Tomato Verlioka: reviews, characteristics, description and photos

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, characteristics, description and photos
Tomato Verlioka: reviews, characteristics, description and photos

Experienced summer residents are well aware of how important quality seeds are for a good harvest. That is why the tomato variety Verlioka receives invariably positive reviews. Using these seeds, you can get a rich harvest of delicious, beautiful fruits. Therefore, every gardener should learn about it.

Appearance of bushes

First, let's give a description of the Verlioka tomato, reviews of which leave no doubt about the high quality of the variety.

A bountiful harvest
A bountiful harvest

It is classified as early-ripening - only 95-100 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest. The bush is quite high - from 100 to 150 centimeters, p

this is why several ties per season are a must. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get a good harvest - the bush will either break under the weight of the fruit, or simply fall on its side. And tomatoes, once on damp ground, will quickly begin to deteriorate. Of course, this height is not suitable for greenhouses. So it makes sense to carry out timely pruning and transfer the growth point to the sideescapes.

Yields are quite good - about 4.5-5 kilograms of high-quality fruits from one plant.

Optimal planting density is 4 plants per square meter. So from such an area you can easily collect 18-20 kilograms of fruit, which is an excellent indicator.

Description of fruits

Now that the reader knows the characteristics of the Verlioka tomato, reviews of which experienced gardeners leave in large numbers, it is worth talking about the fruits.

They have a rich red color, pleasing to the eye. The tomatoes are not too large in size - usually about 80-90 grams. The skin is quite dense, which reduces the risk of cracking. It doesn't happen except in overly damp summers or overwatering.

The fruits are almost a perfect ball, which will please real perfectionists. Taste qualities also do not make you dream of the best - the tomatoes are quite sweet, but at the same time with a pleasant sourness. Perfect for pickling or making tomato juice, puree and ketchup, or for fresh consumption.

When grown in good conditions, the flesh is quite fleshy, dense. But with excess moisture and frankly weak, depleted soil, there is a high probability of getting fruits of lower quality - watery and almost tasteless.

tomato variety verlioka reviews
tomato variety verlioka reviews

Key features

Now let's figure out what justifies the positive reviews for the Verlioka tomato, the photo of which is in the article.

One of the main advantages ishigh resistance to diseases such as cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic. Experienced summer residents know that these diseases can often leave them without a crop. But if you chose the Verlioka variety, then you don’t have to be afraid of them.

mosaic disease
mosaic disease

An additional plus is the short ripening time. Few varieties of tomatoes can boast that they bear the first fruits already on the 95th day after germination.

Of course, the variety can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. True, in the latter case, seedlings will have to be used - in most regions of our country, the summer is not long enough to be able to harvest by planting the seeds immediately on the garden. Well, if you are using a greenhouse or greenhouse, then, as mentioned above, it is very important to prune in time. Then the bushes will not grow up, but to the side, providing a good yield.

Finally, unlike some other varieties of tomatoes, Verlioka tolerates a small amount of light quite easily. Therefore, it will be a good choice for people whose gardens and cottages are located in regions where the number of sunny days is not too high.

Are there any disadvantages?

Telling about the positive reviews about the Verlioka tomato variety, it is very important to note the negative aspects. Only in this case, readers will be able to decide whether this variety suits them or it is better to look for another one.

The most noticeable disadvantage is the relative difficulty of growing - you have to spend quite a lot of time on care. This is the formation of bushes and a mandatorytimely binding. For summer residents who can only set aside one day a week for gardening, this can be a very unpleasant surprise.

Verlioka variety
Verlioka variety

Also, as mentioned above, with excess moisture, tomatoes grow quite watery, this sharply worsens the taste, and such fruits are not suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

Growing Tips

To begin with, it is advisable to plant seeds for seedlings 60-65 days before the planned transplant into open ground, that is, in late February or early March, depending on the climate in a particular area.

First shoots
First shoots

It is desirable to prepare the substrate from peat, humus, mullein and small sawdust. The optimal ratio is 3:1:0, 5:0, 5. It is when using such a substrate that the seeds show the best growth rates, which, of course, will affect the yield. It is not required to bury the seeds deep - it is enough to deepen them by 1-2 centimeters. After that, it is desirable to close the box with glass or tighten it with polyethylene - to create a greenhouse effect. When the first sprouts appear, the glass is removed and the box is placed in a warm, well-lit place, protected from drafts. It is best to moisten the soil with a spray gun as it dries. Spraying the plants themselves will also be a plus, especially if the apartment is too dry.

Two months after planting, the seedlings will have a length of about 20-30 centimeters - can be planted in open ground.

The optimal distance between holes is 40-50centimeters. The beds need to be well moistened, after which, carefully dividing the seedlings, transplant them into the ground - preferably together with the substrate, so as not to damage the roots.

In the future, it is necessary to water once or twice a week if natural rainfall is not enough. Tomatoes need to be fertilized twice a season. It is best to use phosphate fertilizers for the first time. They have a positive effect on the development of the root system, which means they will increase growth rates. You can carry out the first top dressing a week after planting. For the second time, it is better to choose potash fertilizers - around the end of June. This will have a beneficial effect on the number and size of buds, flowers and the fruits themselves.

Reviews about the variety

Now let's study the Verlioka tomato reviews to get the most complete picture of this variety.

Suitable for marinades
Suitable for marinades

Many summer residents have been planting these tomatoes for many years and are consistently satisfied with the result. They note high productivity, unpretentiousness, abundant fruiting even in low light and excellent taste of fruits. But the reviews also confirm that the variety in cultivation is more troublesome than some others, because due to the significant height, it is required to feed several times, as well as to form a bush.

Verlioka Plus

This is an improved version of the Verlioka tomato. The varietal characteristics of both tomatoes are identical. The difference is that the Verlioca plus bushes are shorter, the fruits are larger and fleshier and ripen faster. Verlioka plus tomato reviews note that they have great taste and high yields.


This concludes our article. From it you learned why the tomato variety Verlioka gets positive reviews. And you can easily decide whether it is the best choice for you or whether it makes sense to give preference to other varieties.
