The rarest Russian banknotes: number, series and varieties of disappearing denominations

The rarest Russian banknotes: number, series and varieties of disappearing denominations
The rarest Russian banknotes: number, series and varieties of disappearing denominations

Not all bills in your wallet are worth as much as indicated in the face value. If you happen to be the owner of a rare Russian banknote, then you can sell the find to connoisseurs 10, 50, and sometimes even 100 times higher than its face value! If you yourself are a collector of rare Russian banknotes, then you will also be interested to know how you can replenish your collection. What banknotes are valued the most today - read on.


Here the rare banknotes of Russia, respectively, are the money that is no longer printed on the State Sign. The most valuable are 5-ruble bills. They were officially discontinued in 1999. Nevertheless, they still remain a relevant means of payment. And theoretically, such banknotes can be found in circulation.

Here are the approximate prices for these rare Russian banknotes:

  • A banknote in good condition - about 250 rubles.
  • Exceptional preservation ("press") - more than 500 rubles. But on such a banknote there should not be the slightest tracecirculation, no folds.
rare Russian banknote numbers
rare Russian banknote numbers

Year of modification

If you are looking for rare Russian banknotes, then the second thing you should pay attention to is the modification. You can easily find her year in the lower left corner of the banknote.

The design of Russian paper money, as we can see, has not changed much since 1997. But in order to increase the level of protection against counterfeiting, wear resistance, certain changes are periodically made to the appearance and composition of the banknote. For money circulation, it is completely painless, but for collectors, many banknotes in this vein become valuable.

To figure out which banknotes are considered rare banknotes of modern Russia, let's take a brief look at the history of their modifications:

  • 2001. The first modification of Russian paper money was made. As a result, the bills acquired luminescent properties - the denomination depicted in the lower left corner began to glow with a yellow-greenish light in ultraviolet rays. Also, in the lower left part, to distinguish from the old issues, a small vertical inscription "2001 modification" was applied.
  • 2004. The second change in the properties of Russian banknotes. It is considered the largest - almost all banknotes of 10, 50 and 100 rubles in circulation are of this particular modification. The main innovation here is the appearance of a metallized "diving" thread. On the reverse side of the bill, it comes to the surface in five shiny areas. Special protective fibers were also introduced - they glow in ultraviolet lightred, grey, light green. There are also two colors. The small vertical text here is appropriate - "2004 modification".
  • 2010 year. This modification affected big money - 500, 1000 and 5000 (issued since 2006) rubles. The main difference is the introduction of special security machine-readable authentication features that are recognized by automatic devices.
rare banknotes of modern russia
rare banknotes of modern russia

Cost by modifications

Let's consider how much the rarest Russian banknotes cost by modification.

Start with banknotes in good condition. Unmodified:

  • 5 rubles - 250 rubles
  • 10 rubles - 350 rubles
  • 50 rubles - 1000 rubles
  • 500 rubles - 1500 rubles
  • 1000 rubles - 1500 rubles

Now - 2001 modification:

  • 10 rubles - 200 rubles
  • 50 rubles - 800 rubles
  • 100 rubles - 800 rubles
  • 500 rubles - 1000 rubles

2004 modification notes:

  • 1000 rubles - 1050 rubles
  • 5000 rubles - 5050 rubles
rare 5000 banknote of modern russia
rare 5000 banknote of modern russia

Which modifications are the most expensive?

We remind you once again that this is the cost of satisfactorily preserved banknotes. When you have an untouched "press" banknote in your hands, its price increases by 2-3 times compared to the above.

If you have an old piggy bank, you found a multi-year "stash" in the pocket of old clothes, be sure to check the banknotes for modification. If the inscriptions aboutit is not there, you have the opportunity to sell a banknote ten times more expensive than its face value (we are talking about banknotes of 5-100 rubles). If there is no protective tape on a large banknote, a connoisseur can purchase it at a price 2-3 times higher than the face value.

AA Series

Now let's move on to the rare series of Russian banknotes. As you know, each of the bills has its own individual number. And every 10 million banknotes - its own series. These are the two letters you will see before the 7-digit bill number.

One of the rare series of banknotes of modern Russia - AA. Such a combination of letters is affixed, respectively, at the very beginning of the production of any modification of paper money. And these banknotes are highly valued by collectors.

A connoisseur can offer a value that is 3 times higher than indicated on the bill (excluding its face value). The most valuable here will be the "aA" series. These are 500 ruble bills issued in 2001. They can be bought from you for 3,000 rubles.

rare series of banknotes of modern russia
rare series of banknotes of modern russia

First Experimental Series

Among the rare series of 5000 banknotes of modern Russia, the so-called experimental ones are most valued. They are periodically issued by "Gosznak" for specific tasks: to test the quality of new paper, paint, to study the wear resistance of banknotes. To track the experiment, they are marked with a special series and, as a rule, put into circulation in a certain region of the Russian Federation.

The first such prototypes are 50-ruble banknotes of the AB series and 10-ruble banknotes of the AL series, related to the 2001 modification. They were printed on experimental paper, which was then coated with a water-repellent varnish. If such a banknote miraculously avoided returning to Gosznak and ended up in your wallet, moreover, in good condition, you can sell it for 3,000 rubles. Worn banknotes, on average, are valued at 1,500 rubles.

The rarest in this category are 100-ruble banknotes of the AB series. You will be happy to buy such a find even for several tens of thousands of rubles.

Second Experimental Series

The second batch of experimental banknotes was issued in 2006. They were 10-ruble bills, designated by the FF (paper test) and TsTs (paint test) series. This is the money of the 2004 modification. As for the cost, a ten-rouble FF is valued at 1,500 rubles, and a ten-ruble CC is valued at 1,200 rubles.

The lacquer coating was tested on banknotes of 100 rubles of the 2004 modification. These are the series UU, CC, FF. Moreover, paper, varnish were tested at the CU, FF, and the CC were reference. The reference point against which the experimental money was compared. Their cost today is approximately the same: 300 rubles - in a satisfactory condition, 600 rubles - in the state of preservation "press".

the rarest Russian banknotes
the rarest Russian banknotes

Third experimental series

The last experiment on dilapidation was made in 2016. 100-ruble bills were again involved. We tested the lacquer coating, preparing for the release of brand new 200- and 2000-ruble banknotes. There were eleven experimental series at once. They are easy to remember because everythingstart with "U":

  • UY.
  • UO.
  • TEC
  • US.
  • WOW.
  • UK.
  • UN.
  • UE.
  • STR
  • UB.
  • YA.

A separate batch of "K" was also released.

Moreover, "Gosznak" divided them into five experimental batches with numbers 1-4 (the batch number is the first digit in the seven-digit banknote number). Collectors note: the larger the number, the stronger the smell of paint from the bill. Series "K" is distinguished by the fact that the banknotes in it are matte, without any varnish coating.

Series of substitution

The last variation of the "expensive" series of banknotes is the so-called substitution series. As for the Russian Federation, they appeared in our country relatively recently. The first issue of banknotes with replacement series took place in 2014. As you remember, commemorative colored banknotes for the Sochi Olympics were printed then. In "addition" to them, replacement banknotes were also printed.

Such paper money distinguishes the letters "Aa" in the series. Such banknotes are valued by collectors for their small number - their circulation is 100-150 times less than the main one. Why are they printed? To replace rejected banknotes within the main issue. Connoisseurs will buy such a banknote from you at 2-3 more than its value, minus the face value.

The following "replacements" were published simultaneously with the start of printing of "Crimean" banknotes. There were significantly fewer of them than "Sochi". This paper money is distinguished by the KS series. Due to their rarity, collectorswill offer you for such a banknote a price several times higher than its face value.

Valuable banknote numbers

Now let's pay attention to the rare Russian banknote numbers. Take a close look at these seven numbers:

  • All characters are the same. These are banknotes with numbers 1111111, 5555555, 7777777, etc. Considered exclusive among collectors. If you find a similar banknote in your wallet, be sure that it will be bought from you for 3-5 thousand more than the face value.
  • Serial number or reverse serial number. We are talking about banknotes with the number 1234567 or 7654321 of a wide variety of series. Their price for collectors will be somewhat less than for the previous ones, but you can still sell them very easily for 1000 rubles more than the face value.
  • Radar Detectors. These are numbers 7654567. Cheaper than the previous two. But still, it is possible to sell them to a connoisseur for several hundred rubles more than their face value.
rare russian banknotes
rare russian banknotes

The most expensive banknotes

What should be, for example, a rare 5000 banknote of modern Russia, so that its sale is as profitable as possible? In conclusion, consider two options for banknotes that are much more valued among connoisseurs than all the others:

  • With the number 0000001. Accordingly, this is the first bill in the series. Regardless of the face value, you can sell it to a connoisseur for an amount of at least 25,000 rubles. Therefore, it is worth at least for the sake of interest to check the number of all paper money that falls into your wallet.
  • Samples. Let's say right away that the cost of such rarities does not fall below 40,000 rubles. Denomination heredoes not play a significant role. The fact is that the samples are not intended for mass use at all - only for official use. Therefore, they can only get into circulation by chance, as a result of an error. Such paper money is most often easy to identify by the inscription "sample" or by numbering - it will contain only zeros (0000000).

Of course, the combination of several signs appreciated by collectors also affects the value of the banknote. For example, a "lucky" number of seven sevens and a face value of "5 rubles". Or the first bill with the number 0000001 in a rare experimental series.

rare series of russian banknotes
rare series of russian banknotes

Checking what money goes into your wallet is not only worth it if you are a collector. As you can see, such attentiveness can bring you from several hundred to tens of thousands of rubles. And there is nothing to do: check the modification, series and number of the banknote. And, of course, find a person who wants to buy a rare banknote for a high price.
