Tomato "Katya": characteristics, photos, reviews

Tomato "Katya": characteristics, photos, reviews
Tomato "Katya": characteristics, photos, reviews

Tomato "katya" has medium-sized fruits that are great for pickling for the winter. This variety has proven itself on the positive side and gardeners have been boldly planting it for 10 years.

Tomato "katya" gives a good yield and up to 90% of the harvested tomatoes retain their presentation. Having tried to grow these tomatoes once, gardeners will definitely return to them again in the following seasons.


This variety is early maturing. The first harvest can already be harvested on the 80th day after planting the seeds. Bushes reach 60 cm in height. Tomato "katya" (photo) is resistant to drought and heavy rains.

The first inflorescences appear after the release of the 5th leaf. They belong to a simple species, and up to 8 fruits can form on each. The yield averages 10 kg per 1 m2.

Plant resistant to major tomato diseases:

  • late blight;
  • rot;
  • tobacco mosaic.

These tomatoes can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Under the film, the space may not be heated, starting from April.

Such plantsare hybrid and are marked F1 on the packaging. This means that it will not be possible to collect seeds from them for planting in other seasons. And even if this is done, then future plants will lose their properties and the fruits will inherit only the genes from one of the parents.

Characteristics of tomato "katya"
Characteristics of tomato "katya"

This means that the tomatoes will not meet their specifications, and the yield will be too low or the formation of inflorescences will stop altogether. Therefore, it is impossible to buy seeds in spontaneous markets without specialized packaging. They can be harvested from hybrids.

It is better to buy seeds in stationary stores or order on the official websites of companies involved in the trade of agricultural products.

Characteristics of tomato "Katya" and its fruits

Tomatoes have a rich red color, so they are often used to make sauces and pasta. They are medium in size and fit perfectly in a pickle jar as a whole.

The palatability allows them to be used for preparing various salads and snacks. Each fruit reaches a weight of 160 g. Tomatoes "katya" have a rounded shape, and a green stalk is formed on them. Therefore, these tomatoes are great for use in salads.

Tomato "katya" characteristics
Tomato "katya" characteristics

The peel in the fruit is not very thick, but has a dense structure, so the tomatoes are easy to transport, and they are great for sale. The pulp in them is dense and saturated with juice.


Tomatoes "katya" in the opensoil is best planted with seedlings. Then the plant develops faster and begins to actively bear fruit. Seeds are planted in boxes in early March.

After the cotyledons have developed, it is imperative to make a pick. When the plant reaches 15 cm in height, it can be moved to open ground. But you should make sure that there are no strong cold snaps at night.

Tomato "Katya" planting seedlings
Tomato "Katya" planting seedlings

Holes for planting seedlings should be as deep as possible. The distance between the bushes should not be less than 45 cm. So, the plant will have enough space to develop above the ground and roots in the soil.

Shrubs should form with multiple stems. It is better to choose a place for landing well lit or with a slight dimming.


After planting, you need to regularly loosen the soil around it. And also at first it is worth watering the bushes with potash solutions. In this way, the stem will become strong and the plant will develop well.

10 days after planting, you need to water the bushes abundantly, but make sure that they do not rot. Then you can leave them alone for a while. Watering over time is done only during severe drought.

Tomato seedling care
Tomato seedling care

When the bushes grow up, they need to be stepsoned and tied to a support with the appearance of the first fruits. One of the main disadvantages of "katya" tomatoes is the strong brittleness of the branches.

Taking into account the fact that up to 8 fruits can form on each bunch, it is worth tying each branch. With proper care and goodclimatic conditions, the bushes at the time of ripening are dotted with fruits.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that the plant is resistant to major tomato diseases, it should still be treated with insecticides on time. So you can save the harvest and increase it.

After heavy rains, it often appears on late blight fruits, so it is better to carry out artificial watering after natural watering. This will flush bacteria from the plant.

Tomato "katya" is tolerant to tomato mosaic virus. The fruits do not crack when ripe. It is advisable to treat green spaces with special insecticides several times a season to avoid diseases.

Reviews about tomatoes "Katya"

On various sites and forums of gardeners, you can find a lot of comments about growing this plant. Most often, reviews about "Katya" tomatoes (photo) are written in a positive way.

Farmers indicate that the yield in real life corresponds to that indicated in the characteristic. The fruits have a neat rounded shape and a rich bright red color.

Gardeners specify that when growing seedlings, special attention should be paid to hardening plants. It is necessary to take the boxes outside before planting tomatoes in open ground.

If seedlings are grown in greenhouses, then it is necessary to lift the film or open the doors during the daytime. Thus, the seedlings will gradually get used to climatic conditions. After planting, these plants take root faster, and the acclimatization time is reduced by sever altimes.

Farmers say that resistance to diseases is high, but late blight can actively appear in the rainy season. Therefore, it is still necessary to treat plants with special preparations.

Housewives claim that the size of the fruit allows you to pickle them whole. After opening the jar, the tomatoes are also easy to get. During pickling, tomatoes do not lose their shape and have a rich taste. This variety of tomatoes is also great for making various sauces and pasta.

pickled tomatoes
pickled tomatoes

Some craftsmen grow this variety on balconies or window sills. Thus, fresh fruits can be harvested even in winter. But tomato lovers point out that the plants are quite large in height, and are not always suitable for home growing.
