Production of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

Production of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region
Production of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

St. Petersburg is one of the largest and most beautiful cities not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout Europe. Thanks to world-famous museums, architectural monuments and other attractions, tourism in St. Petersburg has become one of the main economic areas.

View of St. Petersburg
View of St. Petersburg

However, this city is also the largest industrial center of the Russian Federation. The production of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region covers a wide range of industries and has a rich history.

Establishment of production in the city on the Neva

Sovereign Pyotr Alekseevich actively developed in the St. Petersburg province the most important industries for the country at that time: weapons, sailing, foundry, cannon, cloth, paper. This ruler made the city the capital of the Russian Empire and one of the largest industrial centers already in the first half of the 18th century.

Parade of troops on Palace Square
Parade of troops on Palace Square

The main task for Russia at that moment in history was to provide access to the sea and the development of trade, which needed a war. And the power of the country's army depends primarily on the development of production and the economy. Peter I set to work resolutely.

First Plant of St. Petersburg

The city itself was founded by Emperor Peter I in 1703, and just a year later the first production company in St. large shipbuilding enterprises in Russia.

Construction of a ship on the slipway of the Admir alty shipyards
Construction of a ship on the slipway of the Admir alty shipyards

This is a diversified company that builds both oil tankers and submarines according to the latest designs.

Sestroretsk arms factories

Almost immediately after its founding, many factories began to be actively built in the city, and in 1719 a Manufactory College was created to manage them. In 1721, the Sestroretsk arms factory was founded, one of the first in the country to start producing products for the army. Together with a gunpowder mill built later on the Sestra River, these factories later became the largest enterprise in the Russian Empire, one of the best in terms of equipment at that time.

It was the construction of dams designed to power this industrial complex that led to the emergence of an artificial lake, now known as Sestroretsky Razliv.

Now the Sestroretsk factories, along with the rope factory in Kronstadt and the Izhora factory, are an objectcultural heritage.

Some of the enterprises founded by Peter I were subsequently demolished, for example, the famous Cannon foundry, which played a significant role in providing for the army.

However, the emperor laid a powerful foundation, initially gave the city and the province the status of a major industrial center, which, of course, served to ensure that at the present time, production in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is at its best. There are many large enterprises operating in the region, producing a wide range of products.

Engineering in St. Petersburg and the region

If we subdivide the companies of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region by industry, then heavy industry should certainly be given the palm. Here are located, in particular, many shipbuilding enterprises. Some specialize in large, including military, ships (JSC "B altic Plant - Shipbuilding", JSC "Severnaya Verf", JSC "Admir alty Shipyards"). Others produce relatively small vessels, such as minesweepers or tugs (the PELLA plant, Sredne-Nevsky, and the Vyborg shipyards).

Hyundai factory
Hyundai factory

Car production in St. Petersburg has a very strong position - many foreign automakers have built factories here: General Motors, Hiundai, Nissan, Toyota, as well as Ford Sollers in Vsevolozhsk. In addition to passenger cars, SCANIA buses are also produced; the plant's capacity is about 500 buses per year. Of course they are not cars.domestic development, but these enterprises provide jobs to many residents of St. Petersburg and the region, in addition, due to the localization of production, the price of finished products is reduced.

The city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, is home to Russia's largest company for the production, modernization, repair and maintenance of railway cars - NPK "United Wagon Company", which combines several city-forming enterprises.

Turbines and generators for the world

The real diamond in the crown of St. Petersburg production is Power Machines, Russia's most important power engineering concern, which supplies its equipment around the globe.

Turbine assembly
Turbine assembly

It is in St. Petersburg that the control center of the concern and the most powerful enterprises are located - Elektrosila, the Leningrad Metal Plant and the Turbine Blade Plant. The equipment manufactured by these enterprises (hydraulic, gas and steam turbines, generators for them and auxiliary equipment) is used not only throughout the Russian Federation, but is also actively supplied abroad. The concern's products can be found everywhere, from Angola to Iceland and from Canada to Argentina.

The most beautiful products of St. Petersburg

The Imperial Porcelain Factory was founded in the middle of the 18th century by decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The plant used technologies developed by the Russian scientist D. I. Vinogradov, which allowed domestic products to come close in quality to the famousChinese porcelain.

Products of the Imperial Porcelain Factory
Products of the Imperial Porcelain Factory

Currently, the plant still produces a variety of products - from kitchen utensils to highly artistic sculptures, which, in addition to the domestic market, are exported to the most developed countries in the world - mainly to the USA, Germany and the UK.

The brainchild of N. I. Putilov

Founded at the very beginning of the 19th century as an iron foundry to supply the army, the current Kirov plant in St. Petersburg was almost destroyed by floods a quarter of a century after its foundation.

However, in 1868, the plant was bought out by the famous Russian engineer and entrepreneur Nikolai Ivanovich Putilov, who soon turned it into a large machine-building complex.

Now this plant is the most powerful enterprise that manufactures products for agriculture, energy, and has its own foundry. The plant is the only manufacturer in Russia of energy-saturated (increased power) tractors capable of performing a wide range of agricultural tasks. In addition, bulldozers, loaders and special equipment for various industries are produced. Technologies are constantly improving, the line of equipment is being updated.

From gasoline to paint

Plant Kirishinefteorgsintez
Plant Kirishinefteorgsintez

Serious contribution to the industry of Russia is made by large chemical enterprises of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The list of them looks impressive.

  1. Kirishinefteorgsintez is a large oil refinery, part ofstructure of Surgutneftegaz.
  2. JSC "Metakhim", located in Volkhov, is the only Russian manufacturer of a unique mineral fertilizer - sodium tripolyphosphate. Products are exported to South America, Asia, Africa and Western Europe.
  3. Phosphorit Industrial Group in Kingisepp produces about 10% of all phosphate fertilizers in Russia.
  4. Volkhov Chemical Plant is a young but rapidly developing enterprise engaged in the production of paints and varnishes.
  5. Khimik JSC is located in the city of Luga, a diversified enterprise producing a wide range of chemical products for the oil and gas complex, construction and transport.

If you make a complete list of factories in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, it will take more than one page. In addition to the giants described above, there are dozens of enterprises specializing in various fields in the region. These are pulp and paper mills, cement plants, enterprises for the production of various building materials and much more. Despite the fact that St. Petersburg is the most serious scientific and cultural center in Russia, production still brings the main income to the city's treasury. Thus, it takes a well-deserved first place in the region's economy.
