Supervisor: duties and job description. Supervisor Skills

Supervisor: duties and job description. Supervisor Skills
Supervisor: duties and job description. Supervisor Skills

The level of modern trade is significantly different from the past relationship between sellers and buyers. At the moment, many professions with unusual names for the domestic consumer have appeared on the labor market and in the global economy. In this regard, one can often hear the question: who is the supervisor and what does he do?

This is the name of the Western profession, which has become part of the modern economic sector. In general, it represents the leadership of a group of employees. Basically, specialists in this profession coordinate the work of promoters, managers and sales representatives. To understand in more detail what a supervisor means (who is who and what does it), it is worth considering the job description of this employee.

General provisions

The person being hired for this position is a low or middle manager. His employment directly depends on the head of the sales department and the top management of the company. Once the Supervisor is in this position, he/she reports directly to these managers and is given the ability to issue orders.own subordinates. In the absence of one of the subordinates, this employee must take their place, but only a person appointed by the director can take his position.

who is the supervisor and what does he do?
who is the supervisor and what does he do?

To obtain this position in the company, the applicant must obtain a higher professional education. Employers rarely pay attention to seniority. But if an employee has only a secondary specialized education and a certificate of completion of courses for working with subordinates, then his work experience in a managerial position must be at least one year. In his work, he must rely on legal and regulatory acts, orders from management, internal regulations, company charter and instructions.


The main purpose of interviewing a supervisor is to test his knowledge and professionalism. An employee accepted for this position is required to know labor law, the basics of entrepreneurship, doing business and a market economy. Before starting to perform his functions, he must familiarize himself with the structure and staff of the company, find out the profile of its activities, specialization and think over the path of long-term development. In addition, the employee must learn how the organization's personnel policy is conducted, according to what strategy it develops and what technological processes take place at the enterprise.

what does a supervisor do
what does a supervisor do

In order to fulfill his duties with high quality, the supervisor must know general, labor and special psychology, sociology, norms and time spent onlabor activity of their subordinates, methods for assessing the quality of their work. Also, his knowledge should include the ethics of business communication, the methods by which personnel, organizational and managerial tasks are solved, as well as the purpose and rules for using modern computer technology for information processing.


The very first thing a supervisor does is inform his subordinates about the tasks they have to perform. It is this employee who checks whether they are ready to start work, and distributes the total amount of work between them. He is in charge of coordinating the work and in case of unforeseen circumstances or a failure in the overall workflow, he appoints a new performer to ensure the smooth execution of the assigned tasks. If necessary, the employee organizes the interchangeability of employees of the company, he must determine which tasks to perform with priority, ensure that all employees adhere to the work schedule, distribute personnel, assign shifts to ensure that the expected volume of tasks is completed on time and at a high level.


The duties of a supervisor include checking that his subordinates have all the necessary materials, technologies and information, without which they will not be able to perform the tasks assigned to them. It should prevent downtime in work, control that there are no emergencies and stoppages of the workflow.

trading supervisor
trading supervisor

The employee is obliged to liquidate andprevent conflicts between subordinates, evaluate the quality of work of each subordinate individually in order to determine the rationality of entrusting these tasks to him and whether it is possible to increase the number of his duties. Thanks to his knowledge of psychology, he tests workers for loy alty, poise and a degree of trust. It is also the responsibility of the supervisor to analyze the behavior of employees when working with clients, check professional behavior and report to subordinates about the mistakes they have made and the need to correct them.

Other functions

Among the functions of this manager, it is worth highlighting the provision of instructions to subordinates regarding mandatory tasks, checking for readiness to perform various kinds of work, as well as monitoring the condition of employees, analyzing their ability to perform work without causing harm to the company, and in case of elimination or replacement of an employee, he is obliged to notify the higher management.

supervisor job description
supervisor job description

Makes sure that the system of rewards and pen alties for employees is applied in a timely and effective manner, and also carries out conversations with them, finds out the reasons for dissatisfaction with work and helps in solving personal and corporate problems. If one of the employees is unable to cope with the tasks assigned to them, organizes special events to increase their professional skills and, if this does not help, sends a request to the management to dismiss the lagging employee.

Other duties

Supervisor's duties includedefinition of criteria and requirements for applicants to get a job in the company and selection of candidates for the position. He must introduce new employees to the team, provide them with everything they need to navigate the new workplace, explain the principles of the personnel and labor policy of the company.

supervisor skills
supervisor skills

In addition, he must ensure the interconnected work of his department with other departments of the organization, keep records of the employment of his subordinates and the work they have done. The employee must document the quality of work, the timeliness of their implementation, the reasons for the violation of the work schedule for reporting to superiors. If necessary, he independently solves some tasks of his employees.


The supervisor's job description suggests that this employee has the right to access all the personal files of his subordinates, participate in the development and approval of the company's plans, including changing the company's divisions. If there are changes in the production policy, he has the right to convene a freelance meeting to explain the new data to subordinates. In addition, his rights include the ability to require management to provide his department with all the necessary materials, resources and information needed to complete the assigned tasks.

supervisor interview
supervisor interview

A trading supervisor can obtain any financial information relating to his employees from the accounting department, as well as make offers of financial incentives orreprimanding specific workers for how well and timely they perform their duties and adhere to company rules.

The employee has the right to act as an intermediary between his subordinates and senior management in the process of resolving production issues and conflicts. He can improve his knowledge, get acquainted with the necessary documentation, and also demand that he and his subordinates be provided with optimal working conditions in accordance with the current legislation of the country.


The profession of a supervisor assumes that an employee, having received a job, is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the performance of his duties, and is also responsible for the work of subordinate personnel, their improper performance of their functions and all offenses. In addition, he is responsible for any violations of the current labor, administrative and criminal laws in the course of his work. He can also be held accountable if his actions or the mistakes of his subordinates led to material damage to the company.

Supervisor skills

A candidate for this position must have certain skills and qualities. Employees with systems thinking are highly valued, who can not only look at the situation from the outside, but also make a forecast in which direction it will develop. It is very important to understand the structure of a trading business, to know the specifics of the area in which the company operates, as well as to have a business speech and be able to negotiate.


As for personal qualities, employers greatly value resistance to stressful situations, exactingness, the ability to observe and analyze what is happening, as well as the ability not to lose efficiency even in stressful conditions. But, most importantly, what heads of firms look at is the leadership qualities of applicants and their ability to organize collective work. Well, since the representatives of this profession are lower-level managers, the ability to listen and carry out the instructions of the leadership is valued no less than the rest.


Supervisors are lower-level managers, mostly they have a small staff of sales staff subordinate to them. It is believed that this position is the beginning of a career path in the company and opens up great prospects for a person. It is by occupying this position in the company that employees begin their journey to senior management positions and hone their management, planning and promotion skills.
