Volunteer programs abroad to see the world

Volunteer programs abroad to see the world
Volunteer programs abroad to see the world

Volunteer programs abroad are a great way to see the world, change the environment and make a difference. They also have one more indisputable advantage - many of them do not require money to participate.

volunteer programs abroad
volunteer programs abroad

What are volunteer programs and what are they like?

There are a huge number of such programs in the world - from multifunctional, like the Peace Corps, to small one-time projects somewhere in Nepal or Peru. Anyone can become a volunteer abroad - there is always a program suitable for any combination of age / knowledge / preferences. According to their directions/characteristics, they can be divided into the following:

  1. Programs you don't have to pay to join.
  2. Those for which you need to pay (we are not talking about the services of intermediary agencies, but directly about the programs themselves).
  3. Volunteer programs abroad, in which the participant covers the cost of flights, meals, accommodation (all of the above or just something) at his own expense.
  4. Those where the majority of expenses are covered by the organization or host.

All this can be combined in various variations, in addition, volunteer programs abroad work in various fields and directions. Among them are educational projects, nature conservation, work in nature reserves, medical care, business and construction, and so on. Among the most famous are Au Pair, Work & Study in USA, Peace Corps volunteer programs and EVS.

Work & Study USA and Au Pair

A fairly large number of organizations are aimed at working with young people - Work & Study USA and Au Pair are among them. The latter allows you to spend from a few months to one or two years in another country, learning its language, living with a local family and helping with housework and children.

become a volunteer abroad
become a volunteer abroad

The program assumes that the participant receives free accommodation and meals, some pocket money, while he does not do any hard work and has a lot of free time, including days off weekly. Participation in the program is paid, or rather, you will have to pay for the services of the agency, in addition, you must pay for a visa and travel expenses to and from the country of destination.

Work & Study USA is a summer program for college and post-secondary students that allows them to travel to the US during their summer vacation to work and travel.

volunteer programs and internships abroad
volunteer programs and internships abroad

There are other programs with a similar name that exploit the idea of work and study, such as Work & Study Canada or Work & Study Australia. Here, as in the case ofAu Pair, you need to pay the program and travel expenses with a visa.


Volunteer programs and internships abroad are offered by AIESEC, an international youth organization that exists in many countries. It declares its goal to reveal the leadership and professional potential of young people.

AIESEC is 100% student and alumni owned and operated and offers not only work experience within the organization, but also international internships in several areas and volunteer social programs around the world.

Working in various positions in AIESEC itself is not paid with money, however, the worker himself does not have to pay anything. But members of the organization have access to high-class trainings and training seminars for a purely nominal fee. Participation in AIESEC internships or volunteer projects also costs very little, especially compared to previous programs, but the participant will have to pay for the visa and travel expenses themselves.

Peace Corps and EVS

The Peace Corps is an American organization that conducts volunteer programs abroad in many countries and corners of the world. Peace Corps is looking for the right person for the right job, meaning almost anyone of age has a chance to get involved. However, 90% of the positions in this organization require some sort of education or expertise.

free volunteer programs abroad
free volunteer programs abroad

Getting into the Peace Corps is not so easy, but for most jobs they promise funding at a levelroughly corresponding to the standard of living of the locals.

You can become a volunteer abroad with the help of EVS (European Volunteer Service), part of the European Commission's Youth in Action project. They offer a wide variety of jobs and positions for periods ranging from two months to two years, and fund accommodation, meals, he alth insurance, and a member visa. In addition, EVS covers 90% of travel expenses.

Less known and unofficial

Free volunteer programs abroad are not limited to this - there are also various projects that are not widely known (for example, from Lanta Animal Welfare, which takes care of dogs and cats in Thailand) and even not very official (like the position of assistant in a small yoga center). Many volunteering opportunities for every taste can be found on specialized sites.
