Reviews: "Clothes-Master". Dimensions, quality and service of the online store

Reviews: "Clothes-Master". Dimensions, quality and service of the online store
Reviews: "Clothes-Master". Dimensions, quality and service of the online store

"Odezhda-Master" is an online store that appeared relatively recently on the Russian market, but has already gained great popularity. Let's take a closer look at what this supplier of clothing and accessories is, according to the following plan:

  • site structure and design;
  • women's clothing: quality, sizes;
  • customer service;
  • delivery;
  • work with marriage;
  • men's clothing: quality, sizes;
  • children's clothing: quality, sizes;
  • accessories;
  • general conclusions.
reviews clothes master
reviews clothes master

Next you will find out what they write online about the wholesale store "Odezhda-Master". These are the opinions of ordinary consumers (most often involved in the so-called joint purchases), the organizers of these same purchases (SP) and entrepreneurs who really buy clothes in bulk for further sale in their stores.


The site isn't really anything special - that's a plus. Everything here is simple and clear. Here there is a catalog of products by sections (verya wide range of). There are pages: "Contacts", "Price lists", "Sizes" (only for children for some reason), "Terms of cooperation", "Basket".

The entire range is presented in photographs (models, mannequins), but only the front. You will not be able to see the product you like from the side or from the back. Users note that the description of the models suffers a lot - it indicates the maximum composition of the fabric or the size of the bag, for example. But with such an abundance of images, the site loads quite quickly, does not slow down.

Clothing-master, Internet-magazin
Clothing-master, Internet-magazin

Main catalog includes pages for:

  • sales;
  • children's shoes;
  • women's shoes;
  • men's shoes;
  • women's clothing;
  • plus size women's clothing;
  • underwear;
  • menswear;
  • goods for hunting and fishing;
  • workwear;
  • children's clothing;
  • clothes for the little ones;
  • children's books and toys;
  • home textile;
  • sock;
  • accessories;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • household goods;
  • goods for sports and leisure.

There are filters. Items can be sorted by price, model, date added, name.

Women's clothing: quality

Most of all, of course, customers, and these are mostly middle-aged women, discuss the quality of the delivered goods. Yes, "Odezhda-Master" (online store) is only a supplier of goods from different manufacturers (China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, etc.).

Without being able to touch, view from all sides, try on a thing, buyers are very worried about what they will get in their hands.

About goods from "Clothes-Master" customer reviews are very contradictory. The ratio is approximately 50% to 50%.

Some say that good quality things have arrived: both the fabric and the assembly of the product. Others are unlucky in this sense… There are also frank marriages.

There are diametrically opposed reviews about the same product - this is already a human factor.

Women's clothing sizes

clothing master customer reviews
clothing master customer reviews

Very often found on the forums in the topics "Clothes-Master" feedback on sizes. Clients say that it would be ideal if there were tables for manufacturers on the page with sizes, and he (the manufacturer) was indicated in the description of the model. But, apparently, employees have no time to deal with such organizational issues, which, by the way, affects buyers and their own rating. "Clothes-Master" delivers things from different countries, so the dimensional grids do not match. Experienced buyers take it themselves and advise beginners to order at least a size larger, and in 70% of cases the advice comes in handy.

Customer Service

The organizers of the joint venture note that managers are reluctant to communicate. Information is given out rarely and sparingly. Again, apparently due to high turnover and lack of time, which is still no excuse.


The scheme of work is as follows:

  • choose a product (at least five thousandrubles);
  • send order;
  • it takes 2-3 days to process (actually it can take 2-3 weeks);
  • you will be sent an invoice for what is currently in stock;
  • pay (SB of Russia);
  • waiting for the package;
  • pay for shipping at the post office upon receipt of the goods.

Delivery is carried out at your choice by "First Forwarding Company", "Zheldorekspeditsiya", "Auto Trading", "Business Lines". Your goods will be delivered to these companies in Moscow for free.

Clients who have been using the service for a long time note that when it first started working, the scheme was carried out quite clearly and quickly. Even as a member of the JV, you could get your few blouses in a couple of weeks.

online store clothing master reviews
online store clothing master reviews

The assortment is replenished every week, and the prices are kept at the same (very low) level, in addition to this, note the seasonal supply of products. Therefore, with the development of the site, the system began to slow down very seriously: orders are processed for a long time, invoices are issued and goods are shipped. This is what the organizers and participants of the joint venture say.

Dealing with marriage

With such an abundance of different groups and categories of goods, with such a wide range of suppliers, it is difficult to keep track of product quality. There is also a frank marriage: things are torn, dirty, out of shape, broken, as evidenced by numerous reviews. "Clothes-Master" does not take the marriage back, does not return the money for it, only gives a discount on the nextpurchase (order) approximately in the amount of the cost of a low-quality item.

And you still have to fight for this discount (a little). So, in response to a claim to cleanliness, you will be offered to first wash the thing, and only after that talk about marriage. And all of you will have to confirm with a photo report.

Men's clothing: quality, sizes

The assortment of men's clothing is not so wide, but still you can choose from a classic shirt, and sports shorts, and a winter jacket.

About the quality of goods for men, which the online store "Odezhda-Master" will provide you, customer reviews say the same as about the women's line. Trousers from one manufacturer can look great, fit and wear for a couple of seasons, or they can creep along the seams after two or three socks.

Praise buyers jerseys, underwear, socks.

clothing master reviews brags
clothing master reviews brags

Sizes also "float". Moreover, since the store is focused on the weaker half of humanity, there is not even a general, approximate dimensional grid for men anywhere on the site. And managers-consultants do not give any information on male models at all.

Children's clothing: quality, sizes

About children's clothing in the store "Odezhda-Master" reviews, "boasts" are mostly good. Moms on the forums say that there are few clothes, they offer mostly knitwear, and it is adequately presented on this site in all age groups. “There are socks, and jackets, and other clothes. But at the same time, goods (t-shirts, shorts, suits, etc.) are not divided into clothes for boys andgirls, which makes it somewhat difficult to find the right thing,”clients say. The design of the presented products is modern. Models are decorated with images of favorite children's heroes, which makes the purchase pleasant not only for parents. On the size page there are just indicators for children from 0 to 2 years old and from one to seven years old - this plus is described by many customers.

clothing master size reviews
clothing master size reviews


This is just a women's paradise! In general, clients leave positive feedback about this section. "Clothes-Master" offers a huge number of handbags, jewelry, umbrellas, belts, watches and glasses that will impress any fashionista.

But again, the description of the goods is lame, so there are unpleasant moments like the discrepancy between the diameter of the dial of the watch to the desired (estimated), as evidenced by numerous reviews.

You can also order various goods for sports and recreation, even bicycles will be sold to you in the Odezhda-Master store in bulk! Reviews about these categories of goods are few, apparently, they are not particularly popular…

General conclusions

Summing up all of the above, I would like to summarize the positive and negative opinions of customers about this online store.

Positive feedback: "Clothes-Master"

  • Wide range of products.
  • Very low prices.
  • The quality of the fabric, tailoring and workmanship is often "good" to "excellent".

Negative feedback:"Clothes-Master"

  • Terms for processing orders and shipping goods have recently increased significantly.
  • Almost a third of items ordered are usually out of stock.
  • There are marriages and re-grading.
  • Sizing Confusion.
  • Few product descriptions on the site and photos.
  • clothing master wholesale reviews
    clothing master wholesale reviews

Despite the fact that there are more points in negative reviews than in positive ones, the general opinion about this resource on the network is still good. New purchases open regularly. Their organizers work in different cities of Russia. Entrepreneurs for further sale in the markets and in stores make a wholesale purchase of goods at "Odezhda-Master". Feedback from their customers about product quality and fast turnover due to low prices provide good opportunities for business development.
