Single window principle: what is it and how does it work? Multifunctional Center

Single window principle: what is it and how does it work? Multifunctional Center
Single window principle: what is it and how does it work? Multifunctional Center

It's no secret that interaction with officials and execution of any documents is not a pleasant process, which is always difficult and troublesome to go through. In order to free citizens from the need to obtain certificates in various state institutions, institutions operating on the principle of "one stop shop" were established.

One stop shop has been used in other countries for a long time. For example, in Germany. There, at first, an administrative reform was carried out, during which the districts were enlarged. Reception desks were opened in each district for citizens to apply, obtain the necessary certificates and permits. The need to knock on the thresholds of institutions was reduced to zero. Document flow is carried out electronically, payment for services is made through the bank.

A similar system was introduced in Russia. The beginning was laid in the Moscow region. The administration of the district "Beskudnikovo" began to master a new scheme of work, using computer technology, serving individuals and legal entities. A particularly popular service was the appeal of citizens on requests for redevelopment of residential premises.

Currently, similar centers operate in almost all Russian regions.

System Features

MFCs aim to helppeople to receive various public services. What is the principle of "one window"? It assumes that a citizen will once apply to the institution with a statement, and after a while he will receive a result. At the same time, employees of the MFC and other government agencies will perform all the necessary work for him.

Single window technology
Single window technology

Convenience lies in the fact that when ordering a service, any citizen does not need to directly visit authorities, collect documents and contact officials. Such a system minimizes the moral, time, material costs of consumers of public services. For this reason, MFCs are becoming more and more popular.

System Benefits

The one-stop-shop system implemented in established centers is the result of public administration reform. This is an innovation aimed at making life easier for the average citizen and business.

The work of the MFC is aimed at:

  • reducing the duration of public services;
  • reduce order;
  • increasing citizen satisfaction from communications with governing bodies.

The centers simplify the procedures for processing documents, combine the work of various departments, provide comfort to applicants when applying, reduce time and costs.

In the centers, documents are received not by civil servants, but by front-office specialists dealing with requests for services from any departments. The decision to provide the service is made, as before, by the state body. But the applicant does not contact the official, this is done for him by an employee of the office. The specialist is in contact with officials at different levels, which greatly increases the comfort of the applicant, and also prevents corruption.

One window principle
One window principle

Legislative Framework

Implementation of the "one stop" principle and interaction with the MFC of citizens and government agencies is regulated by law.

In 2010, the Federal Law regulating the activities of the MFC was issued. It says:

  • The nuances of providing municipal services on a one-stop basis.
  • List of services available to institutions.
  • Legal capacity and responsibility of the MFC.
  • Obligations of other government agencies to the MFC.

MFC can have any form of organization, which must comply with the rules of law and implement the main idea - the principle of "one stop".

In 2012, a government decree was issued, which sets out the requirements for the activities of the MFC, as well as for the material and technical equipment of the institution, for the information technologies used, for contacting with other government agencies. The number of windows, the area of the institution, zoning, work schedule, location have been determined.

The Resolution of 2011 regulates the interaction of the MFC with authorities, local governments, extra-budgetary funds and determines the list of issues in this activity, as well as the list of services provided by the MFC.

Operational milestones

The centers operating on the principle of "one stop shop" carry out the following functions:

  • accept requests fromcitizens for the provision of public services;
  • represent the interests of citizens in various state bodies and structures;
  • reflect the interests of government agencies when communicating with applicants;
  • inform applicants about the procedure for the provision of services and advise on other issues related to public services;
  • contact with government agencies in matters of service to citizens;
  • give consumers the necessary documents as a result of the provision of services;
  • accept and process information from government agencies and issue documents based on it.
Provision of municipal services on a one-stop basis
Provision of municipal services on a one-stop basis

The principle of "one stop shop" is applied in the scheme of providing services in a single place. Thus, the MFC is the organizer in the process of organizing services of state and municipal structures.

Idea being implemented

The idea behind the centers formed across the country is that people request different documents at different times in their lives. Most common situations:

  • issuance of the first passport;
  • marriage registration;
  • childbirth;
  • starting your own business.
The principle of one window in the MFC
The principle of one window in the MFC

In these cases, it is very important to complete all the necessary documents as soon as possible and return to the main life tasks. Single window technology contributes to this.

MFC becomes a life companion, helping to get documents as easy and fast as possible at different periods of life, eliminating possible difficulties.

Regulatory framework for the organizationthis system is constantly being improved. The final goal is that a person does not need to go to different authorities to collect papers, but it is enough to contact only the Multifunctional Center and use the necessary services. Therefore, legal acts are constantly changing, the list of services performed at the MFC is expanding.

List of services

Today, the MFC provides services in such situations:

  • appearance of children;
  • name change;
  • retirement process;
  • building housing;
  • loss of documents;
  • start your own business;
  • change of residence;
  • loss of relatives;
  • buying a home.
What is the principle of one window
What is the principle of one window

A complete list of municipal services on a one-stop basis can be found at the MFC itself. In total, the centers serve the population on 131 services. Of these, 36 federal, 43 municipal and 52 others.

The multifunctional center helps in obtaining Russian and foreign passports, in obtaining extracts from the cadastre, in accepting documents for registration of marriage and divorce, for regular child benefits, obtaining a hunter's ticket, for allocating subsidies, in obtaining an extract from the archive, in registering children in preschool institutions.

Brand name and values

The government instructed to create a single brand for all MFCs in Russia.

In 2014, the MFC received a new name - "My Documents". New centers are being created under this name, and existing ones are undergoing a rebranding process. Rebranding is carried out with the slogan "For all occasions".

MFC brand values are:

  • attention to people and their life situations;
  • friendly service;
  • convenient service;
  • comfort in interaction;
  • close proximity to centers;
  • accessibility of public services to any citizen.

The relationship between government agencies is regulated by decrees and resolutions.

According to statistics, as of January 2016, the percentage of the population covered by the MFC was more than 94%.

List of municipal services on a one-stop basis
List of municipal services on a one-stop basis

Algorithm for contacting the MFC

How to interact with the multifunctional center?


  1. Call and ask if applications for a particular service are being accepted. The specialist of the center will advise what documents are needed.
  2. Citizen goes to the center to apply.
  3. If it is necessary to pay the state duty, it is paid at the terminal of the center.
  4. The applicant is in due time to receive the result.

Ideally, a citizen should apply only twice - when applying and for receiving a result. This is how the principle of "one window" is implemented in the MFC.


According to the law, the MFC is considered a full participant in the relationship between any departments and bodies. This saves the citizen from having to go to many institutions for information. The state strives to ensure that the "one window" system isimplemented in all districts and districts of Russia.

Multifunctional Center
Multifunctional Center

The legislative framework is constantly being improved, which allows expanding the list of services provided.

In 2007, when the pilot project was launched, visitors still had to queue for paperwork, but this was already a big step forward. Today, the practice of "one stop shop" is rapidly spreading in the Russian regions. There are no longer the usual long lines. The applicant receives all the necessary services in one institution.

The Ministry of Economic Development draws up and approves the schedules according to which service centers operate.

New MFCs are constantly opening in all regions of the Russian Federation. To optimize their work, an information system has been created to help control regional plans to expand the network of one-stop shops. The system displays open points in each region of Russia, and every year there are more and more of them.
