Icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov": rounding Greenland

Icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov": rounding Greenland
Icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov": rounding Greenland

In May 2016, the icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov celebrated its 35th anniversary. The vessel was built in Finland in 1981. It bears the name of Yu. K. Khlebnikov (1900-1976), a well-known person in the USSR. A lot can be said about the polar captain, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the owner of the Order of Nakhimov and other high awards of the Soviet Union. We confine ourselves to the following information: he commanded the icebreaker Alexander Sibiryakov, the icebreakers Litke, North Wind, and others. It is possible that "Captain Khlebnikov" is about to enter the Guinness Book of Records.

captain of bakers
captain of bakers

Circle Greenland

What a miracle action is preparing to show the world a tourist icebreaker with a displacement of fifteen thousand tons, a length of one hundred and thirty, a width of over 24, a side height of just over twelve meters, "running" at a speed of up to 35, 2 km / h (18 knots)? How did the friendly crew of 59 FESCO sailors decide to glorify themselves (this is the name of the transport group that owns the icebreaker, the ship was rented by a North American company under a time charter agreement)?

It is known thatIn the summer of 2016, with tourists from different countries on board, the Captain Khlebnikov moved to the Arctic, intending to go around Greenland. The difficult task was not chosen by chance. The legendary hard-working icebreaker is designed to surf the polar seas, overcoming conditions of any difficulty.

No other expeditionary ship cohort is capable of navigating polar waters. As you know, "Kapitan Khlebnikov" was the first ship that managed to go around Antarctica with passengers on board. A little about the dates from the history of the icebreaker: it became a tourist attraction in 1992, on the wave of perestroika that took place in the former Soviet society. From 1992 to 2011 he went to the Arctic (summer) and Antarctica (winter). From 2012 to 2015 he temporarily "rested".

icebreaker Captain Khlebnikov
icebreaker Captain Khlebnikov

Vessel overview

The long-awaited return to service occurred in March 2015. At the same time, a course was set for the Arctic season of 2016. The smallest details were calculated. Because any mistake in the ice is especially expensive. As you know, "Captain Khlebnikov" is staffed with highly qualified Russian officers and crew (representatives of different countries).

On board is a "constellation" of amphibious assault ships, including helicopters for takeoff and landing on the ice, wildlife reconnaissance. The open multi-level decks are equipped with excellent viewing platforms.

Communal areas include two dining rooms, lounge and bar, auditorium, indoor plunge pool, gym and sauna. The ship has a library, a shop, a passenger elevator and a smallmedical Center. In general, the journey in the ice passes in complete comfort.

guinness records antarctica icebreaker captain khlebnikov
guinness records antarctica icebreaker captain khlebnikov

The way through the Arctic Ocean

110 passengers can accommodate the icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov". Cabins are triple (6), double (41), suite (3) with living room, TV / DVD and corner suite (4). All cabins are equipped with bathrooms and at least one window for ventilation.

Single travelers are assigned to triple and double cabins by gender. The wishes of the tourists are taken into account. It is believed that this is the only vessel for access to non-freezing areas blocked by ice. At the same time, tourists are provided with comfort and safety.

In an epic 75-day round-the-world trip (July 10 - September 23, 2016), held in the traditional style of expeditions on the mighty icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov, tourists discovered the Northeast Passage, explored northern Greenland.

Traffic directions

Traveling along the sea route across the Arctic Ocean along the northern coast of North America, tourists enjoyed amazing aerial views, rising high in two airborne helicopters. Taking pictures and writing down interesting facts, everyone was able to create an interesting polar chronicle for themselves.

The journey starts from the northeastern tip, covered with a thick layer of ice. These are unique geological formations in the Russian Arctic. The powerful force demonstrated by the icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov"as if on sails, delivered travelers to a mysterious, inaccessible region of the world. The trip lasted 25 days.

The next direction brought people to the tip of Greenland. The remains of the Northwest Passage seeker camps were visited. They say it's impossible to forget the splendor of the "Iceberg Lane", a short but bright touch on the way of life of the locals, the nature of the tundra. This was given a period of 21 days.

The third route resulted in acquaintance with the sights of the Canadian Arctic. Traveling through quiet coastal cities, observing the life of the indigenous peoples of North America, the Inuit, took 18 days. The final part of the journey came at the end of the Northwest Passage.

icebreaker captain Khlebnikov cabins
icebreaker captain Khlebnikov cabins

Champagne on an ice floe

To wrap it up, people enjoyed watching whales, seals, polar bears, seabirds. It seems that tourists liked visiting the islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Ocean.

Recall: when the icebreaker left the port of Vladivostok, 4 wanderers went with him into the icy distance. The lion's share of the pilgrims was taken in the port of Anadyr. These were citizens of the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada and other states. "Having traveled" through the Russian Arctic, rounding Canada, on September 23 the icebreaker will return to the port of Chukotka.

Commercial and passenger ships are not able to overcome thick layers of ice, but "Kapitan Khlebnikov" calmly goes through obstacles, delivers tourists to the exotic world of the Snow Queen. On a Greenland Cruiseforeigners dreamed of drinking champagne and barbecuing on an ice floe. Their dreams came true, regardless of whether the Guinness records “shine” for the ship. Antarctica, the icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov", the Arctic will forever remain in the memory of all travelers who have visited places where it is always cold, where bears rub their backs against the earth's axis.
