Izhevsk factories: past, present, future

Izhevsk factories: past, present, future
Izhevsk factories: past, present, future

Izhevsk is a city located in the Cis-Urals, a large industrial, cultural and administrative center of the region. The population of the city exceeds 650 thousand people, and it covers an area of more than 300 square kilometers. The history of Izhevsk is inextricably linked with the development of Russian and Soviet industry. Originating as a village attached to a factory, in the 20th century the city turned into the largest factory site on the map of the country.

Izhevsk plant

The city was founded on April 21, 1760, three years after the decree on the construction of three iron works on the banks of the Izh River. For industrial needs, a large pond was dug, around which a new settlement began to form. Three years later, the company was operating at full capacity, producing the first flashy iron.

However, the main plant that brought the city world fame was founded 44 years later. It was located on the site of an old ironworks and was focused on the production of weapons products. Since the end of the 19th century, hunting rifles have been produced here, and after that, rifles. The legendary Mosin rifle was produced at the Izhevsk Arms Plant. Izhevsk weapons playeda huge role in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Crimean War, as well as local conflicts. The value of this famous product cannot be overestimated.

Unfortunately, the cataclysms did not bypass the industry of Izhevsk. The plant was plundered by Pugachev's detachments in 1774 and ended up in the abyss of the Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising in 1918, after which many prominent gunsmiths left the country.

Soviet times

In Soviet times, Izhevsk developed at a rapid pace. This growth was ensured by an increase in the volume of industry. The city is overgrown with new microdistricts, appearing as a kind of settlements near factories.

In 1942, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant was opened, focused on the production of weapons products. Later, motorcycles were assembled here. Already in the 90s, the plant became diversified, producing a wide range of different products. Today it employs more than seven thousand people.

Even earlier, in 1933, a motorcycle plant was opened, which originally produced Izh motorcycles. Two decades later, the enterprise was completely reoriented to the defense industry: complex scientific and technical instruments, space communications were produced here. Like almost all factories in the country, in the 90s the motorcycle plant was forced to switch to the production of civilian products, which today still make up a significant part of everything produced here.

The main growth of the industry occurred at the end of the 50s-60s. At this time, new factories were opened every two or three years. So, in 1956, Izhneftemash was built, producingproducts for oil production. A radio factory opened two years later. A year later, the Izhevsk plant of heavy paper machines was opened, abbreviated as Bummash. In the mid-60s, an automobile plant was opened in Izhevsk, producing up to 185 thousand cars annually.

Izhevsk Automobile Plant
Izhevsk Automobile Plant

With the opening of new factories, the infrastructure of the city also developed - new houses and hospitals, kindergartens and schools were built. During the years of Soviet power, the population of Izhevsk increased 21.2 times - from 40 thousand to 650.

Kupol Plant

Izhevsk factory "Kupol"
Izhevsk factory "Kupol"

The Kupol plant in Izhevsk was founded in 1957 and is located on the bank of the Izhevsk pond. The actual address of the plant: Pesochnaya street, building 3. Like most of the Izhevsk industrial facilities, the plant is focused on the defense industry: Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile systems are assembled here. In addition to military products, Kupol produces both equipment for the food and alcoholic beverage industry, and equipment used for civilian purposes.

Reductor Plant

Izhevsk plant "Reductor"
Izhevsk plant "Reductor"

The enterprise grew up on the basis of a private factory of the Berezin brothers, which after the revolution went to the treasury of the city. Initially, pig iron was smelted here, and the object acquired its modern look during the Great Patriotic War, when the evacuated Kharkov lifting and transport equipment plant was included in its structure. Since 1960, the plant has been assembling exclusively gearboxes, which is reflected in its name. His productsexported to 49 countries around the world. Company address: Kirova street, 172.
