Job description of the chief specialist: duties and requirements

Job description of the chief specialist: duties and requirements
Job description of the chief specialist: duties and requirements

Main - sounds proud, especially when it comes to career. The higher the level of the position, the better the employee feels: a more significant place in the structure of the company, can influence processes that bring real results, make suggestions to move the team towards the goal.

The higher the level of the position, the higher the level of responsibility. In an effort to get a good position, the employee does not always understand that he will have to be responsible for the implementation and non-compliance with the items of the job description.

To avoid controversial issues when hiring an employee, it is imperative to familiarize him with the job description. A well-written document should contain the rights, duties, responsibilities that are assigned to the employee. The job description of the chief specialist, as well as other employees, is kept in the office and is not subject to disclosure.

Who is the Chief Specialist?

The chief specialist belongs to the category of specialists, is appointed to his position by order of the director of the organization forrecommendations of the head of the department or other authorized person for this person.

chief specialist job description
chief specialist job description

To be appointed to a position, it is necessary to obtain higher education by profession or non-professional education and relevant retraining or retraining courses. The length of service in the profession or in the relevant bodies must be at least five years. Work experience in the speci alty is an important point if a job description is drawn up for the chief specialist of the district administration. Most often, without having the necessary skills and practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge, it is impossible to get a position in the administration. The job description of the chief specialist is a document that must be reviewed upon appointment.

What guides the work?

The job description of the chief specialist obliges him to be guided in his work by normative, as well as legal acts, guidelines and methodological materials that regulate the relevant field of activity. He is also guided by the charter, orders and orders of the management and his direct job description.

Necessary knowledge

Depending on the area in which the chief specialist works, the knowledge necessary for work changes.

job description of the chief specialist of the department
job description of the chief specialist of the department

In the technical field, such as construction, important and fundamental points to be aware of are:

  • guidelines thatrelate to construction, budgeting, rules for installation work, alterations, reconstructions, construction sites;
  • legislation of the Russian Federation concerning pricing in construction;
  • fundamentals of accounting, the procedure for compiling reporting documents;
  • techniques used to analyze economic activity and financial performance;
  • rules for the implementation of installation and construction work, norms of he alth and safety, as well as PB (fire safety), industrial sanitation;
  • technical, economic, social and environmental requirements for facilities under construction and design.

Educational Requirements

In the field of education, employees have different norms and rules. Accordingly, the knowledge necessary to perform the main job duties should be different.

The job description of the chief specialist of the education department obliges him to know:

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • pedagogy;
  • basics of hygiene and physiology;
  • theory and management methods in educational systems;
  • technologies for diagnosing conflict causes and ways to resolve them;
  • rules of internal work schedule in educational institutions;
  • vaccinated TB, OT, PB;
  • legislation in areas related to education.
job descriptions of the chief administrative officer
job descriptions of the chief administrative officer

If we compare the points, it is clear that the job description of the chief technicalspecialist and specialist in the field of education contains both the same moments and fundamentally different ones. Based on this, it can be assumed that for any position that involves a high level of responsibility, it is important and mandatory to know both generally accepted standards that relate to general rules of conduct, safety and labor protection, and specific acts and regulations, norms, rules and documents, regulating a specific area of activity.

Requirements for employees of municipal services

The requirements for qualifications are the most stringent for employees of municipal services and administrations. Due to the fact that these employees have to constantly communicate with people, in addition to education and knowledge, specialists must also have personal competencies of a certain nature.

Requirements for professional knowledge:

  • knowledge of Federal laws, the Constitution, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government;
  • normative acts and regulations, official documents that regulate the scope of activities in relation to the performance of specific duties;
  • fundamentals of labor organization and governance;
  • necessary features of the service process;
  • rules and business etiquette;
  • general issues of document flow, storage and transfer of service information.
job description of a municipal employee of the chief specialist
job description of a municipal employee of the chief specialist

Requirements forprofessional skills, the job description of the chief specialist of the municipal service lists in detail and in an accessible way. The chief specialist must:

  • have skills in a field that matches the focus of the respective unit;
  • planning office hours, conducting analysis in a responsible area;
  • applying the experience of more qualified colleagues;
  • use of modern means of communication and preparation of materials.

Special requirements

In addition to the general requirements, special requirements are imposed on specialists of municipal institutions, which are additional. The job description of the chief specialist should contain a list of these requirements.

These include:

  • knowledge of systems that help interact with organizations and citizens;
  • knowledge of accounting systems, the work with which provides the support necessary for the implementation of federal agencies of the main issues, as well as functions;
  • knowledge of systems of interaction between departments;
  • knowledge of the systems by which the information resources of the state are managed;
  • knowledge of information and analytical concepts that provide the preparation, processing, analysis and storage of data;
  • knowledge of systems that provide information security;
  • knowledge of operation management systems and programs.

Required Skills

Important points required in the work of professional skillsspelled out in job descriptions. The Chief Administration Specialist, appointed by the administration, is particularly interested in skills related to working with people. Professional requirements include:

  • ability to work with systems of interaction with organizations and citizens;
  • skill in working with systems of interaction between departments;
  • experience with electronic archival storage and data processing systems.

Municipal workers

A citizen of the Russian Federation who, in an agreed and established manner, performs the duties of a municipal service for a monetary reward, is called a municipal employee.

job description of the chief specialist of the education department
job description of the chief specialist of the education department

Municipal services are local government services. These include state councils and city executive committees.

The employees who work in these units are municipal employees. The demands placed on them are high. Employees of these instances must have communicative and professional qualities. Representing the authorities in their city, these workers must meet the most difficult requirements.

The job description of a municipal employee regulates the rights and obligations of these employees. At the same time, the chief specialist is singled out as the most responsible person.

Employee rights

Besides duties, every employee has rights. Municipal employees are no exception.

job description of the chief specialist of the district administration
job description of the chief specialist of the district administration

Employee has the right to:

  • to get acquainted with the papers that establish his duties, rights in his position;
  • get acquainted with the criteria for assessing the quality of his work;
  • receive the provision of the material and technical basis necessary for the performance of his immediate duties;
  • receive wages and other benefits in accordance with labor law, employment contract and municipal service law;
  • to rest, which is provided by the establishment of standard working hours, as well as the provision of rest days and paid holidays every year;
  • receive, in the prescribed manner, the materials and information needed to perform official duties;
  • make proposals for improving regional self-government bodies;
  • to take part, on their own initiative, in competitions for positions on a competitive basis;
  • at the expense of the budget to receive education, which is additional, to improve their skills.
job description of the chief technical specialist
job description of the chief technical specialist

The job description of the chief specialist of the department should also contain a clear listing of the acts and regulations that govern the work of the department and its employees.
