How to feed turkeys and how to breed them?

How to feed turkeys and how to breed them?
How to feed turkeys and how to breed them?

European countries and America appreciate and eat large quantities of turkey meat, but in our country this product is used in the form of high-tech raw materials. Turkey meat is used to make sausages, smoked meats, ham and sausages.

Turkey breeding

The process of breeding this bird is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The turkey tolerates low temperatures well, which makes it possible to grow poultry even in the north. Two years is enough for a bird to gain 30 kg of weight. The meat itself has a rich and delicate taste, has a number of all the necessary amino acids. Eggs are another product derived from the turkey. The beneficial properties of these eggs exceed even chicken ones.

what to feed turkeys
what to feed turkeys

Difficulties arise most often when growing young animals. Here you need to know the right approach, decide on a place to keep and, of course, learn how to feed turkeys for their correct and rapid growth. Let's try to answer these questions.

Choose a room

The main condition is light and dryness in the living space selected for turkey poults. For most of its existencebirds spend exactly on the floor, so calculate the area. For five individuals, one square meter is required. Adult individuals on one meter will fit only two. The presence of a solarium (walking area) is required. It should take up most of the room. The floor can be concrete, wood or earthen. The territory for walking is fenced with a high net. Small doors installed from the facade allow the bird to exit at will. Doors should be made 30-35 cm from the floor, and also covered with a mesh on top.

turkey rearing
turkey rearing


Very small chicks live in paper-lined cages. It is necessary to provide that the small legs of the turkey poults do not fall into the cracks in the floor. The cage can be bought at a specialized store or made at home. Cell cells are 1616 or 2424, the floor is made 3 mm thick. The height of the cage is not more than 50 cm. Turkeys that have reached the age of 10 days are placed on an area of 0.4 square meters. It is necessary to heat the cage space, for example, with special lamps. Consultants of specialized stores will help you choose all the necessary equipment, including feeders and drinkers.

What to feed turkeys?

Unlike most birds, turkeys are quite picky eaters, especially turkey poults. Raising young animals will require careful attention to their diet in order to obtain meat with good palatability as a result. The food should be fresh, varied and rich in nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, macro- and microelements, vitamins.

Necessity¼ of the protein is covered with protein feed of animal origin. Fat for young individuals should be 5-6% of the diet. This will make their meat juicy and tender.

turkey breeding
turkey breeding

There is no clear answer to the question of what to feed turkeys. They are very fond of nuts and acorns with a high fat content. And this is great, with such a diet, poultry meat will be very tasty.

Crude fiber should be 3.5 - 5.5%. It could be fresh herbs. Young animals are fed with it from three days of life. Mixers are also prepared from buttermilk or yogurt. Loose porridge with milk is good. And from two weeks, kids will be happy to eat cottage cheese, grated carrots, potatoes, fish. Young chicks see very poorly, so they should be poked with a beak into the drinkers and food.

You should also know what to feed turkeys to ensure they digest food properly. Chalk, crushed charcoal, shells and fine gravel should be poured into separate feeders. Drinking water is taken at room temperature. Twice a week you need to give a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which will protect the ventricle of babies from microorganisms.

Good luck and profitable business!
