What is FSS? Social Insurance Fund

What is FSS? Social Insurance Fund
What is FSS? Social Insurance Fund

The Social Insurance Fund is an organization that is obliged to regulate the legal relations between the state and a citizen who, for whatever reason, is incapacitated.

The concept and features of the FSS

what is fss
what is fss

Compulsory insurance is often carried out in enterprises, especially where there is an increased risk of injury. There can be several reasons for paying benefits: illness, disability, pregnancy and childbirth. Naturally, in each case, the amount of payments is assigned, as well as the period for their receipt. The budget of the organization is formed by the state on the basis of the funds at its disposal.

There are many nuances that the FSS must take into account. For example, it is necessary to correctly calculate payments, determine the source of funds for the fund, consider all individual cases that do not allow payment of assistance to the insured person.

Structure and management features of the FSS

fss form
fss form

All activities of the FSS are regulated by the Constitution of the state, the relevant legislative framework, as well as presidential decrees and government regulations. The Fund is a financial institution, all property, andalso the funds of which are the property of the Russian Federation.

There are various bodies to govern the represented organization:

- regional offices that are responsible for those finances that are distributed on the territory of the subject of the state;

- central sectoral departments;

- branch offices in cities and towns.

The most important leader is the chairman of the FSS. It is he who is at the head of the Central Administration. Actually, the funds are managed by the chief accountant of the organization. Trade unions and social insurance commissions are being created to control the activities of the Fund.

What cases are considered insured, and what types of insurance coverage exist?

social insurance fund
social insurance fund

What is FSS, you already partially understood. Now you need to figure out in what cases the payment of assistance is supposed. So, it is assigned in case:

- death of the insured person or someone from his family;

- loss of working capacity as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, injury or due to other cases stipulated by the contract;

- caring for a baby under the age of one and a half years.

In addition, there are several types of insurance coverage. For example, one-time and monthly payments for child care; one-time assistance for burial, as well as assistance to people who have temporarily lost their ability to work due to injury or illness. However, crediting funds to the personal account of the insured person is not allowed.

Basicgoals and objectives of the Fund

FSS social insurance fund
FSS social insurance fund

What is the FSS, of course, and now let's figure out what, in fact, this organization does. So, the main tasks of the Foundation are:

- establishing cooperation with similar organizations both inside and outside the state;

- active participation in all government programs that ensure the protection and preservation of public he alth;

- providing support to citizens who need recovery, rehabilitation or treatment;

- implementation of all necessary measures that maintain the reliability and financial stability of the organization;

- joint (Fund and Ministry of Labor) development of contribution rates to be paid by insurance objects;

- raising the professional level of employees of the represented organization.

The Social Insurance Fund (FSS) is obliged to control all insurance payments provided by the state.

Which categories of citizens must participate in the program?

FSS activities
FSS activities

There are several groups of people who must be insured:

1. Municipal and state employees.

2. Persons holding important government positions.

3. Women who may lose the opportunity to work due to motherhood.

4. Church ministers.

5. Private entrepreneurs, legal workers, notaries.

Features and sources of financialfilling the Fund

What is the FSS, we found out. Now let's figure out where the money comes from in the Fund, which are paid to these categories of citizens. It should be noted that the FSS budget is fixed by a special law. In order for the FSS to be able to pay assistance, it must have certain sources of income, which include:

- unified social tax;

- income that comes from paying other types of fees.

In addition, the Social Insurance Fund has non-tax sources of income:

- periodic contributions from the federal budget, which are transferred to the Social Security Fund;

- financial profit received by the organization from the placement of cash, which has not yet been used anywhere;

- civil voluntary insurance contributions;

- fines, pen alties, sanctions, arrears and other amounts of money that go to the Fund's budget as a result of compensation for harm or damage;

- other income.

Naturally, all the finances of the represented organization must be distributed so that they are completely enough for all payments over a long period of time. At the same time, there should not be excess funds in the budget.

In order to receive assistance, you must be a member of the FSS. The form to fill out is provided by the Foundation. The amount and procedure for paying fees is also regulated by applicable law. To receive assistance, you must contact the appropriate territorial authority with an application. As for the amount of the contribution, it depends on the tariff established by the state, as well asbased on the minimum wage. The fee is payable for the entire year. This procedure should be carried out before December 31 of the current year.

There are several ways to pay the fee: cash and bank transfer, as well as postal order. All financial activities of the Fund are subject to strict accountability.

What is the FSS and how the organization represented, you have already learned. Now you can decide if you fall into the group of people who need compulsory insurance.
