Port Bronka - a multifunctional marine transshipment complex

Port Bronka - a multifunctional marine transshipment complex
Port Bronka - a multifunctional marine transshipment complex

A new seaport is being built in the Gulf of Finland - Bronka, adapted to receive modern container and ferry-type sea vessels. This project is being implemented within the framework of the Concept for the development of outports of St. Petersburg. The customers are the government of the Northern capital and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

bronco port
bronco port


The idea to build a port arose back in 2003. After the development of the project, the authorities of St. Petersburg put forward additional requirements, which pushed back the start date of construction for an indefinite period. The conductors at that time were the companies ZAO RosEvro Trans and Neste St. Petersburg.

However, in 2006, co-owners of B altic Transport Systems (one of the two founders of CJSC RosEvroTrans) died in a car accident. The project was taken up by the Forum company, which for this purpose in 2008 created a subsidiary company Phoenix LLC. The project and working documentation were created by CJSC "GT Morstroy".

Construction of the coastalinfrastructure began in 2011. At that time, the port of Bronka was recognized as a strategically important facility for the Russian transport system. In 2011-2014, the construction of pile foundations at berths No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 was completed. Buildings for supervisory and regulatory authorities, houses for dockers began to be erected, and an autonomous fire extinguishing system was completed.

Started work on the bottom. By September 2015, the builders plan to reach the depth of the approach channel at 11 meters.

sea port of saint petersburg
sea port of saint petersburg

In 2013, in order to partially compensate for the damage caused to the environment by the construction of the Bronka MMPK, 10,000 fish of the Ladoga char species were released into the reservoirs of the Leningrad Region. This action was financed by the company "Phoenix" LLC, within the framework of the program to compensate for damage from construction. The program itself is designed for 5 years.

Benefits of traffic interchange

One of the potential competitors, Ust-Luga, was built recently (commissioned in 2001) and meets the modern needs of cargo carriers. But he has a big drawback: he is far from St. Petersburg.

Besides, Ust-Luga's transport links leave much to be desired - the quality of the road is far from ideal, plus the Southern and Northern sections are heavily loaded already now, and the density of cars will only increase over time.

The second working seaport (St. Petersburg lives up to its nickname of the Northern capital) looks better against this background - but the access to the Ring Road from its terminals goes through the WHSD, and the WHSD has a direct exitonly to cargo areas I and II. Trucks that go to zones III and IV must go through city blocks, which cannot be beneficial either for drivers or for the population.

Sea and land accesses

Port Bronka has no such shortcomings. In 2013 it was connected to the ring road. A-120 and Ring Road lead to it from land. KAD-2 also comes close enough.

Export of goods by rail is possible in several main directions: through the stations of Kotly and Veimarn, along the railway line of the Gatchina direction, through the MGA station.

sea port of Bronka
sea port of Bronka

After the construction is completed, the Bronka marine multifunctional transshipment complex will be able to serve container ships and passenger-and-freight ferries. These include:

  • CKH-1500 (Atlantic Lady);
  • CKH-2500 (Cap Ducato);
  • Panamax (Wan Hai 501);
  • Post Panamax (Wan Hai 501).

Cost efficiency

The port of Bronka will receive the first ships in September 2015 – at least, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov is sure of this. In his opinion, the transport sector is very profitable and promising - a lot of money is "spinning" here, and the commissioning of another port will increase the income and potential of the country as a whole.

At the same time, it is the solution to the truck problem. With the commissioning of the MMPK Bronka, the loading of the Big Sea Port (St. Petersburg) will be greatly reduced, and cargo transshipment will be transferred to it, which is currently carried out practically in the center of the city. 2,300 new workers are also expectedseats.

By the time the first terminal is put into operation, the volume of investments will reach 43 billion rubles. Direct annual tax payments in total will reach 3.7 billion rubles, and indirect revenues to the budget will amount to 11 billion rubles.

Marine multifunctional transshipment complex Bronka
Marine multifunctional transshipment complex Bronka


Ecological issues and the impact of the port under construction on nature continue to cause debate. On the one hand, such a large-scale project cannot but have an effect on the biosystems that have developed in the region. On the other hand, serious efforts are being made to minimize the negative impact of construction.

In particular, V. F. Shuisky, in which it was noted that in 2013-2014 more than 166 thousand young animals of the Ladoga char were grown and released into Lake Ladoga. In 2015, it is planned to release more than 196 thousand

Experts note that the measures taken have minimized the impact on the environment, the environmental safety of construction is quite high.


The city is the former possession of Prince A. D. Menshikov, an ally of Peter I. He is located next to the Bronka - close enough for the crew and passengers of the arriving ships to see him. Lomonosov is also included in the number of "objects of concern" for the leaders of the Bronka project - in particular, it was planned to plant 17 sites in the city and plant 977 oak seedlings.


Until now, more than 80% of the stevedoring services market belonged to Global Ports - they controlled Petrolesport, Firstcontainer terminal and Moby Dik, as well as the only container terminal in Ust-Luga.

start of construction
start of construction

The start of construction of the Bronka MSGM heralds the end of this monopoly. According to forecasts of DP experts, first of all, the new port will draw cargo from the historical part of St. Petersburg, then from the B altic States, and only then from Finland.

One of the main trends in the B altic today is the use of ships of greater carrying capacity. This is due to the introduction of the so-called sulfur directive - it forces shipping companies to use cleaner, respectively more expensive fuel.

As a result, shipping rates may increase by 15-20%, many shipowners will use large capacity ships to save money. And this gives advantages to ports that have a deep approach channel, including Bronke.

Different points of view on the level of workload of St. Petersburg terminals. Investors in the port under construction voiced opinions about overloading, while Global Ports spoke of a "comfortable" amount of work - that is, existing capacities are occupied by about 75%.

The new maritime transshipment complex has many advantages: a large canal depth (this is a serious factor in the competitive struggle), a vast territory, accessibility (convenient road and rail interchange), a short path from the receiving buoy to the port water area.

construction of the complex
construction of the complex

Thanks to these factors, the construction of the Bronka MMPG complexattracts a lot of attention. True, all these advantages will only make sense if the new port introduces low tariffs for service, warehousing and customs clearance and radically raises the level of culture of port services.

How to share customers

Expected capacity of Bronka after the launch of the first terminal is 1.45 million TEU. By 2022 - 3 million TEU per year. Clients of the nearest Russian ports can go to this port. On the Finnish side, the terminal in Helsinki is quite competitive, but others are at risk - after all, about 15% of Russian ships are unloaded there. There is a very real chance that after the launch of Bronka they will start using it.
