Deduction for children up to what amount? Standard child tax deductions

Deduction for children up to what amount? Standard child tax deductions
Deduction for children up to what amount? Standard child tax deductions

I wonder if the deduction for children is up to what amount? And in general, what is it? Many people talk about this element. In particular, parents who are officially employed and receive average earnings. The deduction for children is directly related to taxes. Perhaps that is why he is so interested in citizens. After all, everything related to tax collections is very important. From year to year people pay more and more to the state treasury. And at the same time, wages either remain the same or increase slightly compared to the increase in prices and tariffs for services, or even decrease. Then the deduction for children (up to what amount we will figure out later) will come in handy. But what are we talking about? How, to whom and in what amount is it accrued?

deduction for children up to what amount
deduction for children up to what amount


What are we dealing with? The standard tax deductions for the child(ren) are what many are interested in. Especially those who have low wages. For whom "every penny counts." The thing is that the tax system in Russia provides for, in some cases, peculiarprivileges. They are not provided to everyone, but they take place.

The child tax credit is just one of those benefits. What is he doing? Helps reduce the tax base. It also applies to personal income. It's about wages for employees. If a deduction for children is issued (up to what amount, this is not so important yet), then it will be deducted from income, and after that the tax base will be calculated. As a result, the amount of the deduction will decrease by some percentage. With particularly high salaries, the difference is not particularly noticeable. But with an average or low income - quite.

Who is eligible?

Of course, not everyone is eligible for this benefit. But only for some categories of citizens. Someone is inclined to believe that only large families have this opportunity. It is wrong to think so. If you have at least one child at all, you are fully eligible for the standard child allowance.

In some cases, grandparents have this opportunity. Then when they are formalized as guardians for their grandchildren. The size of the deduction does not change from this. So if you are officially employed and have children, you can apply for benefits. Of course, there is no need to rush. Not everything is as simple as it seems and you want. After all, this issue has a lot of nuances, non-compliance with which leads to the impossibility of obtaining benefits.

standard child tax deductions
standard child tax deductions


What is the tax deduction for children? In which cases? You can understand this by studying the conditions for obtaining it. After all,any benefits have their own rules in Russia. And all over the world too.

We have found that you must have children to qualify for the standard deduction. It is accepted to understand minors. This is the first condition. But there are exceptions. The deduction can be received by the parent of an adult child under the age of 24 if he is:

  • full-time student;
  • postgraduate student;
  • cadet;
  • intern;
  • resident.

It can be said that while the child is studying according to generally accepted standards (that is, full-time) up to the specified age, the parent has every right to reduce the tax base. It is important here that the citizen is supported by mom and dad. Yes, in practice, in some cases, you can illegally receive a deduction if the child provides for himself and studies in parallel, but you will act at your own peril and risk. Moreover, few would agree to such a step.

amounts and deduction codes for children
amounts and deduction codes for children

Further it should be noted that the parents must have an income. And official. And, of course, it should be subject to the 13% tax rate rule. Simply put, the recipient must work officially and receive income.

You will also have to pay attention to the size of your salary. Standard deductions for personal income tax for the maintenance of children are assigned only when in the tax reporting period the income in the amount does not exceed 280,000 rubles. In Russia, this phenomenon is extremely rare for the average employee. After all, the average citizenreceives about 10-15 thousand rubles a month. And in order to exceed the "bar" of 280,000, it will take about 23,500 rubles of wages. So many may hope to receive a deduction.


Now the fun part. And, as many believe, important. How much is the deduction for children? What dimensions does it fit? Yes, a lot depends on the situation. But, nevertheless, there are some restrictions and norms here.

deductions for children with changes
deductions for children with changes

For example, it is worth paying attention to cases when parents simply have children. Without any features. A typical family with one or more minor children. For them, the deductions are not particularly large, but it's better than nothing at all. So what can you legally hope for?

Currently, the standard tax deduction for children (child) depends on how many babies are in the family. Practice shows that the more, the higher this benefit will be. Not significant, but still. So, the first two children are en titled to 1,400 rubles, for 3 and subsequent children - 3,000, if you have a disabled child (under 18 years old, a condition for each child), a similar amount is due. That is, 3 thousand deduction. It's not that hard to understand all this. But there are also special cases.


How much is the child tax credit? We have already figured this out. Or 1,400 rubles, or 3,000. In principle, if you compare this with the average real wage, you get a decent amount. But when it comes to the fact that this deduction "leaves" as if for the maintenancebaby a month, it becomes a little funny and sad. Both the first and second options are too small to provide even just the bare necessities.

But that's not about that now. The deduction for children up to what amount is issued, we have already decided. These are just standard cases. There are also some special events. For example, if a disabled child (1 or 2 groups) is under 18 years old, or up to 24 years old (also disabled), who is simultaneously studying full-time or is a student / graduate student / cadet. In this situation, each child is en titled to 6,000 rubles of deduction. Issued to trustees, guardians, adoptive parents and their spouses. 12,000 rubles is due when a disabled child is under 18 years old or a disabled student is under 24 years old. This amount is set for parents and adoptive parents.

When issued?

You may notice that the system in special cases is very incomprehensible and confusing. Therefore, it is worth paying attention only to the standard situation, understandable to all citizens. An important point is when you can get a deduction for a child. And in what cases does it stop.

standard deductions for personal income tax for the maintenance of children
standard deductions for personal income tax for the maintenance of children

Accounting is possible immediately after the birth of the baby. This rule applies to natural parents. If we are talking about guardians and adoptive parents, then the receipt of benefits takes place from the date of execution of all documents. That is, from the moment you took responsibility for the upbringing and maintenance of the baby.

The end of deductions comes, as you might guess, as soon as the kids grow up. More precisely, when they reachcoming of age. If the child enters full-time education, then the benefit will end the next month after graduation. Nothing difficult, as you can see. Everything is extremely easy and simple. The deductions for children with changes that are currently in force in Russia, of course, play a huge role for taxpayers.

Double size

In some cases, you can get this benefit in double size. Not always, but such a prospect exists. It is worth noting that a deduction for children is issued to each parent. And if one of them refuses this benefit, the second gets the opportunity to double the benefit.

Don't rejoice. After all, there are a number of restrictions that do not allow you to issue a refusal in favor of the other spouse. For example, when someone is not working (is a housewife), or is on parental/maternity leave. It is also impossible to refuse the deduction in favor of the spouse if the unemployed citizen is registered with the employment center.

If people are officially married, as a rule, there are no problems with this issue. So, a double deduction can be received by any of the spouses when both are working, if the other half refuses this benefit. There is nothing difficult to understand in this.

More problems happen when there is no official marriage. Here you will have to establish paternity and motherhood, as well as provide appropriate documents on refusal in favor of one or another parent, accompanied by birth certificates of children. This is a very confusing and incomprehensible process for some. Themfew people practice.

what is the tax deduction for children
what is the tax deduction for children


In what amount is the tax deduction for the child, we have already found out. Moreover, we now know the details of special cases. True, life is a complicated and difficult process. Often parents get divorced and remarry. At the same time, they have a common child. So, the right to a deduction too. Who and what documents should be presented under certain circumstances? Let's try to figure it out.

The baby's mother needs to write a statement of the established form, as well as present a child's birth certificate (copy). But the father in this regard is more difficult. After all, in a divorce, as a rule, he must pay alimony. To receive a deduction, you must present documents that confirm the fulfillment of obligations, as well as attach a copy of the birth certificate of a common child and write an application. The mother's new husband is also eligible for income tax relief. Just like the next wife of the baby's father. In both cases, an application for a deduction is required. Further situations are ambiguous. The mother's husband must take a certificate from the ZhEK about the child's cohabitation with the mother and himself, attach a marriage certificate and the birth of the baby. The last two documents are needed by the new wife of the biological father, too. Only instead of a certificate from the housing office, it is necessary to present documents confirming the payment of alimony by the real father of the child.

Deduction Example

And now a small example of calculating the amount of the tax deduction for children. With standard benefitseverything is extremely simple. For example, a parent's income per year is 240,000 rubles. At the same time, there are two children - 10 and 26 years old. And the salary at the same time per month - 20 thousand. What's up?

You cannot get a deduction for a second child. Only the youngest remains. He is en titled to 1400 rubles per month. It turns out that personal income tax is reduced according to the following principle: (20,000 - 1,400)13% \u003d 2,418. If you count without deduction, you would get 2,600 rubles. The difference is not so noticeable, but it takes place.

Deduction codes

The amounts and codes of deductions for children play an important role in the preparation of a tax report, as well as in obtaining a 2-personal income tax certificate. Without it, the benefit cannot be confirmed. We've already talked about size. What are the reference codes? If you do not know them, you will not be able to fill out the declaration.

How much is the child tax credit?
How much is the child tax credit?

At the moment (for 2016) you need to use codes numbered 114-125. In this case, 114-116 is most often used. These are the standard deductions for the first, second and subsequent children, respectively, who have not reached the age of 18, or for a student. 117 is the code that is supposed to be used for the disabled. The rest of the "combinations" serve for double benefits in one case or another.


So, what conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? The tax deduction for children is a benefit used by many. It allows you to reduce the tax base by some amount. This is a small, but still cost savings. Please note that all parents and guardians have the opportunity to receive it. But forTo do this, you need to receive income subject to 13% tax.

There is no paperwork with this process. But there are a lot of nuances that have to be taken into account. Basically, it's pretty easy to figure it out. Most often, deductions are obtained not at the tax authorities, but at the place of work of a citizen. The standard child tax deduction(s) is what is really in demand in Russia.
