Cooperation: Mastercard - Sberbank

Cooperation: Mastercard - Sberbank
Cooperation: Mastercard - Sberbank
mastercard sberbank
mastercard sberbank

Cooperation of the Savings Bank of Russia with the American international payment system (IPS) "Mastercard", founded in 1966 (headquartered in New York and a permanent office in Moscow), occurs through the sale of a license to the bank, as well as storage this bank's deposit system. The basic card for the interaction of the largest domestic financial market player with the "legislator of online payments" is the Mastercard Standard card of Sberbank.

For its part, Sberbank receives the right to issue cards belonging to the company's trademarks: Mastercard, Mastercard Electronics, Cirrus, Maestro. The currency for international payments is the US dollar, as well as the euro. Service of cards from MPS "Mastercard" to Sberbank is guaranteed in any country of the world. This, of course, is very convenient for customers, as it frees them from obvious inconveniences when storing and transporting cash.

Bank cards of this system allow you to make transactions both in real life (ATMs, POS-terminals, etc.) and in virtual (Internet transactions).

sberbank mastercard gold
sberbank mastercard gold

In order to get a Mastercard card (Sberbank),an individual applies to any branch of this banking institution with identification documents.

Let's briefly characterize the typical cards of this system for Sberbank.

First group: electronic, the cheapest Maestro cards of all that MasterCard offers. Sberbank practices their use for payroll projects. The Sberbank-Maestro "social" card is used to issue pensions and social benefits to citizens. Abroad, with their help, you can withdraw cash from ATMs.

The second one, MasterCard Electronics, is intended exclusively for electronic services, bypassing the risks associated with acquiring services.

“MasterCard Mass” (standard) is the basic card of the “classic” category, which has full functionality both domestically and abroad. By the way, it has greater opportunities for maximum cash withdrawal than the "Visa" of the same class (meaning the so-called Bin limit).

Has Sberbank Mastercard Gold. In addition to full functionality, this card includes additional opportunities for obtaining discounts for hotel and commercial services, visiting cultural events. These cards are traditionally used for popular he alth insurance programs when traveling abroad.

It should also be noted a number of premium-class cards licensed by the Mastercard payment system, not issued (not manufactured) by Sberbank. This is MasterCard Platinum, which implies an increased credit limit, individual banking services, concierge service. The highest degree of premium class -"Mastercard Signia" - a card that offers round-the-clock support and a personal manager.

Sberbank standard mastercard card
Sberbank standard mastercard card

Speaking about the cooperation of banks with payment systems, it should be recognized that we are not always dealing with a harmony of interests. This refers to the precedents when the American "Mastercard" and "Visa", acting as monopolists, unjustifiably increased the cost of licenses and the amount of deposits for banks - members of the payment system. In these cases, there is a practice of disputes between the antimonopoly committees of states (USA, Austria, Poland, Israel) and the Ministry of Railways. Switzerland and the United Kingdom in their domestic market constantly monitor the activities of the IPU. Although, on the other hand, developing on their high-tech platform, Mastercard and Visa are certainly promising and determine the versatility of many "card" banking products.
