The Guild is The Guild of Lawyers. Cooks Guild

The Guild is The Guild of Lawyers. Cooks Guild
The Guild is The Guild of Lawyers. Cooks Guild

The concept of "guild" in Russia appeared quite a long time ago.

History of occurrence

Thus, in the 12th-15th centuries, a guild was a merchant corporation or class organization of these strata of the population. It persisted until 1917. In the early Middle Ages, this name was quite widespread. Guilds were used in various associations of a political, religious and social nature.

guild it
guild it

The ancient Germans understood the guild as joint meals, accompanied by sacrifices to the gods, as well as funerals, weddings and the birth of children.

The spread of Christianity contributed to the beginning of the church's struggle with organizations that have the same name. Representatives of the church believed that the guild is an organization with remnants of paganism. However, after some time, the pagan character of these organizations was lost, they began to form at Christian churches.

The next stage in the development of this concept is the seventh-eighth centuries. During this period, the guild is a religious association named after the patron and having its own church and house for meetings. It included spiritualrepresentatives, as well as the laity. This entity even had its own court. The main heyday of guilds fell on the 14th-15th centuries.

The guild as a means of fighting against injustice

With the growth in the number of cities, guilds began to appear, which united the townspeople in the struggle against the oppression of the feudal lords. Merchants' guilds contributed to the preservation of the dominant political and social position of the members. In England, these organizations were understood as handicraft workshops. In the 11th-12th centuries, the following interpretation of this concept became widespread: a guild is an exclusively merchant corporation.

merchant guilds
merchant guilds

Such formations are widespread in Germany, England, France. The emergence of guilds is caused by the needs of international and intercity trade. Merchants from one locality usually united in guilds. Together they protected goods, created fairs and shopping centers, they tried to achieve various types of benefits for themselves. Unions emerged from such territorial associations, uniting several settlements.

Often a guild is an association of merchants for specific types of goods (for example, haberdashers or wine merchants). Members of such associations were bound by obligations and supported each other during shipwrecks, robber attacks and payment of ransoms. The guilds were headed by elders, as well as an elected council.

The guild is an effective management tool

In the locality where these communities were organized, theyin a peculiar way, they guaranteed a rather profitable sale of imported goods. They also secured a monopoly on retail sales. Such monopoly rights granted may have harmed certain consumer interests of the city where the guild is located.

Growing Guild Influence

With the gradual development of these organizations, the practice of restricting admission to membership in this organization began to be introduced. Thus, being accepted into a guild was equivalent to being allowed to trade.

guild name
guild name

In those settlements where these organizations had a high influence, even courts with their functions passed into their structure, and they also supervised craft and trade. Turning to history, it is safe to say that the successors of the guilds were large trading companies.

Thus, this concept has a rather extensive history and exists quite successfully in modern economic conditions, but already in somewhat different forms.

Guild of Russian Lawyers

The Guild of Lawyers is a voluntary, professional and self-governing non-profit community of specialists in this area in the Russian Federation. Formed and operating in accordance with the relevant legislation.

guild of lawyers
guild of lawyers

The Guild of Lawyers is a member of the International Bar Association and other international organizations. This community fruitfully cooperates with other organizations such as the International Bar Union and the Federal Union of LawyersMoscow.

Within the framework of this guild, the national Academy of Notaries operates, which has the right to issue state diplomas to students who graduate from it. She also has postgraduate studies and a dissertation council.

Guild of Re altors

The list of guilds replenishes the corresponding community of Russian re altors. This is an organization that brings together professionals in the domestic real estate market. Over the last decade of its work, this guild has become a powerful organization. The structure of this community includes more than one and a half thousand relevant organizations, including about 60 regional participants in the real estate market.

The use of guilds in the real estate market

The mission of this community is the creation and subsequent development of the Russian real estate market. The main goal in this case is to actively promote the development of civilization in the real estate market using the current legislation and the current regulatory framework. This will contribute to the creation of a system of standards for its members, as well as the effective use of its infrastructure to ensure the protection of common interests in in terms of property in order to meet non-material needs, consisting in professional and scientific and technical development.

list of guilds
list of guilds

This guild has achieved some success in consolidating efforts aimed at creating an economic space in the field of domestic real estate. After the abolition of licensing for re altors, the Guild createdvoluntary system of certification of relevant services, which is the main guarantee of the quality of real estate services. This certification system, created for the first time in Russia, allows assessing the quality of services provided by companies operating in the real estate market. In this case, we are talking about companies that are members of the Guild, as well as those that operate on the market independently.

Food organizations

The National Guild of Chefs was founded 11 years ago (in 2003). The purpose of its creation is to support and develop the restaurant business, as well as to create certain professional standards.

cooks guild
cooks guild

This community brings together a large number of food industry experts, confectioners and chefs who represent the best Russian restaurants. The main tasks of this guild include the following:

- popularization of the speci alty of cook and confectioner;

- contributing to the subsequent development of restaurants in Russia;

- organization of interaction with the regions through consultations and master classes;

- training young confectioners and chefs, etc.

Creating your own community

So, when considering the question: "How to create a guild?" - it is necessary to take as a basis several principles for organizing relevant activities.

Firstly, such a community is created to bring together professionals of a certain direction to promote a particular type of business. At the same time, the planned types are specifiedactivities, which may include the following:

- organization of internships, conducting training master classes, thereby providing an opportunity to improve qualifications;

- providing information support in various ways;

- assisting in the employment of members, as well as defending their interests and rights.

Secondly, this community can operate in accordance with applicable law. The Russian Guild is also engaged in activities that are defined by licensing legislation, allowing their implementation only with a special permit.

The obligatory document regulating the general activity of the community is the Memorandum of Relations between members. This document stipulates the rights and obligations of its participants.

Russian guild
Russian guild

Thus, among the opportunities provided by the guild for its members, it is necessary to highlight the following: providing information support using the Internet, television, print media and professional forums; providing the opportunity to participate in various commercial events (for example, holding master classes); availability of opportunities to obtain professional advice from their colleagues; use available opportunities to assist in finding employment, as well as providing legal advice.

The duties of members of any community of this type include: popularization of professions whose representatives are members of the guild;conscientious and honest performance of their duties in compliance with professional etiquette when interacting with subordinates and employers.

The name of the guild depends on the type of activity of its members.


Summing up the material presented in this article, it is necessary to note the following. A guild is a specific community of people united by their speci alty and capable of achieving high results in the chosen direction of the organization's activities in close cooperation with colleagues. That is why, based on a narrow focus, there are guilds of lawyers, cooks, re altors, etc. These associations are a kind of "interest circles" that help young professionals find their place in this difficult life.
