Oil-free compressor as a solution for clean compressed air

Oil-free compressor as a solution for clean compressed air
Oil-free compressor as a solution for clean compressed air

Compressors are used in many industries, and not only. The machine-building, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, and manufacturing industries cannot do their technological processes without the use of compressed air, which is produced by compressors. While the quality of compressed air is not important for some industries, in others, such as medicine, cooking, food processing, the purity of the required compressed air is of great importance.

As soon as compressors appeared, the question of air purity immediately arose. After all, during the injection process, oil particles also got into the mechanism. Compressor oil in compressed air is unacceptable in these industries and industries. With the development of technology, a device that does not use compressor oil has been created - an oil-free compressor.

oil free compressor
oil free compressor

All parts of this compressor equipment are made of special heat-resistant materials. The oil-free compressor does not use oil during operation. Water is used instead of coolant. According to the principle of its operation, the oil-free compressor is divided intoseveral kinds.

There are oil-free screw compressor, reciprocating, water-injected and scroll.

In the screw device, the main role is played by two screws - rotors that rotate in the opposite direction. There are two chambers in the compressor housing: suction and discharge. The oil in this type of compressor equipment can only be used to cool the casing. There are mechanisms where water is used instead of oil. A special program monitors the temperature of the device and constantly injects water if the temperature rises above 120 degrees.

In scroll compressors, the main element is two spirals, one of which, rotating around the other stationary, pumps air.

In piston devices, the pressure element is a piston, which is made of a special material that can withstand tremendous temperature and friction.

oil free compressor
oil free compressor

An oil-free compressor has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of this unit is obtaining a high-quality result, that is, clean compressed air comes without any impurities. Such devices are more environmentally attractive than oil ones, because used oil requires disposal. An oil-free compressor is beneficial in maintenance, because there is no need to purchase filters, various cleaning cartridges, compressor oil.

compressor oil
compressor oil

Among the disadvantages are the high price of the product, as well as the smallerengine life of the unit that works without oil. After all, parts without lubrication are used in extreme conditions, there is a certain shortage of spare parts.

Now on the market of compressor equipment there are many models of various compressors from various companies that can be used both in production and at home.
