What is a safe deposit box? Is it worth renting a deposit box?

What is a safe deposit box? Is it worth renting a deposit box?
What is a safe deposit box? Is it worth renting a deposit box?

We continue to understand popular banking services. This article will discuss the rental of deposit boxes. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions and tips on choosing the right bank to entrust your valuables to safekeeping.

What is this?

Depositary (deposit) cell is a safe, which is located in a bank vault. Often they look like ordinary boxes that are located in cabinets. In order to open them, you must have a special key, which is issued to the bank's client.

Deposit boxes in the bank come in different sizes, which affects the cost of providing the service: the larger the parameters, the more expensive the rent. Usually, the total cell area has a minimum size of 0.007 m3

What are they for?

Deposit boxes in a bank are a great way to store money, jewelry, important documents and other valuables. Most often they are in demand among legal entities. After all, there are such contracts, agreements and other securities that need to be protected in any way from theft or modification.scammers. And given that banks do not check the values that are in the cells, storing anything there is accompanied by complete confidentiality.

deposit box
deposit box

Also, a safe deposit box is often used by families who go on vacation far from home, for example, abroad. It's no secret that most of the robberies of houses and apartments occur at a time when the tenants are not in place. Moreover, very often neighbors themselves give such tips to scammers, who know when no one will be at home.

To stay safe and secure during long journeys, do not leave valuables at home. You can rent a safe deposit box at the bank, which will guarantee the complete safety of the trusted property.

Popular Manufacturers

Be sure to choose a safe place to store your property. And if the bank uses unreliable safes, then this will remove any possible doubts on the part of the client.

bank deposit boxes
bank deposit boxes

For example, Valberg deposit boxes, which are produced in Russia, are known for their positive characteristics and reliability. The front side is made mainly of high-strength metal with a thickness of 3 mm, and the locks are made in Germany, which indicates the high reliability of the final product.

Rosengrens safes can also be noted. Deposit boxes of this manufacturer from Sweden are recognized all over the world, are considered safe and of high quality.

Today, the popular safes of this manufacturer are thosewhich are equipped with electronic locks and remote security systems.

Total privacy

A safe deposit box is a great place to keep confidential information or any valuables that you don't want to talk about.

Neither a bank employee, nor video cameras, nor security guards or ordinary visitors to a branch of a financial institution will know and will not be able to see what you put in the safe.

deposit boxes valberg
deposit boxes valberg

Of course, this does not mean that substances prohibited by law or other items that are associated with a violation of Russian law can be stored there.

How to use the cell?

Each bank uses its own procedures and rules of work in one direction or another. But the financial services industry is characterized by high he althy competition, which forces banks to adhere to certain rules.

When renting a safe, you will need to sign a banking service agreement. It will indicate the terms, the cost of rent, the rights and obligations of the parties.

There are two keys to the cell. After signing the contract, the client is given one key. The second is in a special envelope with a seal. It is used only in cases where, by order of the court or control authorities, it is necessary to conduct a search in a rented cell. But usually it doesn't come to that.

When a client wants to put something in or take something out of the safe, he comes to the appropriate branch of the bank. A man descends with him into the vault,responsible for the work of a financial institution in this direction. Each vault is protected by a password that only this person and the head of the department know.

rent of deposit boxes
rent of deposit boxes

A client enters the open storage, takes out his cell and goes to a special room in which there are no cameras and the possibility of peeping something from the outside. After performing the necessary operations, the client returns the cell to its place, closing it with its key.

Things to remember when using the box

As we wrote above, it is forbidden to use a safe deposit box for criminal purposes. Also, do not put food or other perishable products in the box.

You need to remember that there are only two keys to the safe. Be careful not to keep your copy in a place accessible to other people, as you can easily make a duplicate (in case of using a simple key).

In addition to documents and jewelry, money can also be stored in it. The main benefit of this is that no one knows how much and in what currency you will save in the safe.

Is this service expensive?

Since the deposit box is of different sizes, the cost of rent will be different. The banking institution itself also plays a significant role, its authority and reputation, for which you sometimes have to pay extra.

The smallest deposit box will cost about 25-40 rubles for one day of rent. That is, get ready to give the bank about 1000 rubles for 1 month of using such a service.

depositsafe deposit box
depositsafe deposit box

Cells whose height exceeds 20 cm will cost 50-80 rubles per day. If we take a period of time equal to 1 month, then you will need to pay approximately 2000 rubles.

The above are the average prices offered by system banks with a good reputation and high customer loy alty.

Choose a bank that you can trust with the most valuable thing

Financial institutions differ among themselves in a variety of ways. In the issue covered by this article, the most important thing is the bank's security system.

hotel deposit boxes
hotel deposit boxes

This moment is best worked out by those banks that have been operating in the Russian Federation for a long time, and did not appear a few months ago.

A few steps ahead are those institutions that have foreign capital. Serious financial groups, which are represented in several dozen countries around the world, have both the technology and relevant international experience in protecting the property of their clients.

But no matter how systemic the bank is, the service is provided by financial consultants. A lot also depends on their competence. Therefore, you need to focus on those institutions where the staff has the highest qualifications. You can find out by reading the reviews left by customers who have used the services of the bank.

You should also pay attention to the storage itself. This place must be closed with a combination lock and be protected from the eyes and visits of casual visitors and other onlookers.

Where else is useddeposit boxes?

They are often used in the hotel business. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all companies that provide such services are responsible for the safety of things and other property of their customers.

To avoid all sorts of situations related to the theft of valuables, it is customary to use deposit boxes in a hotel. They are especially popular with those customers who live in such a place for weeks and are forced to leave it from time to time.

rosengrens deposit boxes
rosengrens deposit boxes

A similar service can be found at some major train stations, airports and other similar places with large crowds of people with luggage. But in such institutions, the reliability and safety of cells is much lower than in banks. Of course, there are exceptions, but in any case, you should always be careful and not trust the safety of your property to places with a bad reputation.
