Leroy Merlin in Moscow: store addresses and opening hours

Leroy Merlin in Moscow: store addresses and opening hours
Leroy Merlin in Moscow: store addresses and opening hours

Store addresses and Leroy Merlin opening hours in Moscow are discussed below. For the convenience of customers of the hypermarket chain, the nearest metro stations are indicated, as well as the numbers of the fixed-route taxi, which can take you to the specified address.

Shop in Moscow
Shop in Moscow

Hypermarket in Altufyevo

Address of the Leroy Merlin store in Moscow: 84th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road. You can get there both by private car and by public transport. The nearest metro station to the store is Altufievo. A free bus runs from it to the store, bearing a sign "Customized". It may also have "Auchan" written on it. Bus number 1018A will take visitors to the hypermarket.

Shop opening hours: daily from 7 am to midnight.

Leroy Merlin in Moscow
Leroy Merlin in Moscow

Leroy Merlin in Sokolniki


Address of the Leroy Merlin store in Moscow: Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya street, 3, letter A. You can get to the hypermarket on foot from the station. metro station "Krasnoselskaya" Spacious parking is organized for buyers on private transport.

The store is open daily. commitshopping is possible from 7 am to 11 pm, but the pickup service is available 24 hours.

Hypermarket in Lefortovo

Address of the Leroy Merlin store in Moscow: Entuziastov highway, 12, building 2. The nearest metro station to Leroy Merlin is Aviamotornaya. You can get from the station to the store by any public transport moving towards the center. You need to drive two stops. Customers wishing to get from the Rimskaya metro station should choose a fixed-route taxi number 340M.

The store opens at 8:30 am and closes at 11:00 pm. Open seven days a week.

Store Address
Store Address

Leroy Merlin in Ryazansky

Address of the Leroy Merlin store in Moscow: Ryazansky pr., 2, building 3. There are several metro stations near the hypermarket:

  • "Proletarian";
  • "Avtozavodskaya";
  • "Kuzminki";
  • "MCC Nizhny Novgorod";
  • "Textile workers";
  • "Dubrovka";
  • Ryazansky Prospekt.

From the Tekstilshchiki metro station you can get there by public transport - by bus number 2. Other ways to get to Leroy Merlin on Ryazansky Prospekt are published on the website of the chain of stores.

"Leroy Merlin" works according to the schedule: from 08:30 to 21:00. At the same time, pickup works around the clock.

Leroy Merlin on Kievsky

Address of the Leroy Merlin store in Moscow: Kyiv highway, 24th kilometer, Moskovsky settlement. Nearby metro stations are:

  • "Salaryevo";
  • Rumyantsevo.

Buses number 309, 1010, 611 run regularly from the last metro station. You must get off at the Kartmazovo stop. From the metro station "Salaryevo" buses run under the numbers: 490, 272, 272K, 866.

The store operates according to the following schedule: from 8 am to 11 pm.
