MSW treatment - what is it on the receipt? Municipal solid waste

MSW treatment - what is it on the receipt? Municipal solid waste
MSW treatment - what is it on the receipt? Municipal solid waste

The use of products of the national economy (food, household purposes) tend to change their consumer value and become waste. What is TCO? Waste is a concept that does not have a clear definition. It is not known what is waste and what can be disposed of as secondary raw materials. The environmental movement for the recycling of waste as a secondary resource proposes the collection of waste to be subjected to a sorting system.

Management companies regulate their activities in accordance with the resolution adopted at the legislative level on the inclusion of fees for the treatment of MSW in utility bills. What is it in the receipt, and how will this service be implemented? In accordance with the innovations of 2016, this column in the receipt appeared as a separate line for paying for maintenance services for apartment buildings. This column determines the fee for the removal of municipal waste.

Waste classification

When asking the question, "MSW management - what is it on the receipt?", you need to sort everything out in order. All stored waste is divided into classes according to the degreeenvironmental hazards. There are five in total, only the last of them (the 5th) includes municipal or household waste. The remaining four classes are industrial waste.

Solid municipal waste has the following sources of generation:

  • residential areas;
  • objects of the municipal economy, public catering;
  • cemeteries;
  • estimated street, melted snow;
  • trade establishments, except for industrial trading floors, such as office equipment, car dealerships, etc.;
  • Consumer service establishments.

What is MSW, what does the concept consist of? Wastes are divided according to their state of aggregation into solid, liquid and gaseous. Solid waste is generated in public utilities, in the production of products as by-products of unused materials or output products. Liquid waste - in chemical plants, steel mills and where solvents and many other liquid substances are used. Gaseous waste is emissions (decomposition products) from industrial plants generated during the disposal of household waste.

Municipal solid waste

Tons of household waste are sent to landfills every year.

municipal solid waste
municipal solid waste

Until 2016, waste was considered domestic and was understood as waste from residential areas. What is MSW and MSW? What is the difference? It's easy to answer. These are wastes classified as non-hazardous waste, and their sources of formation are the same. Reforming payment for housing and communal services and developing new rules fornaming and waste management made its own adjustments, which were reflected in utility bills.

Waste management

Waste management activities consist of a set of operations such as collection, accumulation, processing, recycling, neutralization and disposal of waste. This activity is regulated by Decree No. 458-FZ of 2016 on waste management. It is carried out by the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. In some cases, this service is provided jointly with the management company.

MSW export
MSW export

Tariffs for the treatment of MSW are determined by the regional operator that serves the territory. Distribution and appointment to the position of a regional operator is carried out on a territorial basis.

What does it mean in the receipt "MSW treatment"? When accumulating and collecting waste, they are disposed of. The cost of these services and the norms for their accumulation are calculated by the regional operator (according to tariffs). The maintenance fee for apartment buildings is reduced by the operator's waste disposal fee.

The management company, concluding an agreement with the waste management operator, ensures regular and permanent collection and removal of waste, followed by their neutralization and disposal. The same company must keep the areas near the containers clean. Still, what is this "MSW treatment" in the receipt? This is the amount for the distribution of maintenance fees for an apartment building (according to the number of residents of this building). The sizefee depends on the sorting of waste, which is taken into account at a separate rate.

Tariffs for MSW treatment

Regulation of waste management activities includes a tariff system for paying for activities and develops a tariff system for each item of this activity.

MSW handling
MSW handling

Waste accumulation is the starting unit for setting tariffs. The system of tariffs is provided for activities related to the services of a regional operator, their processing, disinfection and disposal. Regulated tariffs are reviewed every six months and broken down according to the territorial scheme with their differentiation by types, technological features. MSW removal and its regularity or frequency are included in the tariff charges.

Waste collection

Organization of waste collection involves an equipped site and the availability of containers for the collection and accumulation of waste.

MSW handling
MSW handling

MSW treatment, what's on the receipt? Is it included in the payment for the use of containers? Separate waste collection is advisable if, after sorting, they will be used as secondary raw materials (plastic bottles, glass, paper, bulky waste).

Waste accumulation

After systematic storage and accumulation, MSW must be removed. Waste is taken to special landfills or some other places provided for these purposes. This is also part of the MSW handling fee on the receipt.

MSW export
MSW export

No sooner had the owners figured out one abbreviation than a new concept arose. MSW and MSW: what is the difference? MSW is solid household waste. Until 2016, their handling was not subject to commercial accounting, which is carried out by calculation and based on their mass. Savings standards are determined based on the number of residents of an apartment building. The average mass of waste per tenant is calculated. Regular removal of waste from the places of their accumulation allows to make an adequate account of them and calculate the accumulation standard according to the tariff. Measuring instruments are subject to certification. To work with them, you must have a permit.

Waste treatment

Waste sorting, collection and preparation for disposal is processing for their subsequent use or disposal. The waste that is most suitable for use as secondary raw materials is sorted. For example, paper that has retained its consumer qualities may become suitable for use after processing as a raw material in paper and pulp production.

Decontamination/decontamination and disposal of waste

Disinfection is carried out by incineration, in order to extract ferrous and non-ferrous metals from waste with their subsequent reclamation. Municipal solid waste has properties that are determined by their morphological and fractional composition.

treatment of MSW, what is it in the receipt
treatment of MSW, what is it in the receipt

This composition has variable values in different climatic zones and the seasonal nature of changes. These parameters determine the humidity,heat capacity and size of waste, which are taken into account when choosing methods for their disposal. Humidity contributes to their sticking together, and when they are neutralized in furnaces - to the walls of the drum. Fractional components of MSW can have abrasive properties and abrade each other during their compaction, such components include glass, porcelain, and metal parts. Waste density has a seasonal character, which defines it as the most pronounced in summer. The mass depends on the size of the settlement.

Waste is disposed of at specialized authorized landfills, which are called municipal solid waste landfills.

MSW handling
MSW handling

These are engineering structures that ensure the disposal of waste and the creation of conditions for their safe storage for a long period of time. The extraction of the filtrate in the process of compacting and pressing them in a landfill is carried out in a special filtration compartment.

Effect of waste on the environment

Pollution of the environment with waste is an environmental protection problem. To solve the problems of ensuring the environmental safety of humans and the natural environment, it is necessary to develop schemes that ensure the safety of waste management. Now it is clear that in the receipt "MSW treatment" is a payment for environmental, sanitary and epidemic safety, which consists in the service that guarantees it.

Ecological tensions created by waste are not solved by innovations in the management of MSW since 2016, but createprerequisites for creating a safe environment within the city. Fulfillment of legally justified requirements in the arrangement of places for the accumulation and collection of waste creates conditions for their safe transportation. Reforms of housing and communal services include the treatment of MSW in the system of payments for utilities. This is reflected in the receipt, and payments are received by the regional operator, which territorially serves the public utilities.
