Yaroslavskaya apiary: a great experience as a beekeeper

Yaroslavskaya apiary: a great experience as a beekeeper
Yaroslavskaya apiary: a great experience as a beekeeper

To get a rich collection of honey, and hence profit, every beekeeper must be able to get good queen bees to create further layering. Some believe that queen bees can be grown artificially or simply bought. The Yaroslavl apiary, where Gennady Stepanenko works and experiments, proved that there is another effective method.

Experience in Brief

Gennady Stepanenko can be safely attributed to successful beekeepers. He has been doing what he loves for more than 22 years, his Yaroslavl apiary has become famous far beyond the region. As a practitioner Stepanenko shares his invaluable experience on the pages of his thematic forum, he is also the author of a whole block of videos on beekeeping.

Yaroslavl apiary
Yaroslavl apiary

On the forum, people lively communicate, express their opinions, share best practices, ask for advice and receive answers not only from the author himself, but also from other beekeepers. And the videos of Gennady Stepanenko boast hundreds of thousands of views from beginners and experienced beekeepers.

Yaroslavl apiary Stepanenko became famous not only for the advanced experience of the owner. Herethe owner of the farm also organized the production of beekeeping equipment, beehives, and also successfully sells Karnika Troizek queens.

Stepanenko method

The basis of this method is the use of multiple hives. First, it is necessary to identify a strong family that has just emerged from wintering. After the first flyby, the colony must be reinforced with printed brood frames from the new season from other colonies. At the same time, do not forget to carry out a preventive inspection of the framework. It is known that a new uterus develops within 26 days. Therefore, the bookmark is made taking into account this period.

Yaroslavl apiary Stepanenko
Yaroslavl apiary Stepanenko

From the experimental colony reinforced by alien brood, a frame with a queen is removed, which is populated in a new hive. 3 open brood frames are added to this hive. For additional nutrition, 2 frames with honey are also installed there.

Sealed brood from other hives is added to the experimental colony. The remaining bees without a queen are separated with a lattice, and a new lattice is placed on top, where the queen has moved. The letok of the upper body is closed. Several frames with drones settle to other families.

After a week, the queen will be inactive in the upper case, and there will be no open brood in the lower case. They take dry, one side of which is closed with a dividing grid, and the other is covered with thin aluminum or film. The uterus begins to work and at the same time cannot go anywhere. Stepanenko uses a prepared frame for this, installing it in the middle of the upper case.

After two days, a new frame is checked. Usually during this periodthe uterus has already sown it, and the presence of land has become for her a kind of signal for a new reinforced masonry. The old uterus is repopulated in the upper housing, the new frame is taken out and the insulating materials and gratings are removed.

Gennady Stepanenko Yaroslavl apiary
Gennady Stepanenko Yaroslavl apiary

The prepared frame is placed in the lower case. At the same time, the bodies are separated so that the bees from the experimental colony feel the absence of the queen. This is necessary so that the bees get to work on fattening new queens. Orphaned bees can feed new productive queens. And then they are settled in layering. Thus, the Yaroslavl apiary is increasing in the number of quality families.


The Yaroslavl apiary became the call of the soul and the command of the heart for Stepanenko. And after all, he does not stop there: new video tutorials, maintaining his own Internet platform and master classes - this is an incomplete list of Gennady Stepanenko's hobbies. Along with this, he is inseparably engaged in his large farm, and also successfully sells beehives, queen bees and honey.

Gennady Stepanenko, whose Yaroslavl apiary is known among many beekeepers, provides an excellent opportunity to use his innovative developments to other people. Stepanenko's activities are not limited to breeding. He has quality reviews on honey extraction, swarming, hive types, top dressing and maintenance.
