Personal finance: how to withdraw money from Webmoney?

Personal finance: how to withdraw money from Webmoney?
Personal finance: how to withdraw money from Webmoney?

Today, virtual money has become widespread due to many advantages. So, for example, you can reduce the time for processing and paying for the purchase, while it is not necessary to be present on the spot, and you can purchase goods from anywhere in the world. It is very convenient and does not cause much trouble with the account and storage of funds, compared to cash. There are several electronic payment systems that allow you to carry out various operations, such as exchange for other types of currencies, transfer and others. However, there are often situations in which it is necessary to have cash, and then the question arises, for example: how to withdraw money from Webmoney? Let's consider this case in more detail.

how to withdraw money from webmoney
how to withdraw money from webmoney

Withdrawal methods

Before withdrawing money from Webmoney, you need to choose how you want to receive these virtual funds. The following withdrawal methods can be distinguished:

  • cash;
  • to a bank account;
  • to an account in anotherelectronic system.

At the same time, it can be noted that with all three withdrawal methods, you must have a Webmoney passport not lower than formal, that is, submit copies of documents (passports and other identification certificates).

It can also be noted that the methods of selling virtual funds may differ depending on the type of currency in this system. And this can be influenced by such a factor as residence status, that is, confirmation of residence in the territory of a given country. So, for local residents of the Russian Federation, the sale of WMR can be carried out in several ways, while for representatives of other countries there are some restrictions.

how to withdraw money via webmoney
how to withdraw money via webmoney

How to withdraw money from Webmoney in cash?

There are several methods or ways of selling electronic money, the main ones can be represented in the following list:

  • Post order. At the same time, a service fee of 1.2% of the total amount is charged, the payment period takes 2-3 days.
  • Through Western Union, it should be taken into account that only WMZ can be withdrawn and the reward is withdrawn in the amount of 3.5%. Operation time is about 48 hours.
  • Money transfer. Currency type - Russian rubles. Reward - 0.5%, transaction time - 0.5-24 hours.
  • Dealers and Webmoney exchange points. Currency type - WME, WMU, WMZ, WMG and WMR. The operation is carried out instantly, the reward is 1% or more.
  • Through partner office or bank branch. In this case, you can exchange WMZ, WME and WMB, withremuneration depending on the established conditions of a particular bank - 2.5% or more.
  • Through Currency type - all types of Webmoney virtual money. Reward - 0% and above, operation time - about 1 day.
  • Getting gold bars. Currency type - WMG. Operation time - up to 10 days, reward - 5% and more.
withdrawal of money from webmoney
withdrawal of money from webmoney

How to withdraw money from Webmoney to a bank account?

Electronic funds can also be transferred to a credit or debit card issued by a commercial branch of a financial institution. This can be done in the following ways:

  • To the bank card account. At the same time, you can transfer dollars, Russian and Belarusian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnia. The operation can take up to 48 hours, the commission is 0%.
  • Bank Transfer. All types of Webmoney currency. Term - 1-24 hours, reward - 0%.
  • Through internet banking. Translation is possible only for WMR. Commission - 1% and above, term - no more than 0.5 hours.
  • To the map of the Ukrainian electronic system (NSMEP). Currency type - WMU. Commission - up to 2.4%, deadline - no more than 0.5 hours.

Withdraw money from Webmoney to other electronic systems

This operation can be carried out by the following methods:

  • Electronic money. All types of currencies, remuneration 0% and above, depending on the selected service. The choice of an exchange office can be made in the side menu on the Webmoney site page (the lists may vary for each type of currency).
  • To Yandex system wallet. Currency type - WMR. Commission - 4, 5%, the operation takes no more than 30 minutes.

For non-residents of the Russian Federation, you can choose withdrawal methods on the Webmoney website by entering the name of your city. The system will automatically display possible options for exchanging virtual money for cash in the desired region. One of the important points should be noted - having decided how to withdraw money through Webmoney, you must follow simple precautions. For example, do not enter the personal page of the payment system from someone else's computer, allow the browser to remember passwords, and so on. It is also a good idea to install a good anti-virus program, in this case, you can protect yourself from illegal hacks by intruders.
