Concorde - the plane of the future?

Concorde - the plane of the future?
Concorde - the plane of the future?

Despite the fact that since 2003 there have been no flights of passenger supersonic liners, this does not mean that the Concorde is the plane of the past. The main reasons due to which flights were terminated are excessive fuel consumption, high noise levels, and safety problems. All this made the operation of the liners costly, they did not justify the investment.

concord aircraft
concord aircraft

However, many people remember the convenience that the Concorde aircraft could give - after all, the time of a transatlantic flight was reduced to only three hours. In this regard, many companies specializing in the construction of aviation are now conducting programs to develop new supersonic aircraft, devoid of the shortcomings of their predecessors. In the developed models, fuel consumption is significantly reduced, engines become less noisy. In particular, it is proposed to use hybrid designs of standard turbines and electric motors. At the same time, aviation kerosene is replaced by biofuel.

light aircraft
light aircraft

Another important reason why the Concorde (aircraft) lost the ability to fly isclosed airspace of many countries. Such measures were taken because of the sonic boom that occurs when the speed of sound is exceeded. It is accompanied by a powerful shock wave, and it is perfectly audible even when breaking the sound barrier at a height of several kilometers. One of the main tasks facing aircraft manufacturing companies is to neutralize noise as much as possible, to make it acceptable. To do this, it is proposed to change the design of aircraft to reduce the noise effect. The most extravagant solution is some light aircraft under development that will be launched into the upper atmosphere to overcome the sound barrier. This move can be effective, but the cost of organizing flights in this case will be much higher than those offered by Concorde (aircraft) or its analogues.

concorde aircraft
concorde aircraft

It is quite possible that the first supersonic business-class liners will start operating flights in the coming years. Some models are already undergoing certification. At first, only we althy people will be able to use such services, because the cost of flights will be much higher than that of the same Concorde - and not everyone could afford to fly on it. However, the gradual improvement of technology should make flights affordable for the middle class. Moreover, the active development of supersonic flights will lead to high competition between manufacturers and operators, which will inevitably affect prices - they will decrease.

Today, the Concorde is the most famous aircraft amongsupersonic liners, but soon it will be replaced by other, more advanced aircraft. As already noted, many models are currently under development, others are already being tested in the form of prototypes and even being certified. All this indicates that the aviation market's move away from supersonic travel was a temporary phenomenon.
