Escorting a child to and from school. How to choose a nanny to accompany a child?

Escorting a child to and from school. How to choose a nanny to accompany a child?
Escorting a child to and from school. How to choose a nanny to accompany a child?

A growing up child lives according to his regime. The daily routine of the parents and the child may not coincide. In order not to sacrifice someone's interests, it's time to use the babysitting service.

When you need a babysitter

The beginning of the day in a family with a child most often does not cause any problems. Dad or mom on the way to work manages to bring the child to kindergarten or school. But the further development of the day leads to a clash of interests. The child's classes are over, and parental employment does not allow them to meet the student and take him home. If we imagine that today's schoolchildren's day is as busy as the day of adults, then it is easy to guess what the problem is.

Accompanying the child to and from school
Accompanying the child to and from school

It is necessary to take the child to a section or circle, get vaccinated at the clinic, have time for a workout or an excursion. Constantly asking for time off from work is not an option. Asking neighbors or relatives is good,if they have the opportunity. The best way out will be a nanny to accompany the child to and from school. Such a service is becoming more and more in demand in the modern situation of life in the city.

Nanny duties

You can't ask anyone from the street to babysit your child. Although at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in this work. Accompanying a child to and from school should not seem to cause difficulties and require qualified specialists. Grandma or grandpa can easily handle this task.

Accompanying the child to and from school
Accompanying the child to and from school

Hiring a nanny, a person trusts him with the most precious thing - his child. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the scope of the employee's responsibilities. Babysitting duties include:

  • accompanying the child in his movement around the city;
  • constant monitoring of the child in order to ensure his safety;
  • help with homework;
  • compliance with the form of clothing for the weather and activities, changing clothes when one or the other changes;
  • providing a full meal on time;
  • transmitting information to parents about any changes in the child's life (study schedule, teacher requirements, vaccinations and other news);
  • Ensuring the employment of the ward in his spare time: walks, games, extra activities.
Accompanying a child to and from school
Accompanying a child to and from school

Additional aspects

In addition to standard duties, a person to accompany a child to and from school cango with him to the camp or take him to relatives in a remote village. Separately, it is possible to accompany the baby on a trip abroad. In this case, the employee is required to have a passport and knowledge of a foreign language.

At the request of the client, the child escort service to and from school will pick up a specialist with a car. This additional skill will make it easier to move around the city. Parents should make sure they have driving skills to make sure their trips are safe. This will reduce the cost of a personal driver. At the same time, it should be taken into account that you will have to allocate money for gasoline and possible repairs to the vehicle.

Who works as an accompanying nanny

Mostly older women agree to such work. They have time, as well as energy and the opportunity to work with children. Ideally, if they have a pedagogical education, a broad outlook and the ability to communicate with kids.

Nanny to accompany the child to and from school
Nanny to accompany the child to and from school

Parents often select specialists in certain subjects: mathematics, foreign languages, music or chemistry. If you combine accompanying a child to and from school with the development of his knowledge and skills, this will have a beneficial effect on the little man.

How to choose a nanny for a child

Parents should first of all pay attention to the availability of all documents from the applicant for a vacancy. These are education documents, registration in your city, recommendations from previous jobs. If there is even the slightest doubt aboutthe reliability of the applicant, you should refuse to interact with him.

Friends who are already familiar with the service of accompanying a child to and from school will help you choose the best candidate. Perhaps, more recently, they turned to such workers for help. Your acquaintances or neighbors may agree to fulfill this duty. But it is best to contact a special agency. They will not only select a suitable candidate, but in case of force majeure they will certainly provide an equivalent replacement.

An important aspect: the attitude of the child himself to the new person. It is important that the baby feels security and trust. Alertness, attempts to avoid meeting with an unwanted mentor should lead parents to search for a new person who is able to find a common language and accompany the child to and from school.

How long to accompany a child

The issue of the duration of meetings from school should be decided individually in each case. The answer depends on several factors: the distance of the school from home and the age of the child. If earlier most first-graders could get home on their own, the current situation does not allow such a risky step to be taken. You often have to see off and meet until the fifth or sixth grade. It is clear that high school students will oppose such an attitude from adults.

The remoteness of the school from home, the need to cross the street or travel by public transport forces us to take care of the safety of the way. Parents have to teach their childindependence. Walk with the student all the way to school and back, pay attention to danger zones and traffic signs. And then switch roles: now you are walking under the control of a little mentor.

Person to accompany the child to and from school
Person to accompany the child to and from school

Explain how to behave in unforeseen situations: go to a crowded place, ask for help, avoid deserted roads. Criminals come up with new methods to lure the little man: a candy, a puppy, a request for help. It is important to convince not to succumb to such tricks, not to obey the opinion of a stranger, to stick to your own point of view. Try not to scare your baby, but teach to beware. While you are not sure about the independence of the baby, the family needs to accompany the child to and from school. Gradually, he can be allowed to come home with friends, classmates, or high school students from your home. Despite their fears, parents will have to recognize the personality in the child and give him the opportunity to live his life.
