2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
About the company "GorKapStroy" reviews on the Internet can be found for every taste: both written, as they say, "from the heart", based on fresh impressions, and developed over many years of work in this team. There are both negative and positive, of which there are many more. In order to form an adequate attitude about the work of this organization, which is quite consistent with the real state of affairs, it is necessary to analyze the reviews about GorKapStroy from both sides.

Basic information
LLC "GorKapStroy" works on orders, and, judging by the reviews, it does it successfully. Orders relate to the design of the infrastructure of objects, including roads, artificial structures, engineering networks. Roads are not only built, but also repaired. Also, many reviews about "GorKapStroy" concern the design of administrative and medical institutions, and here the assessments of the work are always positive. Recently, the press has been writing a lot aboutreconstruction of VDNH facilities in Moscow.
In addition, GorKapStroy employees are busy creating a concept for the overall development of entire settlements both in Russia and abroad. They develop all urban planning documentation, draw up construction documentation, and also implement investment projects themselves. For such a wide range of activities, the organization has all the necessary resources, and in reviews of GorKapStroy of previous years, it is almost always noted that this company is developing intensively.
The services of both the technical customer and the developer are performed, the company's specialists can professionally inspect buildings and perform numerous works in the design and construction direction. The site of the company "GorKapStroy" currently lists more than 130 objects under its management. Master plans for building complexes of different heights are being developed, the features of the area, the configuration of the site are always taken into account, the rules and norms for developing territories are strictly followed.

For the benefit of the capital
The competence of the company's work also includes residential complexes, which provide for all kinds of service facilities that will meet the needs of new settlers: house adjoining territories are being equipped, sports and playgrounds are being built, convenient and not disturbing parking lots are located and much more. Especially a lot is written about projects of mid-rise buildings, where LLC "GorKapStroy" satisfies allrequests related to the functional zoning of the territory, to its organization in the architectural layout.
Since the capital's housing construction is currently developing especially intensively (which is also facilitated by the renovation program), it is necessary to foresee the creation of all necessary cultural and consumer services, the quality and sufficient amount of transport and engineering infrastructure. GorKapStroy in Moscow attaches great importance to the protection and preservation of the environment and, of course, compliance with the requirements of civil defense institutions and emergency situations.
The customers of this organization are very high: these are the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Main Directorate of the Road Economy of Moscow and the region, the Moscow Department of Construction, the Department of Urban Planning Policy and others, no less interesting. For example, low-rise buildings have been built in Moscow for large families with the participation of GorKapStroy (Moscow) by direct order of the capital's government since 2009.
Other projects
A program for the elimination of dilapidated and dilapidated housing has been operating in the capital for a number of years, and GorKapStroy LLC (Moscow) is actively participating in it, and also maintains a large number of facilities as part of the Moscow Region program related to the development and operation of the complex roads and transport. Of great importance is the company's contribution to the implementation of the project called "Free Moving" as part of the program of the Governor of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow Region".

In the reviews, employees of "GorKapStroy" in St. Petersburg also talk about successful activities in the reconstruction, construction and design of technical structures, engineering networks and communications for the housing and communal services of the northern capital and for its industrial enterprises. For example, not only the reconstruction of Dmitrovskoye Highway (Moscow) deserves praise, but also the built parking lot above the B altic Tunnel (St. Petersburg).
It should be noted that when performing work as a technical customer, the company provides its investor with a full range of engineering services - from the development of project documentation to the commissioning of a turnkey facility. This, one might say, is the credo of GorKapStroy LLC. Reviews almost always contain gratitude for the work performed in full. This became possible only with the most modern and well-established management structure, otherwise not a single investment object of such a wide range would have been successfully implemented within the strictly stipulated time frame.
How is this happening?
First of all, you need to complete the task, which is to organize all the coordinating organizations, contractor, designer, investor and ensure their interaction. Otherwise, it will not be possible to hand over the object according to the design documentation, in which all the deadlines are approved: there are too many building codes and regulations. In the reviews, employees of GorKapStroy LLC say that this task is always carried out by the company.
The road to completion of the project is long and thorny. First spendexpert evaluation of the land allocated for construction. Then the company's employees accompany the development of pre-project documentation and coordinate it. Here it is important to assist in the preparation of land-legal documents or their re-registration. In the reviews about the GorKapStroy company, it is mentioned that such assistance from specialists is always effective. Next, an order is being prepared with the initial data for the implementation of the project, it is necessary to obtain and optimize special technical conditions for joining the city's engineering networks.

From design to construction
And that's not all the reviews contain. LLC "GorKapStroy" receives and optimizes the town-planning plan of this land plot in order to obtain an administrative document from the government allowing the construction of the projected object, although the project itself is still at the stage of choosing a design organization. When the documentation is developed and agreed upon, the project is examined, after which a building permit can be issued.
Now it is necessary to select a general contractor in such a way that there are no problems in coordinating construction and installation works, which require constant technical supervision. Finally, a conclusion is drawn up regarding the compliance of the finished object with the existing project, which is also organized not without the participation of GorKapStroy (Moscow). The reviews mention that this procedure is the most responsible. It remains only to receivepermission to put the constructed object into operation. Any area of this great and multifaceted work is worth a separate story.
Inspection of the state of structures and buildings
Regarding the inspection of individual elements, as well as completely buildings and structures, the company provides an absolutely full range of services, including a huge range of measures for diagnosing the condition. This is what allows you to use the object as efficiently as possible. A huge plus in the promptness of providing reliable information: the technical condition of a structure or building at any stage of the life cycle of this property (whether it is construction or operation) will be known to the customer in all details.
In this area, GorKapStroy LLC (Moscow), according to employees, works in four directions. First, the object is surveyed according to its technical condition, design documentation is drawn up for individual buildings and their complexes, which are recognized as part of the historical or architectural heritage - monuments protected by the state.
Secondly, the technical condition of existing engineering communication networks is examined, the entire surrounding development is monitored, if it becomes necessary to reconstruct or lay new networks. Including monitoring is organized if engineering networks are located in the area of active construction work at adjacent facilities, which cannot but affect the load that falls on communications.
Thirdly, the technicalcondition of industrial, public and residential structures and buildings. Fourthly, the quality and strength of structures are monitored in the course of work while accompanying the construction of structures and buildings. The features of this work are unique, such an examination can only be carried out by specialists of the highest class. At each stage, the requirements of the regulatory framework that is currently in force are strictly observed. The experience gained by the company in this field of activity is very great.

Comprehensive Survey Tasks
The customer, if it is necessary to conduct a survey of the technical condition of the object, is guided by the following tasks that will be assigned to the company's employees. If reconstruction of an industrial, public or residential building or their complexes is required, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the state of the structure in case defects of varying degrees of significance are detected during further operation. If major repairs are needed, technical documentation must be obtained. This applies primarily to industrial buildings. In such cases, the company uses the "reverse engineering" path.
If you need to assess the technical condition of a building whose construction has not been completed (the so-called "unfinished") in order to determine its future fate, the services of GorKapStroy LLC will help in this difficult matter. If the customer decides to buy a building or a whole complex of buildings and structures, the technical condition of the hotel, office center,any enterprise he can learn from the specialists of the company. Moreover, such an assessment is necessary if it is necessary to restore the building after an emergency of a man-made or natural nature.
In addition, inspections of each building and assessment of their technical condition are carried out according to plan: first, a maximum of two years after the start of operation, then once every five or ten years (here the terms dictate the operating conditions). And without the help of qualified specialists, it is impossible to conduct such an analysis.

Inspection and assessment of the technical condition is carried out in a complex: absolutely all elements of a structure or building are considered. These are foundation soils and foundations, load-bearing structures and enclosing structures of walls, ceilings - shells, crossbars, slabs, building coverings, stiffening elements and tie structures, utility network supports, spans, bridge structures and much, much more.
When surveying, it is mandatory to open the supporting main structures at the joints, nodes and joints, because this is the only way to accurately determine the design schemes of the building and identify the strength resource of these structures. The examination is carried out depending on the tasks set using GPR, electromagnetic, television, thermal imaging, ultrasonic and, finally, a purely visual method, but most often the methods are combined.
The strength of structures is also determined by the most modern methods: this is a laboratory destructive methodthe impact of the press, this is the method of chipping, tearing, rebounding, to check the elasticity of the structure, the method of shock impulse. The company has a full set of equipment for such examinations, and therefore it is always possible to follow the recommendations of customers without any complaints.
Work in progress
From the customer the company receives the terms of reference, on the basis of which the goals of the work performed, their parameters are determined, local tasks are solved. A constructive analysis of the state of the object is made using the calculation systems SCAD and "Lira". Measurement of all structures is carried out, in which geodetic instruments are involved, with the help of special tools, defects and damage are determined. Structures are opened by means of pits, their composition is determined.
The characteristics of the strength of the material of the supporting structures are identified element by element, non-destructive methods are used here. It is important to correctly determine the parameters of the operating environment, operating loads, as well as the forces of the supporting structures that perceive these loads. Finally, the capacity of the supporting structure is calculated, taking into account the results of the survey and all detected defects.
A report is drawn up with a detailed description of all the work done, conclusions are given, the surveyed structures and buildings are assigned, as well as structural elements of the technical condition category. Recommendations are given for the further operation of the facility. The client receives information promptly, it is competent and quite complete.
Based on this information, the customer canto plan the fate of the property, based on the availability of specific structural reserves of the building and the possibilities for the development of a particular activity. The company "GorKapStroy" can develop and implement a variety of activities to extend the life of the facility.

The main direction is to constantly improve the quality and expand the range of services provided to those in need. In the reviews about the employer "GorKapStroy" they say that employees always improve their skills on time, while monitoring innovative technologies, studying the latest building inspection techniques, using only the most efficient and advanced equipment, proper software.
For example, the company has successfully mastered the restoration work. Through her efforts, the historical appearance of the buildings of the capital's VDNKh has returned and is returning. The central pavilion is ready to delight visitors with updated columns, sculptures, a spire with a star, and bas-reliefs. The work continued for a year and a half. The multi-level transport interchange complex in Krasnogorsk (Ilyinskoye and Volokolamskoye highways) looks grandiose and exceptionally beautiful. Construction and installation work completed.
There are a huge number of such objects. These are residential premises, and sanatoriums, and medical institutions (the sanatorium "Green Grove", for example, or the reconstructed complex of the GVKD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Burdenko hospital, the recreational complex of the Pakhra sanatorium, and so on). The company began to engage in architecturerelatively recently, but significant progress is already being observed in this direction, and work is being carried out on the full spectrum - from a sketch to a working draft.
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