Votkinsk Engineering Plant: history, products, address

Votkinsk Engineering Plant: history, products, address
Votkinsk Engineering Plant: history, products, address

GPO Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant is a unique diversified enterprise producing a wide range of products. VZ is the largest manufacturer of Topol-M, Bulava, Yars missiles, which form the basis of the nuclear shield of the Russian Federation. In addition, machine tools, metal products, oil and gas equipment, various types of weapons and much more are manufactured here.

Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant
Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant

Historical background

The Votkinsk Engineering Plant was founded by Count Shuvalov in 1759. The profile of the enterprise was the smelting of iron, steel and the subsequent manufacture of metal structures. Since 1773, anchors for the Russian fleet have been the bulk of the production. Nowadays, several anchors are installed on pedestals, becoming a symbol of the plant and the city of Votkinsk.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the self-taught master Badaev developed the production of cast high-quality steel. From hermade medical instruments, stamps, cutting tools. In 1858, the factory workers were instructed to assemble a frame for the famous spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the order was fulfilled with honor.

With the improvement of technology, the productivity and quality of the smelted metal grew. The year 1871 became a breakthrough - that year the first open-hearth furnace in the Urals was launched at the Votkinsk plant. Over time, VMZ mastered the production of armored steel, which was used to strengthen the sides of many Russian battleships.

Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant address
Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant address

From iron smelting to mechanical engineering

From the middle of the 19th century, the Votkinsk Engineering Plant began to manufacture complex equipment, and above all, ships of various types. A total of 400 steamships, barges and boats were set sail. The next step was the assembly of locomotives. Since the enterprise was not connected to the "mainland" by a railway line, finished locomotives were rafted on giant barges, first along the small rivers Votka and Siva, then Kama and Volga.

The large-scale project of laying the Trans-Siberian Railway - a railway line through the Urals and Siberia - required a huge amount of metal for the manufacture of rails, spans, bridges. The Votkinsk plant took up the installation of bridge structures. By 1916, the company became the leader in the total length of railway bridges.

Soviet period

During the civil war, the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant was badly damaged. It took 6 years to restore it. The second birth of the enterprise took place on 1925-09-09. First in updatedworkshops produced agricultural machinery, and since 1930 - dredges for gold mining and steam excavators. In 1937, the VMZ was transferred to the production of military equipment - howitzers and anti-tank guns. More than 50,000 guns were delivered to the troops.

In the 50s, the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant began to produce civilian products. Machine tools, agricultural machinery, tower cranes, steam locomotives, locomotives were manufactured at the enterprise in large quantities. The foundry, which occupied significant areas, was gradually curtailed.

Votkinsk machine-building plant
Votkinsk machine-building plant

Production of missiles

In 1957, the government ordered to launch the production of missiles at the plant, including nuclear ones. In 1960, after a series of upgrades, the OT 8K14 missile was developed, which made it possible to hit targets at a distance of 300 kilometers. It was produced at the Votkinsk plant for 25 years and was widely exported.

OTR 9M76 became even more powerful, but during the "period of détente" between the USSR and the Western bloc, it was destroyed in accordance with the INF Treaty. In 1977, the famous Oka rocket was created, which replaced the 8K14 model. In the 1990s, VMZ launched the production of the operational-tactical Tochka-U, which is still in use today.

Strategic missiles have been produced since 1966. The first was 15Zh45 (SS-20) based on the Pioneer mobile PGRK. The two-stage design made it possible to overcome 4500-5500 km, depending on the modification. The later mobile complex "Topol" with a range of 10500 made it possible to consolidate the parity in nuclear weapons between the USSR and NATO. advancedthe Topol-M version is currently the basis of Russia's strategic security. The Votkinsk plant annually produces several missiles for mobile and stationary systems.

The evolutionary development of the Topol family is the intercontinental missile system Yars with separable parts. Its exact performance characteristics are classified. At the moment, the Barguzin BZHRK is being constructed on the basis of Yars.

Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant products
Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant products

Votkinsk Engineering Plant: products

VMZ produces a wide range of military and civilian products. This is:

  • Operational-tactical missiles for Iskander-M RK.
  • Topol-M and Yars land-based nuclear ballistic missiles (BR).
  • Sea-based BR Bulava.
  • BR-based space rockets for launching satellites.
  • Metal cutting machines and accessories.
  • Equipment for oil and gas companies.
  • Special equipment for nuclear energy.
  • Metal structures.


The enterprise is unique for Russia. This is the "backbone" of the country's military industry in terms of the production of nuclear weapons. President Putin, being at the plant in 2011, instructed to double the production of ballistic missiles. And there is no doubt that the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant will provide a reliable rear. Address: 427430, Udmurt Republic, Votkinsk city, Dekabristov street-8.
