Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident: where to apply for compensation, compensation for losses, when to contact the insurance company responsible for the accid

Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident: where to apply for compensation, compensation for losses, when to contact the insurance company responsible for the accid
Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident: where to apply for compensation, compensation for losses, when to contact the insurance company responsible for the accid

According to the law, all owners of motor vehicles can drive a car only after purchasing an OSAGO policy. The insurance document will help to receive payment to the victim due to a traffic accident. But most drivers do not know where to apply in case of an accident, which insurance company.

Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident
Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident


MTPL insurance helps drivers recover damages in a traffic accident. This agreement is binding on all drivers. Moreover, the policy does not insure the car itself, but only the responsibility of the drivers behind the wheel. If the owner of the vehicle does not insure the car, then in the event of a traffic accident, the perpetrator will have to compensate the victim with his own funds. Thus, the culprit will need to carry outrepair your car, as well as someone else's. Usually the amount of payments for the victim is established through the court.


A traffic accident is an event that occurred as a result of the movement of a motor vehicle, due to which other cars were damaged, life and he alth of people, buildings, structures were harmed. Compared to other countries, there are many accidents in the Russian Federation.

two car accident
two car accident

Contacting the company at fault

In case of an accident, which insurance company should I contact? This question can be answered based on the circumstances of the accident:

  • number of vehicles involved in the incident;
  • character of damage;
  • accident victims;
  • the availability of a genuine OSAGO insurance policy for all participants;
  • terms for applying to insurance companies.

Which insurance company to contact after an accident? If not only cars, but also people were injured due to an accident, then the company of the guilty party should deal with the matter. That is, the injured driver takes the policy of the culprit, prepares all the necessary documents and applies to the insurance company. After writing the application, you must provide your car for inspection by the insurer's employees. You can not be late and postpone the meeting, because the faster all procedures are completed, the faster the driver will be able to receive payment and repair his vehicle. Often, in the event of an insured event, the amount of damage exceeds the OSAGO limit. In this scenario, the victim should receivemoney from the company of the guilty driver, and the remaining amount must be received from the guilty driver himself.

Accident with injured
Accident with injured

Provision of documents after an accident

After the victim has found out which insurance company to contact in case of an accident, he needs to decide on the list of necessary documents. There are two types of documents:

  1. Documents that are always in the hands of the driver.
  2. References provided by the traffic police officer (it is necessary to check the correct spelling of personal data so that in the future there will be no problems with receiving payments).

What documents do the insurance company need after an accident? List of required papers:

  • Passport of the owner of the vehicle who was the injured party in the accident.
  • Statement. The form is provided by an employee of the company.
  • Bank details. Necessary for the insurer to transfer funds. Valid details are required without restrictions.
  • A document or certificate of a traffic accident issued by traffic police officers.
  • Accident protocol (its copy).
  • Notice, which indicates the scheme of the incident, and also describes the incident itself. This document is filled in by all participants of the accident on the spot.
  • Documents for the damaged property, that is, for a vehicle (PTS).

What documents do I need to submit additionally to the insurance after an accident? In addition to the basic documents, the victim has the right to provide additionalinformation. For example, invoices, receipts for services that were required due to an accident.

Contacting the insurer
Contacting the insurer

The culprit has no policy

Which insurance company does the victim of an accident apply to if the guilty party does not have an insurance policy? Using a motor vehicle without an insurance policy that protects the liability of the driver is prohibited by law. Punishment for violation of the law is carried out in the form of a fine of 800 rubles. Therefore, most drivers argue that it is more profitable not to purchase a policy, since the police may not stop them. This opinion is erroneous, since the policy is valid for a year, and during this period of time, police officers can stop the owner of the car many times. Accordingly, you will have to pay a fine for every time a person is caught breaking the law.

But a fine is not a terrible punishment. Driving a motor vehicle may result in an accident.

If the culprit of the accident does not have an OSAGO policy, then what should the victim do, which insurance company to contact in case of an accident? In this case, there are few options. The victim can try to contact his insurance company in order to receive a payment in a short time. But not always the insurance company agrees to make payments. If the insurer agreed to pay the money, then further recourse will follow in relation to the culprit. That is, the insurance company will go to court with a lawsuit in order to recover money fromculprit to cover the costs associated with a particular accident.

If the insurance company refused to pay the injured party, then the driver needs to receive money from the culprit. The victim assesses the damage, agrees with the culprit on the amount and time of payment. If the guilty driver agrees to pay, then there is no need to go to court. But if the driver does not want to pay, then you need to file a lawsuit in a short time. According to the court decision, the guilty driver will be obliged to pay money and cover all additional costs associated with the accident within the time period established by the court.

Going to court
Going to court

The driver is not included in the policy list

Drivers often break the law and can drive without a policy. But sometimes people who are not included in the policy get into an accident. That is, the owner of the vehicle has a valid OSAGO policy, but there is no culprit in it. In this case, the injured person will not be able to use this policy. Payment will have to be demanded from the culprit. That is, the issue is regulated in the same way as in the absence of a policy at all. Therefore, in the event of an accident, it is necessary to check the policy of the guilty party for the presence of a driver in the list of the contract. Sometimes the victim does not check the information in the document and is refused due to the fact that the offender is not in the document.

The culprit has a fake policy

After an accident, which insurance company should the driver contact if the culprit has a fake policy? During a traffic accidentit is imperative to check the offender's policy for the presence and authenticity of the policy. Authenticity can be verified using the PCA website. To do this, you need to drive in the basic data of the car or the policy itself. If the information is not found, then the policy is fake.

The presence of a false policy is equivalent to its absence. Therefore, in this case, you must try to contact your insurance company or file a lawsuit in order to receive a payment.

Accident protocol
Accident protocol

Loss of license

Which insurance company to contact in case of an accident if the company of the culprit has lost its license? In accordance with the law, deprivation of the license of an insurance company does not remove the obligation for payments from the organization. That is, when a license is revoked or restricted, the insurance company can no longer sell policies, but it is obliged to make payments. Therefore, in the event of an insured event, the injured driver has the right to contact the company of the culprit, even if it no longer has a license.

If the company, referring to the lack of a license, refuses to pay, then the driver needs to go to court. It is also necessary to write a complaint to the PCA system.

It is worth noting that if the license is revoked, the PCA can cover the damage caused during a traffic accident. But this process is lengthy. And drivers usually can't wait to get paid and repair the car themselves.


Which insurance company should the injured party contact in case of an accident if there were no serious violations? Since 2014, there has been an opportunity fordrivers to contact their insurance company using the Europrotocol. But in order to be able to use it, certain conditions must be met:

  • Only two vehicles were involved in the accident.
  • There is no disagreement between drivers over who was at fault.
  • Damage due to a traffic accident must be no more than 50,000 rubles. Sometimes there are hidden damages that can be revealed only after inspecting the car in the service. Therefore, before agreeing to the Europrotocol, you must be sure that there are no serious damages.
  • Only vehicles were damaged.
  • No injured or dead people.
  • All drivers involved in the accident have a valid and genuine MTPL policy.

When drawing up a European protocol, there is no need to call the police. The form of the document is issued together with the OSAGO policy. Making a protocol is a convenient solution, since you do not need to waste time and wait for the police, but you can resolve the issue yourself in a short time.


After the driver has determined which insurance company to contact in case of an accident, he must provide all the documents without violating the deadline for submission. In 2018, there were changes in terms. Previously, the driver could apply to the insurance company within fifteen days. But now the turnaround time has been reduced to five days. That is, if the driver does not come to the office of the company during this period,then he will be refused payment in the future. Therefore, in order to receive funds, it is necessary to collect and submit all documents within five days.

If the owner of the vehicle could not apply to the insurance company for reasons beyond his control, the insurer has no right to refuse payment. But this requires documentary evidence. For example, the victim was in the hospital - he is required to submit a sick leave certificate as confirmation.

Accident with injured
Accident with injured


Now it is clear what to do in case of an accident, which insurance company to apply to the injured party. In Russia, many accidents happen every day, and they are all different. Most often, the injured driver contacts the company of the culprit. But there are exceptions in which he has the right to contact his company. After an accident, it is important to check all documents for correct filling, since payment depends on them. It is also necessary to collect all the documentation in a short time, since the time for contacting the insurance company is limited.
