Construction of granaries: requirements, types, stages

Construction of granaries: requirements, types, stages
Construction of granaries: requirements, types, stages

For the proper storage of grain masses, the construction of granaries is required. Such structures should protect the crop from the negative effects of the environment, prevent the appearance of fungal pathogens, protect against damage by rodents, insects and other pests. In this regard, a number of requirements are imposed on the structures:

  1. Buildings must be strong and stable, easily withstand the pressure of dry and wet grain masses.
  2. The structure must protect the grain from the effects of precipitation, groundwater, condensate and other sources of moisture.
  3. Construction of granaries should be carried out with the introduction of fire safety systems.
  4. Designs should be convenient for maintenance: provide free access for equipment, control over products, not create difficulties for the work of disinfectors and exterminators.
  5. Grain warehouses should be equipped with aspiration systems to reduce dust and create a comfortable working environment for staff.

In addition, facilities mustmeet economic requirements - be easy to operate, durable and reliable. In order to obtain the greatest profit from the sale of products, the construction of granaries should be carried out at an optimal distance from the places of harvesting and its sale.

Classification of granaries

Several types of storage facilities are being built to store grain masses.

Construction of granaries
Construction of granaries

According to the design features, there are two types of structures for storing grain masses:

  1. Frameless buildings. They are built to save already dried products, since there are no special requirements for it. Their main advantage is the speed of construction, low cost.
  2. Frame structures. They are built for storage and control of grain mass, equipped with ventilation, aspiration and control systems. The main advantage is the ability to store cultures at any stage.

The choice of a certain type depends on the expected number of products, as well as on the variety of crops sold. Among the most popular structures, floor and bunker structures are distinguished.

Outdoor Storage

The design of floor storages assumes the presence of upper and lower tiers, which are equipped for transportation and distribution of crops.

turnkey construction of granaries
turnkey construction of granaries

Most often, turnkey granaries are being built of two types:

  1. With horizontal floors - used to store several varietiescultures they did not mix with each other.
  2. With sloping flooring - used to save grain masses with shallow groundwater.

Very often in such designs, distribution, transportation and service mechanisms are located underground, thereby saving interior space.

Storage silos

The construction of bunker-type granaries in Voronezh is ordered by enterprises that need to provide several types of crops with proper storage conditions. The simplest structures are floor structures, the interior of which is divided by partitions to prevent mixing of the grain mass.

design of granaries
design of granaries

The most progressive are cylindrical containers up to 10-12 meters high with a cone-shaped bottom. The latter solution provides autonomous unloading of products by gravity. For the needs of the enterprise, several tanks are being erected with a two-row arrangement with a passage for service personnel.

Construction stages

Construction begins with a study of the proposed location of the object. At this stage, possible sources of heat are identified, geological exploration is carried out, the type of grain and the requirements that must be met for its storage are studied.

construction of granaries in voronezh
construction of granaries in voronezh

After that, they proceed directly to work:

  1. An estimate is drawn up, which indicates the type of equipment, area, layout and other data onobject.
  2. Designing granaries, where customer requirements and terrain conditions are taken into account.
  3. Construction of the foundation, laying of communication lines, installation of power and distribution transformers.
  4. Construction of the structure: installation of the frame, sheathing, laying waterproofing, roofing and other works.

Before the object is handed over to the customer, commissioning works are carried out, which are designed to ensure proper storage of grain masses. Some companies, after the construction of granaries is completed, prepare staff for work.
