of foreign companies, to make only the investors themselves.

How to avoid mistakes while bidding

There are an endless number of ways to effectively play the stock market, in particular:

1. Formation of investment portfolios that allow to compensate for unsuccessful investments through successful ones.

2. Using specific strategies to minimize risk.

3. Application of orders that allow you to automatically respond to the market situation in a timely manner, etc.

Thus, with the help of modern technologies, it is possible to participate in trading remotely, that is, online, due to uninterrupted access to the stock exchange via the Internet. It remains only to correctly predict this or that behavior of the stock price, which is quite simple if you develop an analytic althinking.

How to choose the right broker

Under Russian law, individuals can purchase shares on the stock exchange exclusively through an intermediary and only. It is worth taking seriously the choice of a broker.

The main winning features of exchange intermediaries are:

  • presence of the maximum reliability rating;
  • providing the client with free market analytics through daily emails or telephone consultations;
  • acceptable commission rate, etc.

Stock liquidity levels

There are three stock tiers:

1. The first level includes "blue chips". The issuers belonging to this echelon make up a group of domestic companies with assets of more than 20 billion US dollars. Thus, they occupy a significant place in this industry. Such large-scale companies as Sberbank, Lukoil, VTB, Gazprom and others can serve as an example. It is available to buy their shares during the trading session. This echelon is characterized by stable profitability and impressive competitiveness.

2. The second level is represented by companies that have assets not exceeding 10 billion US dollars, in particular: Aeroflot, Rostelecom, B altika, etc. Investments in these shares are always appropriate, in view of their possible move to the first echelon. The main advantage is the stability of the growth of quotations.

3. The third tier includes companies whose securities are distinguished by their price attractiveness and the potential for making excess profits on them. Here you caninclude firms that have entered the Russian market relatively recently and whose assets reach 100 thousand US dollars. This tier is characterized by significant risks combined with minimal liquidity, but the potential for income growth.

Entering the stock market is not easy, but you can always buy stocks.
