Industry of Ukraine. General characteristics of Ukrainian industry

Industry of Ukraine. General characteristics of Ukrainian industry
Industry of Ukraine. General characteristics of Ukrainian industry

To ensure a decent standard of living for citizens, the country's development requires a strong economic potential. The quantity of goods and services that a certain state produces, as well as the ability to sell them, are among the most important indicators of well-being and stability. The industry of Ukraine began to emerge at the end of the 18th century, and today it is represented by many industries.

Classification of economic sectors of Ukraine

Depending on the purpose of the products, industries are distinguished that produce the means of production. Another name for this category is heavy industry. This includes industrial enterprises of the metallurgical complex, the timber and chemical industries, as well as machine-building plants and factories. The second group is industries specializing in the manufacture of consumer goods. This is mainly food production, light industry. It is important to note that the volumes of products produced by the enterprises of the first group are much higher. There are also branches of industry in Ukraine that extract or process resources. The first include all those areas that are engaged in the production of fuel or any raw materials. Processing plants process them (machinery, chemical industry).

Industry of Ukraine
Industry of Ukraine

Territorial features of the location of production facilities in Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are some features of the location of enterprises of the national economy. It should be noted that there is an uneven distribution of industries. Large enterprises of the metallurgical complex, chemical plants are located mainly in the east of Ukraine. You can also highlight such industrial hubs as the Zaporozhye region, Kyiv, Kharkov. At the same time, the western part of the country does not have such a potential. These areas produce food and are engaged in agriculture. Such territorial features of industries have a number of negative aspects. First, the level of pollution in the East is an order of magnitude higher. In addition, there is an uneven distribution of the population.

industry map of ukraine
industry map of ukraine

Coal industry

The fuel and energy complex plays an important role in providing the population with electricity. The coal industry of Ukraine specializes in the extraction of hard coal and its further processing. The territories where there are coal deposits are the Donetsk region, part of the Lviv andVolyn region, Dnepropetrovsk region. However, the first basin is the richest, its area reaches 50 thousand km². A feature of coal mining in the Donbass is its great depth of occurrence, as well as saturation with dangerous gases. All this significantly affects the cost of fuel. Lviv-Volyn coal is of lower quality, but it is not so hard to mine. The main deposit of brown coal is the Dnepropetrovsk basin.

Coal industry of Ukraine
Coal industry of Ukraine

Oil production and refining

Ukraine's industry also includes an industry that is engaged in oil production and refining. To date, about 130 deposits of this raw material are known. The largest is the Dnieper-Donetsk region. The Carpathian section is currently somewhat neglected. The least explored is the Black Sea basin. This is explained by the difficult conditions of oil production, and its reserves themselves are not so significant. The main problems of this industry are the depletion of deposits, insufficient funding for further development of the subsoil. To meet domestic needs, countries import a certain amount of crude oil. Industrial enterprises that are engaged in its processing are located in Kremenchug, Lisichansk, Drohobych. Peat is considered as an alternative fuel. Ukraine has sufficient reserves. Today, about 3,000 peat deposits are known.

Energy complex of Ukraine

Without exaggeration, we can say that electricity is necessary in almost all areas of our lives. The industry of Ukraine in the field of energy generation is represented by thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants.

Industries of Ukraine
Industries of Ukraine

The operation of thermal power plants is based on the combustion of fuel (coal, gas, oil), which provide thermal energy. With the help of specialized equipment, it is converted into electrical. There are several types of such stations: combined heat and power plants and condensing ones. The work of nuclear enterprises is based on the use of uranium and plutonium ores. Compared to thermal stations, such stations do not pollute the air and are quite economical due to low fuel consumption. They are located in the Zaporozhye region, Khmelnitsky, Nikolaev and Rivne. Electricity can also be generated using water. Its feature is a lower price. However, Ukrainian industry does not use its water potential sufficiently. Currently, only 7% of electricity is produced by hydroelectric power plants.

Production of metals and alloys

Metallurgy is an industry that is quite developed in the country. It is one of the most profitable. The map of Ukraine's industry is rich in metallurgical plants, which both smelt steel (or cast iron) and manufacture products from it. One of the most progressive methods of metal production is the use of electric furnaces and oxygen convectors. Rolled steel is produced from ingots. It can be square or round, or have a different shape. Ukraine also specializes in the production of pipes for gas pipelines (they have a fairly largediameter). The country has considerable reserves of raw materials for ferrous metallurgy. This is both iron ore and limestone. Manganese ores are used for the production of refractories. Sufficient stocks and coke. The Ministry of Industry of Ukraine speaks of a large number of exports in this industry. Large enterprises are located in Mariupol, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk. Non-ferrous metallurgy is also developed. This is mainly the aluminum industry, the production of rare and semiconductor materials, precious metals.

Industrial enterprises
Industrial enterprises


The level of development of mechanical engineering directly indicates the economic well-being of the country. It is this industry that implements all new developments, provides comfortable living conditions for citizens. The industry of Ukraine has about 60 types of production of this type. The assortment is multifaceted: it includes computer technologies and sea vessels. There are such types of specialization:

  • subject, which is engaged in the production of final products (machines, devices, devices);
  • nodal (motors, designs for end products);
  • detailed (production of individual parts);
  • technological (coatings, blanks).

In general terms, this industry is engaged in the production of various types of machines, electrical equipment, and also includes transport engineering. According to the type of use, civilian products and defense products are distinguished. Placement of enterprises is quite free, as it does not depend on resources. They are mainly located in regions with good scientificbase and a sufficient number of qualified personnel. Mechanical engineering plants are located both in Kyiv and Lvov. The main focus is the end user. Shipbuilding is concentrated in Odessa, Mariupol. Kharkiv is a large center for the production of agricultural machinery. The automotive industry is a very popular industry. Industrial enterprises of this specialization are located in Lutsk, Lvov, Zaporozhye.

Chemical industry of Ukraine

This branch of the national economy collects mixed reviews. On the one hand, it can produce substances and materials that do not exist in nature. But on the other hand, its enterprises pollute the environment. In Ukraine, it is represented by the production of dyes, varnishes, plastic products, household chemicals. One of the areas is pharmaceuticals. It manufactures medicines, disinfectants. The largest enterprises of the pharmacological complex are concentrated in Kyiv, Lvov and Kharkov. It is also worth highlighting the petrochemical industry, which is engaged in the production of tires, carbon black. There are four main regions where this industry is well developed: Donetsk, Black Sea, Pridneprovsky and Carpathian. Today, the priority areas are the production of mineral fertilizers, plastics, organic synthesis products.

Chemical industry of Ukraine
Chemical industry of Ukraine

Light industry

Today in Ukraine there are about 2000 enterprises that producefabrics, clothes, shoes. However, compared with the end of the last century, the scale of manufacturing such products has significantly decreased. The needs of the population are also met by a considerable amount of imports. The linen industry uses domestic raw materials, besides Ukraine is an exporter of this material. A large number of enterprises appear that sew clothes from fabrics imported from other countries. The light industry of Ukraine also includes the fur and leather industry (raw materials are used mainly domestically). A well-known center for the production of fur coats and other fur products is the city of Tysmenitsa (Ivano-Frankivsk region). Enterprises specializing in children's and adult knitwear are concentrated in the Poltava region. Linen industry factories are mainly located in the Volyn, Rovno, Zhitomir regions. Shoes made in Ukraine are also worthy of attention due to their high-quality tailoring. The main centers of such production are Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv.

Light industry
Light industry

Food production

Enterprises involved in the preparation of products for consumption, their processing, are located almost throughout Ukraine. Each region has its own bakeries and dairies. The sugar industry is well developed in 19 regions. Large meat processing plants are located in Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa, Lvov and other cities. The food industry of Ukraine can not do without the production of sunflower oil, various varieties of wines, honey. There are also companies thatengaged in the production of fruit and vegetable preserves. They are concentrated in Odessa, Kherson, Zaporozhye.

Food industry of Ukraine
Food industry of Ukraine


Traditionally, Ukraine is a country with highly developed agriculture. Due to the peculiarities of the soil, the yields are quite large and of high quality. There are two main areas of the industry - animal husbandry and plant cultivation. In Ukraine, the leading positions are occupied by the production of grain crops, legumes, and potatoes. Sugar beet and other vegetables are also grown a lot. Another direction is the production of chestnut crops. And, of course, do not forget about berries and mushrooms. Animal husbandry is engaged in breeding pigs, sheep, different types of poultry. Today, there are a huge number of small private farms that produce decent quality products.
