Currency exchange of Belarus: description and functions

Currency exchange of Belarus: description and functions
Currency exchange of Belarus: description and functions

This material will describe the currency and stock exchange. Belarus is the state on whose territory such an organization was established in 1998. Its powers were secured by the relevant decree of the President of the Republic.

General information

currency exchange of belarus
currency exchange of belarus

Trades on the currency exchange Belarus carries out in three main segments of the financial market: fixed-term, stock and currency. The founders of the organization were the Ministry of State Property, as well as a number of large banks.

The Currency Exchange of the Republic of Belarus has its own supreme governing body, which is represented by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The structure of the structure, in addition to the founders, includes broker-dealer companies and banks. The organization's activities are managed by the Supervisory Board. This structure implements the management function between the General Meeting of Shareholders. The organization also acts as a settlement depository in the securities market. This body also registers transactions.


currency stock exchange belarus
currency stock exchange belarus

Above we have already told how it workscurrency and stock exchange. Belarus, as a state, supports the development of this structure, inviting new participants to its activities. To obtain this status, you must fulfill a number of requirements and be a representative of a legal entity.

The Belarusian Currency Exchange is ready to offer trading participants various mechanisms for conducting transactions, as well as risk insurance:

  1. It is allowed to make transactions with derivatives market instruments, securities, and foreign currency.
  2. Anonymous market trading with a continuous double auction is possible.
  3. Iteration methods are supported, which contribute to efficient pricing.
  4. REPO deals available.
  5. Works of market makers are supported.
  6. Transactions involving direct settlement between bidders are being conducted.
  7. Multi-currency transactions are carried out.
  8. Settlement-clearing and depositary services are provided. O
  9. there are a variety of auctions for the placement and purchase of securities under various settlement conditions.

The organization provides technical support for electronic document management systems, as well as trade processes.


currency exchange of the republic of belarus
currency exchange of the republic of belarus

The Belarusian Currency Exchange provides ample opportunities. It manages personal savings and finances, as well as attracting investments in the business sector. The Currency Exchange of Belarus offers to act as an investor to both legal entities and individuals. Having received the specified status, the client trades.


trading on the currency exchange belarus
trading on the currency exchange belarus

The Belarusian Currency Exchange was created to organize a market mechanism for quoting the state's currency. In 1994, the Ministry of Finance issued an issue of short-term bonds. Thus, the government securities market was founded. At this stage, the organization was preparing the software, hardware and regulatory framework for electronic trading in bonds.

In the period from 1994 to 1995, auctions of credit resources of various banks were regularly carried out on the trading floor. In 1996, the closed joint stock company became an institution of the National Bank. By 1997, conditions were created for the secondary circulation of bonds on the organized market. The first auction took place in 1998

Now let's move on to the events that have taken place since 2000. The circulation of shares of business entities on the stock exchange has begun. The Belarusian automated quotation system was put into operation. The latter is aimed at serving the OTC market.

The State Property Fund started holding auctions. Compulsory exchange registration of transactions related to securities has begun. The Ministry of Finance began holding auctions aimed at placing government securities. The information system "Stock Market" was put into operation.

The first trades were held in the Derivatives Section. The institution of market makers began to function in the conditions of the bond marketNational Bank. An electronic foreign exchange trading system was put into operation. The sector of mortgage bonds of banks was launched. The institution of market makers began to function in the futures market.
