Multimodal transportation. Features and Benefits

Multimodal transportation. Features and Benefits
Multimodal transportation. Features and Benefits

Multimodal transportation is one of the options for the delivery of goods through mixed cargo, which can be carried out both within the country and abroad. In other words, the products are supplied alternately by several modes of transport: air, road, river, and rail. However, their combination may be different.

Multimodal transportation involves the mandatory execution of an agreement on the mixed transportation of goods. The operator responsible for organizing such a service has full control over all its stages, from loading goods in one country to unloading them in another.

Multimodal transportation must necessarily meet the safety requirements, which are also provided by the operator. He carefully monitors the safety of the cargo, because in case of damage or loss, he will be obliged to compensate for all losses. Among other things, the operator must be able to prepare the process of high-quality delivery of absolutely anycargo, including dangerous.

Multimodal container transportation
Multimodal container transportation

Security measures for multimodal transportation are being taken well in advance. You should also prepare in advance the container, the route and the vehicle itself. These events are held in accordance with the established rules.

The agreement on multimodal transportation of goods is a document that imposes on the operator the obligation to organize and practically implement the process of transporting goods by several modes of transport. Multimodal transportation assumes that the operator company that accepts the cargo is obliged to transfer to the customer a transport document, which can be both negotiable and non-negotiable.

An integral part of the effective functioning of the above type of cargo transportation is a developed information infrastructure, which makes it possible to fulfill obligations under a mixed contract. In other words, multimodal transportation includes the following components: management, control, planning of the delivery process, operational information about loading, movement of the vehicle along the route, unloading of goods.

Multimodal international transportation
Multimodal international transportation

At present, various modern systems for the exchange of information are increasingly used in world practice. Their introduction into multimodal international transportation is especially important. At the same time, the field of application of electronic means of communication directly affects the degreecompetitiveness between transport companies.

Multimodal container transportation is focused primarily on combining the potential reserves of aviation, river, rail, and road transport. With the help of them, goods are delivered all over the world in the shortest possible time. It should be emphasized that multimodal transportation is a fairly demanded service on the international route between different continents, since, for example, it is not possible to deliver cargo from Australia to South America only by sea.
